What is it like living in a poor shithole country like the USA?

The USA has over 40 million niggers. It is the most pro jew nation on earth. Whites there are addicted to drugs and race mix more and more! Imagine living in such a shithole!

Attached: homelessUsa-755x491.jpg (755x491, 91.1K)

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Imagine being a country which had their women being gangraped by Poles, Russians and Germans

Imagine being a country being raped by Turks, Moroccans, Niggers, Indonesians on a daily basis while the nation you are talking about is not getting raped. Also getting raped by Germans is not a bad thing you moron! Also we were not raped by Poles as we were always friendly you fucking moron learn some history we were in a fucking union. Russia, well they did not rape like you think they did. Russians are a very very very very small minority in our country less then 3%...You sir are a fucking idiot and should be killed.

I wish we were actually raped by Germans as much as possible! Also, Germany should annex Northern Morocco or whatever your shithole is called

> Getting raped by Germans is not a bad thing
"Country gets destroyed"
"Relax, we're German now bring us some Lithuanian subhuman pussy"
> Poland literally occupies Vilnius, the capital
> Not raped by Poland duh learn history

> Russia overran your country three times with worse effect than the invasion before
> Only 3% Russian duhhhh

Only 3% Ethnic Russians. Not the one resulted after the Red Army had its way with your countries women.

Oh I also forgot about Sweden but this will do.

Seethe Russo-German Rape baby.

The victim asks for more rape by its rapists. This is what I call Stockholm syndrome. Too bad it will be Russia again.

>. It is the most pro jew nation on earth.

Attached: personal-responsibility.png (720x1280, 431.87K)

Sheneesha is day Kwain of duh neboohood.

The Rape baby has a point. You guys give 3.5 billion dollars aid to Israel every fucking year. What's up with that?

They give a hell of a lot more to other countries, 3,5 billion a year is borderline anti- Semitic desu.

Attached: 0_1546866372961.png (1000x1000, 175.8K)

>r. What's up with that?

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Pretty shitty honestly, not going to lie

Calm down faggot

only white countries ok, no Asians

Sure, a shithole richer and with better HDI than your shithole lithuania, sure, sure

Imagine being a country that invented Hakken

It's pretty cool desu

i expect its better than the nation who’s flag i cannot readily identify

>I wish we were actually raped by Germans as much as possible!

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Discount Poland be mad.

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What's it like being a nogunz?

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Fuck off we're full

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you can own a gun in Lithuania you fucking retard...I own a glock


you can but I don't give a fuck I have it in a safe just for lols to shoot sometimes

Based Mongol

Let the day of dominating the Carpathian Basin return soon as Tengri intended

>I own a Glock
>Doesn't say model
Ok sure, buddy

Attached: IMG_20200403_120652831.jpg (4160x2340, 2.18M)

t. midlife crisis boomer on redundancy

Hanging off his balls much?

Europe is not one country

seethe more amerimutt, this is your future

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Imagine being this gay.

Why is it always Brits who hate guns the most?

That looks more like your present.

Cause its the only country even shittier then the jewnited states!

Why? I can easily blow my brains out before things get that bad. You got to wait for a license and stab yourself to death with a tipless knife.

Whats the point of muh guns you guys should of used them a long time ago the constitution is dead and flappysack Americans are the cause.

Dude, we get you're mad but America is richer then almost every country on the planet. The poorest people in America are still richer then 80% of the entire planet. Pull yourself together.

Defeatist cope for being noguns

>indoor pool
>fresh popcorn
>chilling with my bros
you wish you were there, don't you britboi?

Lithuania has some of the best gun laws in Europe.

>Gun Licenses allowed for:
Sport shooting;
Professional activities;
Scientific research;
Other (at discretion of police).
Minimum age to own firearms is 23 for self-defense handguns, 21 for semi-automatic rifles, 18 years for semi-automatic shotguns and smooth-bore self-defense weapons and 16 years for sport shooting firearms. Every permanent resident of Lithuania of minimum age who passes examination has right to possess firearms for self-defense purposes. Article 12(5) forbids police from refusing granting license without valid reason. Any such refusal may be appealed to court.

Carrying firearms is allowed with permit to carry. Police also must have good reason to refuse such permit as per Article 40.6. There should be no bullet in chamber while carrying except revolvers which should not be cocked with exception of direct threat to the person’s health or life.

>Fully automatic firearms, explosive missiles, mortars and flame throwers are prohibited
Except this part.


What's sad is this is the only thing we have left compared to the rest of the world... even then we have a bunch of bs regulation laws.

yeah but the exam is retarded to be able to get them the only negative...

there are beautiful, grand details in this country, but the overall picture is disjointed, ugly and headed for collapse

That is likely by design to wean out brainlets.

I wish I lived in modern day nazi Germany just so everyone knows. My dreams are only fantasies.