Whats wrong with modern women?

Whats wrong with modern women?

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What a bunch of skanks. All six of them.

>getting a picture of your side bitches face

wtf send tits you fucking retard

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lmao, that's actually pretty funny

>american """""humor""""""
what a piece of cringy bullshit

this is retarded

based sandnigger

*press the gas button*


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The 19th Amendment

Holy mother of zoomer cringe, someone throw those tiny roasties over that balcony rail.

I'll tell you the real truth and it applies to men also.
College jew scam.
Spend your best birthing years getting into debt. It's a fuckfest sure, and I did it, and got into debt, but leaves you empty and hollow at the end.

spoiled by boomers, never told "no", never had to work, never had to sacrifice anything



women have always been vile beasts who need to be controlled

These whores who virtue signal their abortions online should have their names and info catalogued and saved so that they will have to pay on the day of the rope.

If everything's handed to you, it's just kind of inevitable that you'll become a shitty human being

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Wow that's wholesome and funny, boomers btfo

Okay I guess I am rooting for Corona now. Society was doomed.

Did she actually get an abortion or just make this video in order to profit from public shock? I mean it wouldn't surprise me if she actually did, but nonetheless I'm still skeptical.

Wigger faggots' asses have been pounded so hard they can't even feel some dumb sloots lifting their phones.

Abortions should be widespread. I hate children.

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman?
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE


Based, but take your meds.

That's it, I'm a CoronaMissile

More shootings please.

Based, but the world is sleeping ,when they swallow the black pill shit will go down.

Hey at least you have McDonald's.

fom the looks of the vid, the men er should i say boys

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Good acting.

modern men.

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I don't know why but this made me lol irl

This attitude

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How the fuck do zoomers type so fast on their goyphones. Not a boomer by the way.

zoomers are absolutely fucking retarded and I can't wait to genocide them

This girl deserves the beatings.Checked

>t. boomer

Impressive work user

Elliot-tier, very good read. Maybe I'll read about your case one day.

Now she's free to get her B.A. in accounting -- like a real badass!

She actually did. I was on there when she did it and she even deleted it and made a follow up video.

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That was actually kind of funny and fit well with the song I was listening to.

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God I hate boomers.
I'm 25 actually. I just have never owned a cell phone like some fucking retarded consoomer.

This is in Florida, I've seen that building design a million times here

That's a tiktok. It's not real. Also normies think this is hilarious.

>the end
That video was "directed" by a guy. Called Austin. Be less of a moron, next time.

my god. that was so drawn out, for so little reward. just not funny at all. im sure it will get a billion gold doge coins though. my fuck.

Zoomer genocide now

A week ago I approached a woman on the street. She was 6/10. Kinda too much make up. But I thought I still had a chance to make love with her. I was very polite. But she still rejected me. I punched her and tried to rape her. She screamed for help and tried to fight back. And some random guy came and knocked me out of my counciousness. I didnt have sex that night and I stayed virgin. What I want to say that it is by far more harmful to say no than getting raped. When you get raped you might actually enjoy it. But if you say no to a nice guy, the guys self-esteem is completely destroyed and he might even end his life. Also the girl probably went to a night club and got "raped" by some chad while being intoxicated. TL;DR raping should be legal and saying no to an offer to have sex should be illegal. Because the counsequences are way worse.

It had an innocent charm to it.

Anglos do not shame or put their women in a chokehold. And this is usually the result. No consequences for their actions lead to this.