So Yas Forums are you a unionist or a republican?

So Yas Forums are you a unionist or a republican?

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Im a proud catholic provvo

Isnt the Irish Republican Party a """"terrorist""" group?

The First time Ireland was a republic was when Ireland was ruled over by Cromwell.

I'm a patriot who will defend his Country from subversion, whether of the Zionist or Bolshevik sorts.

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Its only called that because the british fascist occupation seems it so, similar to how the USA deems other freedom fighters in Palestine “terrorists” because of Israel blood money

Give a rundown of the fascist British occupation. I thought they were just defending the Unionists (at their request).

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I wish you subhumans never came to Britain. So many people consider Anglo-Saxons or Scots to be those ugly paddy subhuman chavs. You also bred like vermin and refused to fight in the wars, and so have now become what a lot of people mistake as 'native' in our cities.

Then you go out into the rural areas where actual Anglo-Saxons or Scots live, and you see all the well-defined and beautiful faces.

Next time you yanks wonder why Brits are uglier than Aussies/Canadians, they aren't. It's just that the people infesting the cities have defiled with white-nigger blood AKA irish blood. Go out into the country and you can still see our beautiful people.

Attached: IRA GIRL.png (500x348, 141.34K)

TBF I'm not sure this girl's attractive except for her weapons skill.

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> only called that because the british fascist occupation
based british


In all fairness, Irish people can be quite beautiful. The problem is that almost all Irish people drink whilst pregnant, to the point that those defining characteristics of foetal alcohol syndrome are also considered to be the natural Irish facial structure. I knew this Orange Irish girl (good puritan parents didn't drink) and she was insanely beautiful. The vast majority though... Nah.

Neither because I’m an American

Potato Nigger

>british fascist occupation

Damn I used to think IRA had these female fighters cause the men were all pissed. Now you're telling me the women are all drunks too.

Anyway surely the new immigrants are even uglier?

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All major Irish parties were at one point shooting Brits or each other in the streets.

>Balkan threads
>Ireland threads
>Insert other internecine conflict involving europeans
every time.

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Definitely. Only a Papist would side with a jew or shitskin over his cousins. Sad that so many British and American rulers have been Papists and all the world remembers them instead of the masses who openly and constantly expressed their displeasure at being forced into unjust foreign conflicts.

Both a bunch of degenerates.
ask that question 60 years ago, Republican.

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Northern lads have developed too strong of their own unique identity to be cast aside in the event of a unification, as nice as it would be

I never came to Britain, I live in the occupied area of Ireland

Hear hear

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You haven’t had to fight for your freedom in the south since the 1920s, don’t judge us that live in occupied territory

The U.S is basically 50% republican, suprised we havn't helped more in the troubles

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The north and south of England have very different unique identities but they still are both English, why can’t it be the same with a United ireland

The US was the main backer of the marxist terrorists IRA. The USA deserved 911, taste of their own medicine.

No that was Gandalfi

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ArmaLite AR-18
IRA sporting their American made guns. Nearly all other terrorist groups have AK-47's

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Hmmmmm, which side to choose........
Bernadette Devlin
>Devlin undertook a tour of the United States in August 1969, a trip which generated quite an amount of media attention. She met with members of the Black Panther Party in Watts, Los Angeles and gave them her support. She made an appearance on The Johnny Carson Show. At a number of speaking events, she made parallels between the struggle in the U.S. by African-Americans seeking civil rights and Catholics in Northern Ireland, sometimes to the embarrassment of her audience. During an event in Philadelphia, she had to goad an African-American singer to sing "We Shall Overcome" to the Irish-American audience, many of whom refused to stand for the song. In Detroit, she refused to take the stage until African-Americans who were barred from the event were allowed in. In New York, Mayor John Lindsay arranged a ceremony where he would present a key to the city of New York. However, Devlin, frustrated with conservative elements of the Irish-American community, had quietly already left to return to Northern Ireland.
Fuck the commie provos
Ulster Scots are our people

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