What legislation would you pass to reduce the obesity epidemic that plagues the west, /pol?

What legislation would you pass to reduce the obesity epidemic that plagues the west, /pol?

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Govt oversight of chemical additives along with carb and sugar content.

There should be a cap placed on (per serving) portions as it relates to sugar, salt, and additives.
I’ve seen fat people on all corners of the world, and only in English speaking countries do the fat people have peculiar fat deposits, like boobies on the back, normal body but massive cottage cheese inner thighs.

I discovered that its due to a Massive amount of salt in foods here. Carbs and sugar pack on the fat tissue, salt makes the fat molecules hold on to water. That along with gravity, makes fatties in America look fucking disgusting

Fat chicks are shade in the summer and warmth in the winter


why not ban sugar outright? force use of stevia or synthetic sweetners?

you can't legislate away the fact that food that tastes good is bad for you

> The West.

It's not like anyone in the west except the leafs and the burgers force feeds high fructose corn syrup to their population.

Sugar and most processed foods.

HomeEc and cooking mandatory in high school.

Weigh-ins to be annually submitted on a form signed by your doctor to be assessed a fat-tax.

Licence to buy Meat, you need a certified big animal kill to get one.

State mandated calorie restriction, especially for women. Overeating gets you sent to the gulag for rehabilitation.

Ban fat people and leafs

a proper education system

dont you fucking dare

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I'd order compulsory fat shaming Friday at every school in the country.

Gibs a basket of goods, that is rfid chipped and not re-sell-able, and cannot be made into Church or non profit charity Dinners, delivered to home, exceptions for retards and others that cannot cook, etc. of course.
No more EBT allowed at Fast Food, or Gibs allowed to buy Candy, Soda, etc.
Those alone will reduce by large percent.

drink raw milk, niggas


Ban drive-through windows. Walk your fatass into mcdonalds if you need it so bad.

Why contain it?

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Education reforms, retail interventions and labelling requirements. For a start.

Fatties will never let you take away any of the conveniences that made freedumb worth fighting for.

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Holy fuck, any more?

Exclusive never before seen footage.

Attached: sherman_tank_commander_receiving_orders_via_telegram_circa_1944.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>smaller portion sizes
>less sugar/HFCS

increase refined sugar tax 3000 percent

give tax incentives for natural sugars extracted from fermentation. Which is zero calories.

Reduce all carbohydrates in foods by 60%

bam, everyone's on keto. Everyone is skinny forever.

it impossible in competition of usury by lie Capitalism cares about profit not your health

The only reason that a woman should be heavy is because she has had a baby, babies or is pregnant.
There is of course a grace period for these women but that’s it.
Fat shaming is a must.
Fat people are disgusting a big fat entitled woman might as well be the devil

Adding legislation will do nothing. Take away legislation that keeps it illegal to murder these fat fucks and watch the obesity rate plummet. People will go open fucking season on landwhales just to save a buck down the road when it comes time to pay for socialized healthcare.

I know I don't want to pay for some fatty's diabeetus medications if I were a leaf in your situation. Pit greed against gluttony and see which sin comes out on top.

I wouldn't pass any legislation, if those fuckers want to commit suicide by cake let them. Why should I create a precedent that might later be used against someone else because grown adults can't fucking control their intake of calories. Are you retarded?

If your BMI strays over 2 points into obese territory, you have 1 year to bring it back down or its off to the rendering plant.

decentralisation and reversal of all the other cucked agenda 21 bullshit

get cunts back out enjoying nature and shooting pest animals that are already a plague here, the food and drink stuff will sort itself out

Easy, ban the use of the artificial sweetener poison Aspartame. Not only is it worse than sugar, It'll help stop people fooling themselves.

just have decent food quality standards, fresh fruit and vegetable and dairy based stuff, free range meat.

Take away healthcare from obese people or make them pay extra like smokers for it. Problem will self correct.

Fat ppl are everywhere. Europoor. Nigeria. Russia. Japan. China.

Enough with the anti USA. We’re #1 at everything and you’re just mad.

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Start taxing sugar, stop subsidizing corn (which is used in corn syrup, among other things).

Built for BBC

You niggers can have her

Just put a tax on obesity

Ban soda, limit purchases of candies. Fat camps. Maybe breadlines.


>So heavy he needs to rest on the counter the moment he reaches it.

>What legislation would you pass to reduce the obesity epidemic that plagues the west, /pol?

1. Ban Mexicans
2. Ban Foodstamps
3. Ban adjusting the BMI to increase healthcare spending
4. Sentence your mother to death.

That'd fix it.

Imagine thinking you can legislate rational behavior. You Leafs are indeed a delight. Dumb as a box of rocks, but a delight nonetheless.

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Cut subsidies for corn. Put tax on high fructose corn syrup.

hello mr chinky

fatties get harpooned and turned into lamp oil.