>literally 10 nurses in one room just to do a stupid dance video
>meanwhile patients are supposedly dying from corona virus
Can you imagine being on the brink of death itself and needing some essential health care yet your designated nurse is unavailable and busy practicing hours for her tiktok video along with 10 other nurses who are equally unavailable for their respective patients? And nobody is complaining about this? Imagine if your mom was in that hospital and you see these nurse starting to dance, how would you react?
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Aren’t all the hospitals empty anyways?
I literally can't wait for the wave of lawsuits, if there is a single fucking person that died in the hospitals these retards work at during the time of making this video, they will have a field day suing. And the mongoloids in the video will most likely lose their job as a result. It's shocking that they aren't intellectually capable to grasp the fact, that if you make your job look obsolete you might lose it.
Post tiki tok vid with red scrub niggers
I dated a nurse and met a few of her work friends, they're lazy and hate to do anything, just the idea of having to go see why someone hit the help button and stopping them from playing on their phone pisses them off. Most of them took the job for pretty good pay with minimal extra schooling
>Guys people are dying and these people are standing around doing dances but they should be standing by the dying 24/7 just to make sure they are still dying
Last time I check, there is so much a person can do til it comes down to the dying is willing to fight through it or not
You fuckwits don't realize that these people have to keep their morale up in the face of being surrounded by death?
Let them have a 2 minute dance break, for fucks sake.
>he thinks every single hospital in the world should be filled to the brim with patients
Fuck off Karen, what they do in their downtime is their own business.
Have you ever choreographed a dance in two minutes that white people who don't dance for a living have to perform?
Like you said, two minutes
>intellectually capable
How intelligent do you think typical nurses are exactly? It's a job field filled with women that realized they fucked up their lives and needed to do something fast to support their bastard children.
My wife is a nurse.
She works at a specialized hospital, so they haven’t seen a single case yet. They’re literally sending staff home early because everyone is staying away from hospitals to avoid the virus. She consistently gets off work early, and gets told to take extra longs breaks. All the while businesses are delivering free coffee and food to “support the healthcare workers”.
She did have some schizo boomer woman come in asking “where are all the sick people” and trying to take photos.
If they were men people would criticize them...
I dont get teh issue?
The virus isnt real, so why does it matter what they do?
And if it were, its only boomers
Theres hundreds of videos of nurses or EMTs dancing in their empty hospitals
Theyre bored
We shut down the economy for nothing, now the communists want the lockdown to extend for years
>It's not important if you're being lied to because the government is wasting all your kid's money to kill those guys we made you hate
Shut up kike.
No, they should have respectful behavior while on a break. I have never worked anywhere that would be okay with me doing this on my break. Maybe in the parking lot or some shit. Save it till you get home these people are disgusting.
What kid's money?
Fiat is worthless
It doesn't matter what someone does with it
>I chose not to have kids because we planned this
We know shut up kike.
I was cooking in my dead end wage job ( it's getting me through college ok) and there was no time to organize a dance or even to think about organizing one. In fact, I cant recall any job where there was time in the schedule for a group dance effort. People who say this shit takes only a few minutes of prep and can be easily incorporated into a heavy work schedule are so far removed from reality that nothing they say can be given any consideration.
>what they do in their downtime is their own business
It is when my rights are infringed on account of a "global pandemic"
These videos prove to me the entire pandemic is fake and completely manufactured.
Wife is also a nurse. Lots of low census days where they work shorter hours or even have to take days off. Lots of cross training due to no elective surgeries. A couple dozen covid cases but no death yet. The are presumed to restart surgeries somewhere around the 1st. Also, they have no N95 masks and wear their cheap, shitty one, several days at a time.
You seem to jump to conclusions a lot
Tell me why killing boomers is bad?
Why I should care someone is doing it with worthless fiat
>it's impossible to be overwhelmed with work and needing to let off steam with your coworkers
Based on the story we're being fed how would they have time? It's a warzone user
Nah but they locked them to the public so it's like ghost town in there but you wouldnt know
>in warzones you always fight 100% of the time and there's literally 0 time where you can recuperate. You are always sprinting and always fighting 100% of the time and you absolutely never ever get 1 minute of rest whatsoever
>It's okay if we make everything even worse forever because it's pretty bad now
Did Hitler tell all the brown shirts to kill the grandmas and grandpas user
It doesn't make you strong to be angry. It doesn't hurt, but you need to like, actually exercise, too.
Stop acting like a bitch. Boomers didn't magically come out of the womb behaving the opposite of every generation prior. Jews like you made them that way, silly
Cool so where's the thousands of videos of Marines dancing
>Cooking is the same as being a Nurse guys
Gave me a good chuckle there
i thought you need a degree to become a nurse
>Social distancing
From the experts on the front lines
You genuinely believe that they're dancing in the hospital 24/7 and that they didn't gather a group together for one cheeky video for only a few moments?
>You fuckwits don't realize that these people have to keep their morale up in the face of being surrounded by death?
>Let them have a 2 minute dance break, for fucks sake.
And you dimwit have no idea... Hospitals are empty, personell is being layed of. I got layed of... No patients... The awaited big wave of people dying simply does not materialize.
just dont fucking dance
>b-but you didn't post THOUSANDS of videos and they weren't dancing on tiktok so it doesn't count whaaaaaa i just poopoopeepeed my panties mommy help me im a little incel bitch whaaa
Nurses are dumb, attention whore thots, big surprise.
I'll literally kill myself before ever going back to hospital or clinic.
>She did have some schizo boomer woman come in asking “where are all the sick people” and trying to take photos.
How tf is the boomer a schizo is your wife confirms that her hospital is an empty wasteland? Fucking leaf.
If you want to micromanage someones break, GFY.
Lol. Got em.
>for a few moments
Those videos are not improvised. They have taken time to prepare and several cuts to get the right one.
So childish
got a pandemic its called tiktok
how do we stop this
It's about being respectful you dumb fuck. There are people sick or dying somewhere around them they are in a fucking hospital aren't they.
Because literally every female-dominated profession demanding your respect will turn around and do stupid shit like that
>Teachers demand respect because muh low pay muh hours
>Make kids read Santa's Boyfriend to "enrich them"
>Waitresses demand $15 an hour + tips because muh rude people
>Spend most of their time on their phones during service
>Single moms demand you not judge them because muh working and parenting
>Usually are single because they either cheat or annoy away a spouse
This is another example of the above types of behaviors
They are too busy fucking the boat sluts and getting coronavirus.
The problems come with the reality check. IF a person worked really hard and in many shift, then the last thing he wants to do the jumping around like an idiot from looney tunes.
A real hard working tired person wants a fucking peaceful spot to rest and to SLEEP.
These nurses and grocery workers are going to get a ticker tape parade when this is over.
Imagine soldiers storming the beach of Normandy on D-day posting coordinated dancing videos on the boats. Imagine if we didn't have the photos of 17 year olds in tears, right before the door opened and they were shot before they even stepped off the boat.
Itd be a completely different world.
Give it some time. But we'll be told that these nurses and grocery workers should be held at the same level of respect as those soldiers. I won't be surprised if these people get an honorary commission and receive veterans benefits as another stimulus package.
Women are children.
Imagine thinking dancing like retards in your hospital scrubs and posting it online is a good idea.
>but they need breaks!
Do they need to dance like faggots at work and post it to collect internet likes? Women are pathetic. We never should have given them the right to vote or access to the internet.
>They need to not have fun on their breaks because MUH DYING
Bitch please like you care a damn about anyone dying on this planet other than your ass and two others
I don't trust grocery store niggers for one second. They throw around their merchandise and damage it. At my (((kroger))) store they aren't even changing out the produce people don't want anymore, so mold is spreading around like crazy.
> women
> not grasping cause and effect
> shocking
>IF a person worked really hard and in many shift, then the last thing he wants to do the jumping around like an idiot from looney tunes.
Have you ever worked a long shift before?
After my 14-hour night shifts I was hyper as fuck from the overexhaustion and the caffeine.
Expecting someone to remain somber during their break while working a shitty job is going to fuck up morale.
The local Tim Hortons coffee joint in Ormstown, Quebec thought it would be nice to give free drinks to the staff at the town hospital due to the holocough. The nurses in the next town, Valleyfield, drove over to get “their” free drinks when they heard about this. They got mad and became belligerent when they weren’t given their free coffee gibs to the point that the franchise owner said “fuck it no coffee for anyone”.
It’s not nurses, guys. It’s women. It’s fucking women.
My local Kroger had tons of employees catch the coof, a few died and several people I know caught it after going there but they just stayed silent about it