Personally I think the pedophiles who get off to it need to be rounded up and summarily executed. What's the consensus here Yas Forums?
Should Lolicons be Illegal?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everything should be illegal than we can selectively prosecute the people we hate
Slow day at the bureau, agent nixon?
I just came to get something to eat!
>Should drawings be Illegal?
also, shit like n0nud3 still be legal
You are batshit fucking crazy if you want to start giving fiction rights.
i think you secretly look at lolis and use your moral crusade as a cover up.
No, if she is old enough to be transition, she is old enough to fuck. You are behind the curve in this one.
as long as there is no actual child abused, there is no crime
I think the better question is, should it just be public beheadings? Or should "feeding them to the lions" be brought back? Could expand from there?
>snake pit?
>carnivorous insect pit?
Agree lol, I don’t even know what universe I’m in anymore
But seriously, I think the discussion’s not what the punishment should be, I think people are still on the fence whether it should be a crime at all. General narratives go like this: eh, all men have it. It’s obviously gotten to a point where nobody wants it to be accounted for though.
It should be accounted for! It’s just a very perverse way to harvest something you could never access in real life, without thinking about the implications. There’s a reason a father will protect his children.
Why people are still responding to leaf threads ?
It's pedophile content
Lolicons are hurting no one, feminists are genocides who are forcing thousands of men to commit suicide by using methods like divorce-rapes or false rape accusations.
All feminists should be rounded up and summarily executed. They shouldn't even be considered human beings, their hands are soaked with blood.
>OP likes lolis t. Loli coomer
You can’t make up the difference between an object and a representation of an object so for all we know you’ll go crazy and think the images have an identity.
I specifically said loli porn in my OP. It is depicting child cartoon sex. I'm not the one regulating it that's up the the Govt to draw the line.
Why aren't you investigating Communist subversives running psyops directed against the American public?
Go fuck yourself cunt.
You only reach for low hanging fruit.
>video unrelated
so are we going to ban sodomy and pornography and other icky stuff, too?
time to ban all those naughty wrongthink books and sketches that hurt people?
are we going to ban all the nono people and naughty words that make me feel sad?
going to outlaw all the bad feelings in the world, mommy?
I will beat my meat to whatever arcane and perverted lump of tentacles and fur I can successfully will into my pea-brain, ages -10 to 9001, or and you can't stop me.
I will draw shitting dicknipples on everything you love
do flash animations have agency, now?
Fuck it. Just destroy society all together. Nuke this gaey earth and this gaey species.
>are we going to ban sodomy and pornography and other icky stuff, too?
>time to ban all those naughty wrongthink books and sketches that hurt people?
>are we going to ban all the nono people and naughty words that make me feel sad?
>going to outlaw all the bad feelings in the world, mommy?
>I will beat my meat to whatever arcane and perverted lump of tentacles and fur I can successfully will into my pea-brain, ages -10 to 9001, or and you can't stop me.
>I will draw shitting dicknipples on everything you love
>do flash animations have agency, now?
Why is child porn or bestiality bad then faggot? Go on make the case as to why they should be legal
Can I not walk and chew gum at the same time? This is a microcosm against a backdrop of societal decay and degeneracy
It should be banned. Let me present the name argument. Imagine being called Dickface by your meth smoking parents. Somehow lady at the counter for registering names has seen it all and doesn’t care. So you live as Dickface and even though you make friends and you’ve taken on a new name, Willow, there’s still the scars that your parents would call you Dickface in the first place. They probably won’t heal.
Now imagine there’s a very popular loli picture on the internet. Everybody’s seen it, but nobody dares talking about it because it’s taboo, so people get all chuckly or scared about it. Yet the image of one guy in this picture is carved in the brains of the image-watching-persons, because he’s the protagonist in the story.
Imagine looking like the guy in the picture! Everybody will think you look like the guy in the loli picture, but nobody dares talking about it because it’s taboo. So you become some kind of twilight person, because you remind people of the protagonist in the loli picture subconsciously. They’re intrigued, they wanna fuck you, they hate you, they wanna kill you, but they don’t know why. This is what I call the yellow zone, where people just piss their own shame away and look for people they can piss on.
Nobody should have so much power that they can draw somebody and this would mean a life as a twilight person, being branded like that. So therefore, yes, it should be banned, it’s not innocent, it will shape your subconscious if you think that it is and because people don’t think about these implications, as of right now the power’s in the hand of the creator of the image.
do you all still expect this corrupt system not to abuse you?
what I mean is, you want shit to be banned by a government that doesn't give a flying fuck about you unless you don't pay their debt
real people=real consequences
thoughtcrimes are fake and gay
if you have information pertaining to the committing of an actual felony, you have an obligation to inform
if you have deviantart files on your harddrive of ducktales porn, you're just a fucking weirdo
There are no proven ties between lolicon and pedos. Actually some of the most active anti hentai fags found out to be actual pedos. I don't like lolicon, because I'm not a virgin who never experienced sex in his youth, but I don't really see how lewd cartoons about tiny girls can remind someone of real kids, they don't even look close. Lolicon look like adult asian babyfaced petite girls with actual feminine bodies.
Ok that makes sense since I'm supportive of free speech it's hypocritical to be coming after lolis just because i disagree. I guess we shouldn't police weirdos and let them simmer to themselves.
You never considered that at one point you just happened to have access to all that porn. You didn’t stop to think what it meant to have access to it, who created the system that got you there, etc. It seems like now it’s too late and you’ve become an atrocity of a war from the past that nobody still feels like talking about.
Unless they turn violent, then some force could be used.
Degeneracy is spread out of malice, not accident. And this produces societal decay. Why first attack the thing and not the ones who made the thing?
Yes, not just because it's degenerate/evil but also because those people are obnoxious and terrible posters.
You’ll never change.
>pedophiles who get off to it need to be rounded up and summarily executed. What's the consensus here Yas Forums?