Why are elites importing non-whites into Europe when it's a certifiable fact that 1) They have lower IQ's on average 2)...

Why are elites importing non-whites into Europe when it's a certifiable fact that 1) They have lower IQ's on average 2) They cause more violent crimes and most criminality on average 3) They work less and use wealthier more than on average. They know the data better than anyone, they own the companies and organisations that gather it.
From the standpoint of the ruling elite, it makes absolutely no sense to replace your citizens with people who are more likely to not follow the rules of society or contribute to the economy. Productive and rule-following people, who you could brainwash through the media and education systems, are much more useful for an elite than a bunch of niggers and sand niggers. It makes zero fucking sense.
Pic unrelated.

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3) Use more welfare on average*

Cheap labor, leftist voters.

Because they have nefarious goals and are not in any way, shape or form looking out for your interests. All 3 points you made are exactly why they want them in the first place.

What good is cheap labour if they don't work or be productive? They don't need cheap labour anyway, they've already outsourced nearly all manufacturing. They don't need to pay more than a measly minimum wage in the west.

The 3 things I've mentioned are also not in their interest either.

Yes they are, you just don't understand what their interests are yet. They want a low iq, low trust, low cohesion society to rule over because those people only know how to work and consume. They aren't concerned for firearm ownership, freedoms, or rights, they just want to sit around and consume. The criminality gives a constant excuse to further crush rights.

Divide and rule works well for the misrulers, a united population is a danger yo them. They have groups at each others throats it distracts those people away from the globalists and their kleptocracy, gay rights, paedo rights, tranny rights, Labour/Conservative, north/south, E/W poor/rich. English/Irish/Scots/Welsh worked perfectly well during the British Empire, but were at each others throats very often otherwise.
The jew globalist game.

They dont care about them not getting jobs because they are gonna enslave them forever

>They want a low iq, low trust, low cohesion society to rule over because those people only know how to work and consume.
Why would they want to live in a country that constantly has mass riots, insane crime rates and murder rates, and the streets are not safe? They aren't immune shitskins chimping out, rioting, and burning down their mansions.

Because Jewish intellectuals for the last 100 years have said they want to flood Europe with inferior races and make a mixed race not smart enough to rebel but just enough to work and serves the Jews

>they aren't immune to shitskins chimping out, rioting, and burning down their mansions

Yes, they are.

Then whites are too busy paying taxes for the welfare system no time or energy to complain.

They will control them with guns and tanks like in Gaza

The answer honestly comes from Marx. Capital requires an ever-increasing “reserve army of labor” - the number of people who could be employed but are not fully employed. That’s why they want free trade and open borders and high levels of urbanization

Because their interests are economic and the Talmud has anointed them to rule over the gentiles. They see it as prophetic that we should be their slaves and they still hold a grudge for what Hadrian did to them.

Catalyst, and some aspects of Islam are beneficial to a godless degenerate society

Psyop'd culling for a defacto controlled op honeypot cyber gulag for quantum cabal false flags.

They want cheap slave labor and the ruling kikes want to destroy white culture and cohesion. They don't care about welfare when the white, middle class tax slaves are the ones paying for it and keeps the subhumans more obedient and dependent on the state.

No they're not. During London riots niggers chimped out and smashed up and looted shops owned by rich people. In South Africa, the ruling elite live in gated communities with armed guards and don't travel without armed escort. Why would they inconvenience themselves like that? The ruling elite has never had a problem controlling the masses through ideology, media, and education. They have literally done it for thousands of years. The ruling elite controlled America, Britain, France, Germany, and all other white countries just fine, but then for some reason they started importing millions of shitskins from the 1960s onwards.
Until the majority of the army and police are non-whites and turn against the ruling elite, which will stay majority white and jewish.

Europeans have an aging population, have a shitload of social entitlements that need to be paid, and they don't have enough babies to supply labor to the workforce.
Therefore, they have no choice but to import hoardes of 3rd world labor to prop up the system for one more generation before it all goes up in flames.
You're giving away thousands of years of birthright so Boomers can get their retirement checks.

>white, middle class tax slaves
You mean the people who will eventually vanish if things don't change? What do the elites do then? They may get some cheap labour and profit, short them, but in the long term they will create massively dysfunctional countries that will no longer be able to make them profit as efficiently as before.

The Holocaust didn’t happen but should have but also Marx was right about lots of stuff.

>Because Jewish intellectuals for the last 100 years have said they want to flood Europe with inferior races and make a mixed race not smart enough to rebel but just enough to work and serves the Jews
This is why you never see a white man and a white woman together on TV.

Your country has the worst demographic in all of the Western world by far, why are you saying "Europeans"?

We want to create a serf class for you all. Neo-Feudalism and Neo-Colonialism is the New World Order. Accept it.

Because that was the subject of the thread.
My country is importing workers from Central America for much of the same reasons.
We also have a very large Millenial generation that Europe does not have. Based GenX did their part in America.

White men would have more children if their lives had any value, but no one is helping them.
A combination of subsided surrogacy and giving jobs to those who have been unemployed for a long time (no other criteria involved) would drastically improve things.

Western Europeans demand the best out of life, they fight for it every step of the way, and they're naturals at bringing down non-producing, parasitic elites. None of these inherent attributes are desirable in people of the future.

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Money. Westerners can't take on any more debt. They're importing new debtors.

why are the besiegers catapulting rotting animal carcasses into the castle walls, the meat no good for eating and the leather is too rotted and soiled to be of use.

Oh please, the ruling elites of the 20th century were practically peasants in comparison. I assure you, they have every single thing you could imagine, covered.

I also look to Europe to keep a place for me. I know how bad it looks in America. I was kinda hoping you guys would keep the liht on in case I need to come home.
>Where the fuck is Charles Martel?
>That's what I want to know. Where is the hammer?

Kalergi Plan
>need to racemix people, oy vey

So we wont/cant revolt against their plans because we percieve the migrants as enemies and they us

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