Is it possible to create a map everyone wants?

All the memes aside, would it even be possible to draw borders that everyone (not just some, but nearly everyone) would say "This is what I want", or at least "this seems fair". To please as many as possible, both those we consider our hated enemy and beloved neighbors.

Can there be a map where we will all simply accept, get along and feel content with? And if so, why havnt we done it?

Attached: A perfect Europe3.png (2988x2187, 608.86K)

Why merge Austria and Germany? Why merge Baltics with Finland?
Also rename United Provinces to Dietsland, because that would be its official name.

Try to paint such a map for the Middle East

The Balkans will explode. This is what I am going to say.

Lithuania and Curonia aren't under our control in that pic.

Also Prussia belongs to the Royal Polish Crown

Bozgor confirmed

Attached: 7B3294BE-E10C-4937-BFA0-DEFDA2E510EB.jpg (411x401, 15.86K)

In Finlands case, there were real and mutual plans to unify Estonia with Finland right from the beginning after World War 1 when both countries gained independence. WW2 put an end to these ideas as Estonia was annexed by the USSR.

They have both been parts of greater scandinavian empires through their existance and shares a common history, same language, culture and ethnicity.

Why tho? This is pretty much the only realistic endgame they can achieve. Rep. Srpska unify with Serbia. Croat majority with Croatia.
Kosovo is pretty much Albanian at this point. "Macedonia" partitoned between Alban, Greek and Bulg.
Bosniak muslim majority retains a smaller Bosnia state.
Greece gets Epirus from Albania.

Only seething I expect will be from Slovenians.

England still exists, Corsica isn't independent and Algeria isn't French.

Corsica independence is a meme. Not gonna balkanize the continent cause they speak italian but dont want to be Italian.
Why would France want a sudden 30 million muslim population increase?

Middle east would ultimately want a unified Caliphate between the arab population, with a few exceptions. Their whole idea of nation states rely on their dictators ambitions.

Would have made more sense if you had called me a Catalonian.

Thanks, didn't know that.

You failed by breaking up the UK while giving in to every other countries imperialism fantasy.

Clearly allowed Italy to be incorporated by Krauts but forgot that french coast should be Italian too, as should be the coasts of croatia and albania.

this is what i want

Attached: polandsmap.png (847x722, 81.43K)

Fair deal

Can someone post the map template (blank without text) please


Attached: Untitled.png (5976x4374, 1.32M)

what is the yellow one?
a ukraine-bellarusain commonwealth


that would NEVER work

benelux should unite, not be partially absorbed by france and germany

>giving france more land



They've been united for most of their history

theyve benn united in Poland or USSR

Losing Zeeland, Brabant and Limburg is a good deal in my book.

>things no one here has seen or even thought about researching

Attached: 2.png (3500x2937, 3.61M)

Your pic related is the closest I've seen to a perfect Europe.
Well done.

t. doesn't even know what a nation-state is
Which kind of fits since you're a Belgian.

You're not much older, wiseass. ;) x

>Danish Skåneland
1658 - don't we have some sort of limit on when historical claims vanish? They are swedified and incorporated into the reich as of centuries ago.
>Swedish Åland
Based and redpilled

The age of a state is irrelevant. I am talking about you as an individual. You do not know what a nation-state is. A nation-state is the most stable and reasonable kind of state. It is a state that is based upon a people with shared blood, culture, language, and heritage.

Maps that ignore culture and ethnicity are not good maps. They're just EUIV LARP shit.
Actually good map makers bother to research where people live and work from there.