Ruins an entire generation of women

>ruins an entire generation of women

Attached: .jpg (474x248, 10.65K)

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this is true

I’m banning tik tok usage in my family outright.

You mean give us all easy pussy. Reminder not to marry or date any of these whores who crave online attention

Instagram did it first

The chinese are geniuses for creating this app that makes BBC love mainstream.

social media gives women attention and they crave it above all things

I dont even know what it is.

more like infantilizes them.

Tiktok is banned now where I work.

I hate the CCP as much as anyone, but the BBC meme is a jew ploy. The one good thing about the chinks is they hate niggers.

>ruins an entire generation

how is this actual chinese virus garbage not banned in the civilized world yet?

>ruins an entire generation of women

Attached: crazy-flappers.jpg (1200x1200, 142.97K)


All you morons are talking about china building nukes or superviruses.

Yet this shit could do far more damage than 20 nukes combined. And still no one cares.

Social media was a mistake.
Everything in society seems geared towards exploiting people's most base impulses.

that's not a picture of female suffrage

Coz only incels hate it. You don't want to be an incel right?

Just saying "tik tok" makes you sound like a faggot. Don't use it along with kikebook, make the internet better.


He's right.

I just found out has night that I've been cucked by this fucking app.

My girlfriend would spend 20 mins at a time scrolling thru the app and all I've ever saw were nurses and teens doing stupid dances to pop/rap.

Went thru her phone last night to see what the hell was so great about it and she's shared a ton of shirtless muscle guys gyrating to her friends via messenger.

Apparently it is also a vessel for Chad's to gloat over their jaw lines and 6 packs with 100k+ whores watching on repeat.

Literally hypergamy the app.

last night* autocorrect

now that's your girlfriend you can find another
imagine if that's your daugther

Lol based Colgate

While I like the term "Cajun" to replace "retarded" I'm just as happy to call retards "Tik Toks."

This has potential.

They were already ruined.

>ruins an entire generation of women

>ruins an entire generation of men

>Instagam lite without all the blatant CP and less grotesque bs has ruined Instagram users
Pajeet mad he is locked out of white pussy after the algorithm identified him as a curryrnigger and countylocked him to watching beady eyed fat poop females

Why 30 and 40 years old women are using this?? eternal teenagers?




Damn, that's tough. Dump her, get into Yas Forumsness and hope your next gf doesn't do the same.

>>ruins an entire generation of women, as a psychological warfare operation against the West by chinks.

This, it was all downhill from there.

In Christianity, a woman should be covered, or a man, because if you see their nakedness you are obligated to have sex with them.
It all started from men not raping women who show too much skin.

She seems mental