/MSG/ - Mediterranean Supremacy General - MEDXIT edition

Alright boys , its time .
We already established that we want a med union. Members are only from pic related + microstates like Monaco ,Vatican , etc. France can fuck off , you have way too many niggers.
ITT we discuss how to bring that to reality , if possible. And no , we are not paying any debts. Nordcucks can fuck off , thanks for the gibs tho.


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Why did you leave for the states?, is it because all mediterrenean countries are lazy leeches or is there an other reason?

I am not living in the states , I am a seaman. Thats why I have this flag.

so you're talking, ahmed? how many sheep did it cost to buy your ticket to brussels?

I'm fine with this, please elaborate your ideas

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No way Moortogal is Gandalf. Maybe Gimly, or one of the mules.

I'm white, you are not.

please stop these threads

there's nothing supreme about Mediterranean populations today

Yeah I was thinking about doing it the other way around but it should still check out.

Well , first step should be to leave the EU of course. How much % of the votes did the "exit" party have in spain? In Greece the only big Grexit party is sadly the commies which got about 8% last elections.

>Someone made a thread I dont like
>Delete it
Sure thing anglo. There is in fact a thing that makes med cultures supreme and you cant find it in economic charts. Its called quality of life -living like actual humans and not like work-o-bots

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>How much % of the votes did the "exit" party have in spain?
Between none and zero. Maybe some minor independentist parties in Vascongadas or Cataluña but can't count on those.

The only ones who may discuss the EU comands will be Podemos (commies) and VOX (far-right jews) but none has ever speaked out will to leave.

Look at the reality of it. Fucking northern white niggers run the show just because they learned how to economy, finance, engineer shit into a corner of debilitating conditions. I have no idea how these morons have any say in anything but it's an absolute disgrace to realize the state of Mediterranean countries today simply because they are not running their own countries.

I'm a self-aware germanic and I swear to allah ackbar and yakub that germanics, northern Europeans, are fucking niggers larping as Europeans.

Well , in my opinion , to establish a permanent institution one would have to start with short term important goals to bring the administrations of said countries closer and act as a baseline for future talks. These could be finally addressing the immigration problem , the expansionism of Erdogan and protecting the established borders of North africans ( which would also help with the immigration ) and the establishment of pic related. If we could get our governments to work together on these , surely they could see the benefits of a med union. Thankfully these are all subjects that the EU has failed - for years- to address .

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For example. Lets suppose that this med union has an army. The problem with immigrants today is those who are coming by boats and once they see european patrols, sink those boats and have to be rescued according to maritime law. There is no avoiding that , there is no changing maritime law. What if , however , we could get Italian troops in Lybia and spanish troops in Morocco that would patrol their borders to prevent these immigrants from ever reaching the shores and getting on boats? Bonus : these troops will eventually start fucking the local women and their mixed babies will be more sympathetic and cooperative to our countries. These mullatos will influence future elections.

Spain despite the few redpilled people here, is full of leftists who larp as Che Guevara. If we ever ally with Spain we would have to ask the jews for advice on how to brainwash the public with maximum speed.

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Pretty sure Vox could reach an agreement with Salvini in Italy in case they can make it to the government. In that case a big coalition over the Mediterranean sound feasible as we share similar problems with Morocco and Argelia (we also have the Gibraltar situation that could be better addresed out of the EU and supported by other Med ports)

No military can stand on foreign country that won't work but out of the EU we do can: a) let them die in the sea or b) send them back instantly using the force if needed no matter if they cross the border or even if they're minors

I'm not german but that's basically me

2020 you forget me ?

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Fuck your indebted shitholes.
Except Portugal.

Lombards are not "mediterraneans". This whole concept is ridiculous. We have nothing to do with the clownish mestizo antropology or the inferiority complexes of "mediterraneans".

We just need our independence and kick the Siculo-neapolitans out of our country, mkey ?

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Better to be in debt than to have a country full of niggers and muslims

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C'mon. Let them have their threads.

As long as it isnt antigermanic, I dont mind.

Mediterranean countries are also filled to the brim with foreigners...

give gibs germancuck

Ahh, Franzose, always good for a dicking.

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Greeks are being cucked by China, Turkey, Russia and the EU. I understand you need other countries to defend your interests because man, you are selling your ass the any bidder

Why is "hellenic" written so wrong? God my eyes hurt.
Normalfags would never agree to a) sadly. I keep telling them , we dont have to kill alot , just let 2 boatfulls drown and the rest will get the message , just as they got the message "dont go to bulgaria cause they will rob/beat you". Any realostic chance that VOX gets elected? Would you support them?
There is no reason for Italy to be divided. Yes the south is not as industrialised as the north but they produce alot of agricultural products and also bring in tourists. Right now , open your kitchen cabinet and tell me where your olive oil is from

Portugal isn't in the Mediterranean, and France is. Fix the countries before anything.

Portugal has a Mediterranean culture and france doesn't. The countries are fine as they are. One could say , what about south france? Well , they are not independent , so...

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Ok pal if you say so

LotR is for Germanics, fuck off.