Should we be learning Chinese?
Should we be learning Chinese?
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It is a shit language; they aren't even smart enough to create a phonetic language. There were even discussions in China years ago about getting rid of Chink as it is so shit for using in the computer era. Not only is it shit and retarded, it sounds worse that cat shit smells.
tl;dr fuck Chinese.
Ching chong ping pong ling ding dong
In any case, Chinks are going into a demographic collapse, see pic.
> t. retard that doesn't understand demographics
automation will make demographics obsolete
we should be nuking chinese
kek that's not accurate at all chink chonk
As someone who's actually learning it so I can understand what all the internationals are constantly saying about us, what are some good audio/video resources to get the hang of spoken Chinese?
In the context of this thread, speaking Chink, Chink demographics will collapse, as will their language. Their educated are all learning English and submitting to our language. No need to learn theirs. Only fags learn seconds languages.
They'll make billions of babies in artificial wombs, give them another 15-20 years.
I've learned German, it's been very useful for work and now I'm learning 漢語 as well hoping it'll be helpful.
Ching chong ting tong
it's fucking useless
first of all you'll never be able to speak at the same level of fluency as someone that was raised hearing it, for the same reason you cannot develop perfect pitch as an adult, which means, in a business setting, much like the japanese do, the chinese would find your chinese cute and proceed try to communicate with you in broken english anyway
second of all, only ~50% of chinese people can comunicate in beijing dialect standard chinese, with only about ~7% being fully fluent in it, which means if you're learning chinese just to know if people around you in China or in your country are talking shit about you, it's useless, most chinese people use their local dialect or sub-dialect in their daily lives, with the main 7-8 branches being as different as spanish is from french
Japanese use kanji and they are doing fine. Betraying your original language like Vietnam is cucked.
Someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
Dumbass. 7 billion people on planet. 1 billion in China. Uhm why do so many people speak Chinese? Duck off chink
Go duck yourself
yeah but i speak fluent chinese. no one finds my accent cute, and i have perfect tones. on the phone they think im chinese until they see my white face.
i did grow up for a while in china though.
Only people with Beijing accents are considered speaking it properly.
Which means most native speakers in China still get shit for not saying stuff the "right" way
nice cooked data, mate
Chinese only has 193 million non native speakers. English is set to overtake Chinese pretty soon here.
>i did grow up for a while in china though.
What was that like, user? What's your actual homeland? I wish you wouldn't use memeflags when Chinese are shitposting at their current rate.
only useful in china and you will beat you up and recycle your organs
It is one of the most disgusting sounding languages I have ever heard. I would rather learn Japanese or German or even Korean.
It's the most spoken only because china is the most populated country in the world, but outside of china is rarely useful
Even on Yas Forums people dont consider Taiwan separate from China now.
It really is a losing battle for them
complete bullshit.
and is it my problem they can't decide what they are
its completely fine and i can use whatever flag i want only newfags complain about flags. it doesnt matter where you come from its what you say that matters.
stoopid fat restern dogs rill never rearn a chineeesh ranguage
rey two stoopid an bring GREAT SHAME true famiry
They use a phonetic version of chink using english letters & pronounciation on their pcs and phones (pinyin)
tldr they literally use chinglish