Why are Australians so violent and racist?


Attached: aussie attack chinese students.jpg (703x542, 74.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Australia Asian attack university.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Australia waking up too fast


Attached: Aussie vs ccp agents.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

A better way to form the question: Why are Australians so based?

Cos fuck off cunt

>Why are Australians so based?

Based in violence?

Attached: aussie vs ccp spies.webm (720x720, 2.64M)

Deserved it, Chinese fucked the entire world up.

Attached: 1587039190240.jpg (767x960, 91.14K)

who's that white bug man at the end

Is that you based Greek bro who made those Bernie salt threads? If so saluté best thing I read in weeks ;-)

Attached: 32FAADD4-1E87-42BE-BEB4-CCC80A31198A.jpg (337x469, 114.79K)

He stole the Asians air pods off the ground while pretending to be a helpful bystander kek

Attached: 9B4B5FCD-F0E4-43CF-8D71-B85AFD28A9EB.png (514x514, 242.34K)

>Why are Australians so violent and racist?
They been acting like this for years against Chinese and now Coronavirus being plagued on this made everyone go insane.

lmao what? Whitoid FUCKS genicides the native population of Austrailia

I spoke to that guy on the phone. Pretty based

they hate their guest country anyways. gtfo

>implying the same thing isn't happening in China with Africans
lmao, China is really a bunch of Alinskyites, aren't they?

Crocodile Dundee 3 is looking wild


Everyone in Australia hates chinks but now some of the normies have been pushed over the edge

Fucking shit was staged!

hello? based department?

they sniff leaded gasoline

should've stuck with THC

No chows

Attached: 53DFC7AF-052C-4DC8-B541-12D4CF99EB4B.jpg (1125x1500, 96.57K)

I read an article about Africans in China. Many of them sell drugs and commit crimes. (Like in any other countries tho)

It is really understandable why Chinese are against Africans in their country.


Attached: 8F80325B-8C1A-4079-AC69-6AF25CFBE4F3.jpg (750x962, 253.36K)

The average Aussie sheila could take on at least 3 Chinese girls at once and win in combat , they're very strong and brutal.

Seems like Lesbos there in Australia have lost their shit and beating up those chinks. Lesbians there are redpilled as fuck anyway.

Actually, its a hard reboot

Australia could very well become a have for whites.

God save Australia from these racists!!

Attached: SA.jpg (308x312, 29.49K)

When Australia eventually becomes part of China, people like this will be sent to the pig pen and fed.


Yeah, because they're completely honest, and would never lie to justify heinous actions, would they?

Fuck off chink, go back to china with your CCP shilling

close the borders if they annoy you so much. but you won’t. because you need their intellect and labour so you lazy fucks can stand in line at centrelink. Fucking retards

Attached: 476ACDD6-A24F-4492-9469-53F1013D9404.jpg (1920x800, 172.92K)

This staged?

Attached: ccp chinese national spreding virus austrailia.webm (576x720, 2.63M)

based, kill wypipo

Well the Chinese are right, Australia is a Chinese colony, Australian whites have no business in *their* country.

Saluté! Mad dog

Attached: 18425014-81ED-4809-B7B0-831C61A34B66.jpg (679x459, 91.57K)

Anyone caught doing this needs to be put to death desu. Trash human beings.

>ya call that a whip? this is a whip

>talks about Chinese intellect
>posts a picture of a creation by white people
What's wrong chang, can't show a screencap of a worthwhile creation by Chinese?

why are women so violent?

Attached: aussie vs ccp stealing baby formula.webm (386x484, 2.92M)

sleeper cell chink agents were directed by CCP to do this

Not gonna lie the thumbnail looks like someone lighting a dog on fire.

Nobody is going to fight China for you, Jew. That would be racist and most whites would kill themselves if you called them racist. The occasional white with any dignity left is a very rare sight in 2020. I wish there was a vicious pro white army crushing darkie dreams of a shit colored world but sadly there is not. Enjoy losing the Eastern Hemisphere to China over the next 50 years. You'll probably lose Africa too. Whites are simply so broken that all they can muster is a rare vigilante taking the fight to a few gooks. I wish they could muster more but that is not in the cards. You can rest easy. Your work is done.