Yas Forums tell me the truth, should I stop taking anti-depressants?
They do affect my libido and I think they make me less motivated and restless but I think they help my anxiety slightly.
I don't know what to do.
Yas Forums tell me the truth, should I stop taking anti-depressants?
They do affect my libido and I think they make me less motivated and restless but I think they help my anxiety slightly.
I don't know what to do.
Workout instead
Anxiety is something that happens to weak minded people that are afraid of the future and its uncertainty
>afraid of the future and its uncertainty
I am though, have you been to the UK lately?
Take sth better instead. There's plenty of things. Even probiotics and algae oil probably help.
And of course do lots of exercise.
Why are you AFRAID of it though?
Fear is for women and weak men
If you were confident in your ability to weather the coming storm, I don't think you would feel anxious or afraid.
Yes, I was going to ask if you workout. If nothing else, start walking 30 minutes or more 5 days a week. Talk to your doctor about going off your medication to make sure you do it safely.
your dick doesnt work and you think you should still take them
u a dummy
Not without any coping mechanisms. Such as lying to yourself and pretending you're ok.
I dunno, would you rather be a normal person or an overly anxious coomer?
Take more, Nige, your probs gonna be dead in a few weeks anyway.
they definitely affect your libido I took them for a month once and it killed my sex drive it was fucking horrible and it just made me pissed off 24/7 ditch that shit it is better to be a little sad every now and then and just work on yourself then poisoning yourself with that shit.
It really depends on how severe withdrawal is. Keep in mind, almost 100% of our school shooters were going through withdrawal from some 'medicine' they were prescribed.
If you cant get out of the UK you may as well double down on them now lad.
I think most people are at least mildly anxious these days. Much uncertainty right now. Take good vitamins; include a mood blend with St. John's Wort. Do some research/talk to your doc about which herbs/supplements may be most beneficial to you. Look at Dr. Amen's books.
this and put more of these into your body instead of pills
Anxiety is for pussy modernists, have OP ever thought about growing balls?
take ur meds goy
fighting through this shitty captcha to reply
Almost killed myself twice, definitely do not stop taking them OP. They are shitty and horrible, is it sertraline you're on? If possible try swap to another, fluoxetine gave me the most success.
As well though you MUST make lifestyle changes. GP's don't tell you this and its so crucial. If you're sitting up stoned alone until 3am every single night and just eating frozen food then you're not helping yourself. Get your sleep pattern reset, get a bit of exercise, go for a nice long walk and feel the sun we've had for the last 3 weeks on your face. You have to make some lifestyle changes or else you'll end up worse - aware that you're depressed and of the shitty lifestyle you've trapped yourself in.
Furthermore, read up on mindfulness - my former doctor great auntie recommended it to me. It's superb and really helped me out, the one by Williams and Penman.
Good luck, you can do this, and take most of the advice on here (including mine) with a pinch of salt. Stupid fucking comments like hurr anxiety is proof of you being weak willed are no use at all to someone with a fragile mental state. The best way to combat your anxiety is to face it; confront it and address the root causes. Don't let it control your life, accept that some things you will have to roll with but that nothing is insurmountable once you have the right mindset SSRIs can help you reach.
alpha shits are made with meat and veggie
good goy
No not just cold turkey
really, no.
Over a year with medical advice and complete nutrition? Yeah
Fluoxetine 30mg, I just started dating so honestly having a fucked up libido aint gonna help. I stopped smoking weed a few months ago.
Currently going through CBT but I don't know if it will work, I still feel lazy and unmotivated.
Yes anti depressants are fucked. Find me one mass shooter who wasn't on them.
buy some raw cacao and either innocent almond milk or hazelnut (hazelnut has more vitamin e)
make drink with honey
There was a study done by one of the colleges in California that directly linked your gut health to your mental health. Maybe try improving your gut health.
Drink it early in the morning
You should maybe speak to your doctor but I don't think it should be a problem with medication but speak to your doctor just in case
you know you shouldn't eat pomegranate or grapefruit
Bro, saritonine uptake is a myth and HAS NEVER been scientifically proven. Actually it's only been proven to cause more harm.
Instead mediate and concentrate on breathing. You'll find the triggers and be able to over come them.
Apparently they affect the liver from processing pharmaceuticals
they don't put pomegranate in the manuals but they do put grapefruit
pomegranates are popular now compared to the 90s they really should put it in the advice manual
I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm glad you're still here. You seem like a nice and caring person.
CBT is a complete meme, it did fuck all for me. I turn 23 next month but when I first went to the drs after having been depressed since probably the age of 15/16 when I was 19 I got the sense that they were shit scared of prescribing anti-depressants, contrary to what the daily mail says. It really did fuck all for me but it's worth a shot if its not being interrupted by the coronavirus atm.
Fluoxetine was definitely the best for me but again everyone is different so if it's not working for you definitely consider asking if there's another one you could try. Don't worry about the lass either, my ex wasn't bothered as she was nice when I either couldn't get it up at all or would shag her for 90 minutes and not be able to cum
Takes up to 6 weeks before there's even any affect on your body as well besides the side effects so if you're early on do stick it out
thanks mate and you too
This. If you eat refined sugar and don't exercise you're not even giving your brain a chance
babby's first SSRI's
just get put on 300mgs of Risperidone with a side of Mirtazapine and never worry about not falling to sleep at a decent time ever again
Not right away
Trust me. Has to be gradual.
If a bipolar patient suddenly withdraws from medication it can cause acute psychosis
and that's no fun for anyone
Then the rigmarole of getting them back on the medication, well it's a great balancing act of trust and enforcement unfortunately
and that is coming from someone who is completely anti-pharma generally
but these chemical combinations wreak havoc on a person
I have insomnia for about a week every month. It interferes with my life. I've tried all kinds of drugs to treat it. SSRIs are the fucking worst. Every time I've taken one, I feel like I am taking poison and they're going to kill me. I won't take them at all.
Benzodiazepines particularly klonopin are the most effective for me to fall asleep they're also used to treat anxiety. They're addictive, though. I couldn't imagine taking them every day. I only take one on days that I can't fall asleep.
megadose niacin and take ashwagandha. and do some walking/jogging outside in the sun. it helps anxiety and depression tremendously. also reduce your time on Yas Forums and pick up a hobby or an instrument
christ, isn't risperidone for schizophrenia? You alright big man? I'd appreciate the sleep help though as I'm shocking with it nowadays, I can never fall asleep unless I get blitzed
you could smoke weed and get the same results but it would be less damaging and easier to quit
The saddest thing in mental illness is the judgement of others while the individual is unaware, lacking self-judgement or perspective.
It's extremely hurtful.
It's more hurtful to witness it in another human being.
Weed was making me paranoid so I stopped smoking it.
and yet one cannot help but become frustrated with the individual for their lacking perspective when confronted directed in what appears to be irrationality. The context melts off us, we forget, the condition.
"Why aren't your wounds visible!?"
It's extremely tragic but there is always, always hope for everyone.
You’re retarded. *Serotonin reuptake is real, but ssris are fucking terrible. Meditation won’t work, that’s some pussy shit too.
How about eat healthy, and work out and get some fucking gains you fucking nigger? Unless you’re a paraplegic there are no excuses to not work out and eat healthy fucking faggot.
Could be a few coming up in the next couple of months.