When you accidentally debunk your own hysterical climate change propaganda

>when you accidentally debunk your own hysterical climate change propaganda

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Climate change science is just political science and power-grab science. As a Science, climate change is about the same level as Young Earth science. Everything in it is horse shit.

You see it when the same organizations telling everyone the oceans are going to rise 10 feet are also the same organizations buying up ocean front property at bargain prices. It's almost like these criminals know exactly what they're doing.

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The real red pill is that global warming via co2 is good and causing the earth to green.

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>muh melting glaciers
Can't make this shit up, kek.

>we've been in an ice age all this time

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Bad for us as a species tho seeing as 90% of humanity lives within 50 some miles from a coastline.

You really don't know how glaciers work.

Plants use water dummy.

Actually, we have.
The pure definition of an ice age is when both you poles are frozen over for the entire year.
No, this has not always been the case.

Its not. I did data analysis on climate models for a couple months in my lab. It waa boring, all done on linux programs that used xommand prompts. Anyone can politicize any science if they want.

historical wine production also disproves hysterical climate change propaganda.

the only correct answer is "we don't know"

I can't wait for coastline refugees to flood into white countries when the water rises. Conservatives will be like..."Can't you just move away from the coast a few hundred feet? Liberal will be like..."You racists. These people need help. They are starving. It's not like the ocean is full of fish that just got closer. It's not like there is land to farm. These people are oppressed by white male colonizing so they must breed with white women, its the only way Jews can survive the perpetual Hollocaust. Conservatives will be like...."It's water. The same water they have lived by for thousands of years...just move back and rebuild some new, better shit...here will will help you.
Jews will be like...."We are here to make sure the Hollocaust never happens again we welcome all refugees, just no in Israel.

There are better approaches Hiro.

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accepting "jesus did it" and refusing to follow logic is much easier than thinking.

>the only correct answer is "we dont know"
yeah maybe if you're a subhuman nip or soiboi betamale english teacher or even a faggot gay enough to care about vpns. but for us white Christians (best people in recorded history) the answer is God.

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False dichotomy retard, find nearest toilet immediately and clean it thoroughly.

You do realize christianity is the biggest religion? One might even say, the wide road?

Can you not swim or use a boat?

CO2 from human activities has such a tiny microscopic (theoretical) effect on heat absorption and retention that we just have no way of measuring it. And we are not going to be able to measure it on a global scale anytime soon either. That is Star Trek type technology at this point... So basically, the sky is NOT falling...

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Christian life is pretty far from popular culture, my dude. It was 2000 years ago, it's now.

OnLy dEmoCrAts UndErStAnd sCiEnce.

112 Genders - Science is settled - vote Blue

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Where the fuck weren't these guys? There's nordic rune grafiti etched into some wall in turkey that says "Ragnar was here", no joke.

sourcy source source

Immoral dumb nigger playing the role of wise man

I can't tell if you're retarded or just trolling.

Your nostalgia for that period is driven by the US being the only industrial nation that didn't blow it self up/turn into a meat grinder.

Of course its easy to be happy with burgers and dogs when the hamburger-based US economy still comprises 75% of world GDP.
You think Americans don't eat enough hamburgers? That time was also great for the average white man because we taxed the hyper-wealthy at 90% and subsidized housing and education and built a fuck ton of infrastructure.

Name one part of climate change that is hore shit and untrue.
And provide the sources for your claims.

I knew the Rothschilds got into the wine business for some reason.

Ashley strickland why dont you suck my dick and stop shilling ur articles here.