Who will be the superpower in 21st century? China or USA?
How can USA win China?
Who will be the superpower in 21st century? China or USA?
It will be the EU.
The country that plays both sides.
Greater Israel
>It will be the EU
Full blown capitalism, the only way
If you think you can maintain an army of niggers rule the world think again
china is an enormous house of cards
right now, as massive as their econ is, it is nearly 100% reliant on export
with almost no internal consumption by comparison.
they are trying to make the leap to consumerism so they can self sustain their econ, but it will NEVER happen
no resources to support anything the size of what they already have, let alone future growth.
they are one oil embargo or international sanction away from total collapse/civil war
the cabal built them to be slaves to the cabal and they always will be.
You're about 12 years late.
You know how chinese buy real estate? A guy comes with a bag of money gives the other guy a signature and done.
>One oil embargo away
Who'd be embargoing them, exactly? Their partner on the BRI who's helping them get more localized infrastructure for the transport of goods and fuel?
China can’t even take over its own ‘province’ Taiwan because they are pussies. They stand no chance in a real war.
>TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)
Natural resources of China include extensive mineral deposits, fossil fuels, water as rain and in rivers, agricultural products, aquaculture, fisheries and native plants and animals.
>No natural resources
What makes you think it will be the EU?
Thanks, Tojo. Another brainlet take from the home of the JSDF. I'd be getting nervous about Chinese movements in the yellow sea. Every other country is, and Abe definitely is.
An alliance between EU, Russia and Japan
This. They are also dependent on imports of food and materials despite being a resource rich nation. A sustained blockade by naval forces will cripple them and they'll collapse until they snap and attempt to zerg rush their enemies.
Unironically India.
>Naval blockade
China is still mogged by Euros economically, military by USA and Russia and their army isn't capable of invasion of any other country beside South East Asian shitholes also they're so strong military because of us, their superpower title will remain just a sweet dream nothing more.
I see Chang got a US VPN. Yes we have a navy unlike your curved ramp toys.
I'm just hoping for multi-polar world with USA and China being superpowers. And it's actually the most realistic scenario. In the nearest future India will join the superpowers club. And maybe after that Russia and EU will unite in some sort of political union and emerge as another superpower.
>Rams transport ship
Imagine being as much of an imbecile as you are. Jesus Christ. Maybe try getting your news and opinions wholesale from somewhere other than Fox.
I hope China will be nuked by burgers. Fuck chinks
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And way to miss the point. Blockade what, exactly? Shanghai? Oh no, now the Chinese won't be able to get those American strawberries they're paying out the ass for. All is lost.
Nobody will buy made in China goods anymore.
I’m buying the new iPhone SE and just bought an iPad Pro.