What is it about conservatism that causes people to believe stupid shit?
Are conservatives just inherently dumber than the rest of the population?
What is it about conservatism that causes people to believe stupid shit?
Are conservatives just inherently dumber than the rest of the population?
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Trump-servitives are some of the stupidest people in the country.
there are 3482398492 genders
6383749343 gorillion died in the Holohoax
>conservatives believe stupid shit
okay then
It’s eaaier to insult other and call them names instead of improving oneself.
People are out of work and eating through their savings. Let us go back to work so we can feed our families.
Why don't they just tap into their savings? Aren't conservatives always making fun of millienials for buying too many starbucks lattes and saying they are awful with money? This "crisis" of not being able to work for a single month shouldn't even impact them.
You are not very confident in the ability of this virus to kill off your competition. The conspiracy theorists are right about it. It is a weak sauce virus and is being used to take civil rights away from Plebs. No wonder you are so mad at people who defy the Cower In Place order.
>believes that the climate, which has never been stable, changes because of human industry
It's just that high IQ tend to be progressive and get into academics, so the response from people who don't have an education is to murr conservatism. gat dang i don need no educayshun just muh god king trump
>Why don't they just tap into their savings?
because thats not what savings are for
You mean they play Want To Be King/Slave Master and live in Jewish or white communities while cheering on shit like Ruby Ridge. THAT's why people want to kill people like you.
Michiganders are right to protest.
Lockdowns and restrictions may be necessary for public health, but the scope of the governor's orders far overreach that goal.
>No wonder you are so mad at people who defy the Cower In Place order.
Who's "mad" at them? There are some concerns about them infecting others but in reality I'm sure not a single person from "the competition" you talk about would care. We have no police dispersing the protests, nobody actually fining these people or anything. They are free to go and do whatever the fuck they want. As proven by them already being out there protesting.
>What is it about conservatism that causes people to believe stupid shit?
This is a boomer issue. Their main issues are that they aren't allowed to mow their lawns at 5 AM and can't go out on the boats that they blew their kid's inheritances on.
t. Michigander
I'm currently living on my savings. I can pay my bills and eat and have some budgeted for entertainment, but it doesn't take a genius to realize this bucket has more coming out than in and I can only do this for a finite amount of time.
You have a narrow definition of mad (and probably fear too.)
Let them protest. They are about to lose Freedom Of Assembly anyway. What do you care? If the virus is deadly enough, they will suffer more than your Anti White Idiocracy lemmings and you will control the next century.
Me thinks thou doth protest too much. I hope they learn to gun down your Democucks and take the government back to Imperial Law. A little French Revolution style where anyone showing sympathy to a slain Democuck gets the death penalty sound just about right. Get ready. You are about to see martial law.
Higher education does not equal more success. The opposite is true often times. Crucial Jobs requiring a higher education are quite limited. Doctors, teachers (debateable), lawyers, scientists being examples. On the other hand, sociologists, business school grads, advertising (communications), historians, writers, journalists, and many more are basically worthless career paths for which numerous make-work jobs have been created in order to avoid societal unrest. Meanwhile, crucial jobs requiring trade school education are everywhere. Plumbing, HVAC, electricians, cops, mechanics, construction - none of these careers require a bachelors degree, and they pay quite well. I went to University myself. I can tell you this much: the intelligence of your average college grad is no higher than non-college grads. And from a practical standpoint, you are far better off going to a trade school than getting a college degree in a shit major where the degree isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.
Niggers and spics do not vote on the Rights ticket and they're the two dumbest population groups on this planet.
>Let them protest. They are about to lose Freedom Of Assembly anyway. What do you care? If the virus is deadly enough, they will suffer more than your Anti White Idiocracy lemmings and you will control the next century.
That is exactly what I'm saying. The only slight concern is that some of these people will live and wreak havoc afterwards by spreading it continuously. As you say, what do the people who are already staying at home care if their political rivals want to go outside into a meat grinder? My entire point is nobody is prohibiting them from doing that.
Even in my very liberal state that has had a stay at home order for a while anyone can just go wherever they want (some stores have social distancing measures) at any time. Just like anyone is free to stay home if they want to. In fact I've begun openly encouraging anyone who wants to go out to do so. If it's just a flu bro, we will see infection rates are stable enough to reopen the economy, if it's not, these people will be essentially killing themselves and some of their family. Either way, nothing to lose
No one mad, no one afraid. Go protest if you want right now. Bring your guns and act tough. You faggots have been talking about "Martial Law" for like a month now when we aren't even getting regular police involved.
The government arranged a nation of Workers and not Thinkers in the early 1900's.
With the adoption of the Prussian Model, combined with targeted low quality education.
Then the usage of women as teachers, thus the blind leading the ignorant.
Toss in indoctrination and shit management of funds and you can mass produce a "Rural" populace who no longer has control over their education as the economy skews harder to keep the parents out of the home to educate the children.
When the Fed took over Education? They created these people.
When the Russians took over Academia after WW2? They created the multi-generational demoralization of Higher Ed so that if you go to college?
You are:
Now the two major walks of life stand, broken husks.
From a generation before our time.
Echoing through our modern history.
And it's the shit sandwich you have to eat.
You have to believe people were already so stupid they bought into human skin lampshades and the death roller coaster.
And now they're so stupid that they're chopping their dicks off to "Heal" from the idea that they have a penis.
A woman put bleach in her eyes to go blind on purpose.
And you want to complain about poor quality of education and culture which creates a class of people who are just trying to be heard?
Fuck you OP.
You are, and will always be, a cock sucking, semen by the gallon gulping, faggot of faggots.
All hail King Faggot.
It's because of the strategy that conservatives have been pursuing, mostly transmitting their ideology through religion. Whereas the left wing strategy is based around the university. So this attract lower-rank people to the conservative ideology. This is a big problem, because the liberal ideology is inherently self-destructive. So all our best people are being consumed by this cancer and essentially being killed off (through low birthrates -- transgender nonsense, feminist ideology....etc).
But in general, America has a lot of conspiracy-minded people for whatever reason. You find them on the left as well, just ask any weed-smoking hippie about the government. Europe has this sort of person, but they are in MUCH lower proportion. It is probably because the people who settled America were extremely religious.
we may be sceptical to a fault, but you are credulous to a fault
Conservatives have a sense of personal responsibility, liberals want the government to control them. That's the gist of it.
Can you explain to me why universities were pumping out racists before the jew's long march through the institutions?
There is no difference between our modern jew parties. Democrats want policies they admit will destroy the nation, and Conservatives want the policies Democrats wanted ten years ago. For all their posturing, they have ten based nigger friends they'd just love to show you, maybe they think that will convince you they're not racists.
I used to pity them.
>left wing strategy is based around the university. So this attract lower-rank people to the conservative ideology
Only niggers and rich chinks and go to uni in 2020
>but the scope of the governor's orders far overreach that goal.
>To date, there’s nothing in the White House or CDC guidelines that says shut down everything in your state.
This is just not true, and is sour grapes coming from you.
Our best and brightest are being ripped from their family unit and brought to these universities far away, where there is a cult-like atmosphere and oppressive need to conform. This is remolding them into a neutered person. Someone without a strong culture, who hates themselves, who adopts strange anti-natal inclinations (such as feminism, transgenderism, multi-culturalism.....etc). This is an extreme problem for us. Not only because these people create the culture that we are all forced to live in. But because these people are our best and brightest, and they are being killed off in droves. We are losing them.
Imagine if every generation, you selected the fittest, healthiest, fastest dogs, and sent them to be slaughtered at a chinese restaurant. After 10 generations, what would you be left with? This trend needs to be reversed immediately.
In order to penetrate these academic institutions, the right wing needs to change. That doesn't mean the original conservative brand disappears, you are just creating a new parallel movement that is designed to infiltrate into these academic institutions. This movement needs far less emphasis on the religious aspect, and more on the race, historical, and cultural aspect. It also needs to be a bit edgy and subversive, because young smart people love that stuff. The alt-right was a pretty good template for how this could be done, it was reaching that exact demographic (upper-middle class kids in college). But this movement was squashed in part by their own team, the conservatives, who didn't see the utility in having them around. This is a self-destructive death spiral that conservatives are in. They would rather lose honorably than win anything.
>and is sour grapes coming from you
lol I graduated less then 5 years ago my guy. Maybe stop deriving your entire sense of meaning from a piece of paper you bought off Shlomo
Isn't this virus killing old geezers and boomers? shouldn't they be more concerned since they are vulnerable?
It's funny, I drove by the people protesting here in my State how they are all stuck at home, while having come back from a store I freely went to, bought what I needed and returned home. I then went for a walk in the park, enjoyed nature and exercised some.
Truly living in a fucking dystopia.
>muh responsibility
>muh bootstraps
>but dont take muh social security or medicare
shut up retard
>But because these people are our best and brightest,
I take it you haven't set foot on a university campus in the last 50 years
They are the best and brightest of the entire lot of retards. Americans are the fattest, stupidest people on the planet.