Catholics actually believes there are ancient relics that grant people who hold the spiritual powers hahaha I got some pubes of martyred saints to sell you
Catholics actually believes there are ancient relics that grant people who hold the spiritual powers hahaha I got some...
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no one cares what you think.
no one cares what you believe.
you have never studied any religion in your entire shitty life.
There is something to the Ark of the Covenant
they're neoplatonists so the pube hair should aid in the revival of the body
catholic believe in roman law and greek philosophy
Catholics: Hypocrisy is civilization’s greatest virtue.
Protestants: autistic screaming.
Catholics literally believe that if you recite ritual incantations they'll be granted access to the cloud realm and if they don't they'll be tortured for all eternity in the fire realm.
They also think this is what Jesus actually taught.
Why are they so dumb properly because they are not Anglo I bet
Everyone knows that Protestants are right
The adventures of Martin Luther
Nobody is right, except maybe the mereological nihilists, and most of them can't get over it.
It's very likely that everything each of us believes sincerely is 99% crap constructed as shortcuts in our wee brains to help us navigate this bizarre three dimensional space called "the world".
This extends not only to religious beliefs, but also moral, rational and aesthetic ones.
Be humble; any way you slice it, you're just a speck of dirt with the bad sense to question it's own existence.
Chances are, you don't know god from the devil, right from wrong, or your own ass from a hole in the ground.
And neither do I.
brainlet cope
A febrile canned two-word response?
Sounds like a man who just loves the smell of his own bullshit.
But hasn't the wherewithall to illuminate or justify it.
I don't care what you are.
You're wrong and stupid, because you're human.
Continue as you were; it matters not.
who ?, pietism ?,
Lutheranism ?,
Calvinism ?,
Anabaptism? ...
>hurr durr everyone is dumb and lazy just like me
>we truly cannot know nothin
read a book
Laconic, but lacking substance.
Aussie education system stop teaching you how to conjugate sentences or summat?
You're just a man.
Burn of mud, to suffering into lies.
You can't even tell when you don't know a thing
Ye fookin' dirt monkeh.
You all just think you're talking to someone though that isn't provable to physically be present though and think its okay.
Crusaders were promised to bypass purgatory upon death for conquering Jerusalem.
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. John 16:2,3
I did.
It was alled The Bible.
Then I read the Mahabharata, and the I-Ching.
Know what?
They were all shit.
Written by gayboys who thought they knew what they didn't know.
They were all shit
You are shit.
Here is more substance you are probably gay
this is called wealth numbnuts
The Bible,Mahabharata, I-Ching; great books
user, do you prefer Harry Potter?
But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Matthew 6:7
I am indeed the infamous Birmingham Bus-Stop bummer, but how raw I'd leave your arsehole is neither here nor there.
Nobody in this thread, be he Fedorafag, God-Botherer, Larpagan, Goatfucker or Dharma-bum has any kind of monopoly on "the truth" and every cunt in these threads always acts like he does.
You are all shit.
I may be gay.
So powerfully and terrifyingly gay that ru-paul is just the beauty spot on my chocolate starfish.
But y'all up in here?
You people are faggots.
Know-it-all, conceited faggots, and utterly pathetically incapable of interfacing with each-other, because you all think you've got the ear of God or something.
You can't all have it, for sure.
Easy for me to say that none of you do.
"It's just one less god than you believe in, eh?"
To mis-appropriate a bad fedora argument.
You people couldn't find God with the combined aid of all the saints, siddhas shamen, clinical psychologists, self-help gurus and dieticians on earth.
Because they also are just men; most of them dead ones at that.
Just desert fables in general and the effect it has on a normies brain.
So Catholics where in the Bible doesn’t say to do this gay larp
Happy Easter kike, Christ is risen!
I actually love the shit outta all those books, but as guides to the universe, they are categorially, really shit, and wrong on all accounts.
Because they were made by people.
People are stupid.
You ever met one?
Probably gave you the stink-eye.
People lie, to eah-other, to themselves, for fun and for profit.
Then those lies get pased on as recieved wisdom.
Most of what anyone thinks they know is just horseshit.
Remember how naive you were before you took your first redpill?
You're still basically at that point, because the totality of the things in the universe that could ever be known by a person is far smaller than the totality of things in the universe.
And infinitessimally smaller still are the number of things known by any given individual.
What I'm saying is;
The first step to wisdom is accepting that you do not know shit.
The second is realizing that neither does the other guy.
You forgot Zoroastrianism checkmate englishtard. You guys will get the karma for invading India just wait for it
Nothing can be known
Everything is bullshit
Except for this statement and the premises it rests on
Be humble
Good goy.
Holy shit you just love the sound of your own voice.
Too bad no one else does.
When did I do that now, you period stain?
Alo, Marx was historically illiterate bourgie twat who lived offa handouts from Bakunin.
And conquest is a univeral constant; if you weren't a historical illiterate from a clade of historical illiterates, you would have observed that this is what successful civilizations do.
Nah mate, not postmodernism.
You're all justa pack of silly wankers, and so far up yourselves that you can't even get a straight read on your own "sacred texts"
It's the inevitable outcome of the UNCRITICAL when they accept jewish concepts therr will be jewish consiquences.
You are not wise.
So your accounts of how to aquire wisdom are redundent.
These are words on a screen you tithead.
And not a single cunt among you can actually challenge a thing I've said.
Because I'm fucking right.
And I'll continue to be right until somebody constructs an argument that can hole the statement that "You are all human and fallible, and so are your beliefs".
Not a one of you has or ever will touch the divine.
Wanna know why?
Because there is no such thing.
It's an imaginary realm made up by Plato so he had somewhere to bung all his forms.
And these threads are always the gayest shit going.
You should all fuck this "pretending to be Brahmin" shit off.
Get a fucking job and a haircut instead.
Learn a trade, start a family.
Nice strawman.
Really cutting edge shit lad.
So tell me what are my sacred texts?