Who benefits the most from quarantine?

In a wirld market crash, quarantine... who benefits the most? Which players will cone out on top?

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white males


wonder what her feet smell like? id get a whiff

I'd sniff her butt hole, I bet it smells great

China, they can buy anything with prices going down

Obese males over 70 years old.

Also the oligarchy who wants more power and consolidated power over what people do.

The seasonal flu is a great way to chip away at the liberties and freedoms. The Oligarchs don't like freedoms, the constitution is the enemy and the playing field for the ruling classes.

When the liberties and freedoms are taken away. they NEVER return. Ever. It's the problem of the Jewish constitutional republic. It's advesarial based. And the winning side never not wins. So eventually the whole boat gets topheavy and flips right over.

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Whoever her quaruntine buddy is


I want to lick her dunghole all night long.

Ok tumblrina. This is not the site for you, we actually like it when women are smart and not whores. Not deranged feminists who think “toxic masculinity “ is real. Gtfo
Oh and the girl is pretty.

My wife is a nurse and I manage a grocery store. With all the overtime and hazard pay we have received and the fact that we already had no debt and everything we need our bank accounts are swelling. I know what the rich feel like now every time I check our bank account it adds a zero. We plan on investing in the stock market when things get going again and of we get lucky basically using this plague to get a condo somewhere tropical. I think we have benefited greatly from this whole thing and although I am enjoying the fruits of our labor I feel bad for the people out of work. We need to end this craziness before this gets worse.

Jews benifent

I remember getting my first whiff of pussy, like it was yesterday. They say the sense of smell is the most persistent memory.
We were swimming in my pool during the Summer, so it wasn't a smell of ass. Pure virginal pussy. I ate her out on the cement in my basement.
Made her cum, it's not like she knew to fake it. Just a slight shiver and arching of the back.

seriously though, I'm depressed again cause some thot started working at my workplace. She's a tiny little sexy latina with a nicely thick, in the right way, body and nce hips and a good loooong ponytail that swings side to side as she walks.

I have more money than most people ever see in their lives at one moment, but I can't speak to this one girl. I can't speak to most people normally beyond a few common courtesies but it becomes even more difficult with highly attractive females.

How do I fix meself?

>How do I fix meself?
Haven't you ever dove into a pool before? Just start talking to her. Think highly of yourself like you're hot and arrogant, and start flirting with her.
What's your problem?

This, but never make fun of other people at their expense. You want people to feel comfortable near you, not to be around you all nice and dandy out of fear.


What is it with you and pools, feget?

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What are you talking about? We're the ones who will be paying all for the gibs when this is over

Bill Gates & Microsoft

You know women's "cum" is literal piss, you woman worshipping beta male

Well I guess now you mention it, I was thinking of pools and since I got my first real taste of pussy in a pooltime scene it makes sense...
You gotta plant those seeds. Then fuck the seeds.
If you get rejected in a mean way, you dodged a bullet.
If you get rejected in a playful way, you planted a seed, later you can fuck that seed if/when the time is right.
If she is receptive right away, you got a chance to be around her, with her smiling at you and speculating on what your dick looks like... you'lll see it in her eyes.
Man young women are the shizznit dawg I remember being a pup and sniffing every little ass under 200 lbs kek.
You'll make her feel good and that'll make you feel good.

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Cats and dogs. Those little bastards are soaking the pet time up.

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I don't remember her 'squirting' nor did I say she was a squirter...
Stop watching so much porn and fucking nip whores, and get next to a real woman... maybe your life will improve.

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People who shorted the Market

What Islam needs in order to win is for the stalker societies to gain brain surveillance technology. Once sociopaths can enforce neural compliance on others, it won't be possible for people to maintain the opacity that preserves some liberty under Islam.

As a white male with tech skills that allow me to keep working from home while working on my garden to make sure I'll always have plenty of food, I can't complain. Yesterday I even got a $50 check from my insurance company: just something they're doing to try to keep customers afloat and happy. Life is good.

w-what does pussy smell like?

>"she came"
>didn't squirt
ok jew. I've never watched porn once in my life, degenerate. It's banned here

>Who benefits the most from quarantine?

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like a feminine ballsac

that girl's ass comes on top of my face

My ex who is asian had a slight smell to it, idk what to compare it to, but the white women i've been with had smellier pussies. like a sour fishy smell with a hint of poo


Not at all, my ball sweat is acrid as fuck.
Clean pussy smells a bit like a clean underarm without deoderant. A bit more tangy and sweet. It definitely has that pheromone sweet to it, but overall it smells like healthy sweat, just thicker.
I'd guess it's context, if you go around sniffing your own pits it's not like that is a woman you're about to fuck...

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that doesnt sound very appealing

I've gotten laid more in the past couple of months than I have in years. I'd say that the one benefiting is me.