Corona virus is not real

Just like climate change it’s bullshit. Shutting down the economy for this is ludicrous.

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Other urls found in this thread:


holohoax, moonhoax, iraq hoax climate hoax now coronahoax

It's real but the media hype is not.

Calm down jap, it is real, it's just ridiculously overblown and all the stats aren't worth shit. I hope one day we will see that it was nothing special and the over-recation was ridiculous.

so, just like climate change?

Probably. I'm sure climate change is happening, and we have something to do with it, but either it's too far gone and nothing short of eradicating humanity would stop our part in it, or out influence is grossly overestimated and things just change due to other things, like solar phases or something.

Mad max will be real if this charade is allowed to continue.

Get rid of the fucking captcha spy shit. Wrecks the site.


Google is actually using the captcha to train their retarded AI to kill everyone.

This is a bonanza for the legacy media, isn't it? They feed off of negative news because they bring in the most viewers/readers. People naturally pay more attention to things that threaten their well being, so an invisible enemy that can be anywhere at any time and might kill you is like mana from heaven for the media.

They can pump out piece after piece about how the world is coming to an end and we need to embrace being stepped on by big daddy government or it will kill us all in weeks. Legacy media was on it's way to an early grave but now it got a new lease on life. Disgusting.

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but why would they shut down the economy for a hoax?

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Okay had sex now what?

Attached: SwoleBenji Have Sex.jpg (1574x981, 384.99K)


Here’s a red pill for you idiots.

The only thing that matters are the deaths from corona, not how many people have it.

This, the virus is an unironic hoax pushed by the CCCP, WHO and Demoncraps so the economy collapses and they blame Trump for it. Watch as the virus magically dies off after Trump gets re-elected.


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The average Yas Forums user are so much paste in elementary school that it caused severe retardation, ergo every coronavirus thread is about the nothingburger viral spread rather than the economic fallout, which is the actual happening.

It goes well beyond boomers 401k’s. Give it a few months; the CARES act protections will run out and the domino effect will begin. Banks will foreclose on mortgages, turning former home owners into renters. Renters will be kicked out for non-payment. And everyone’s car will be repossessed. It’s already starting, you just haven’t heard about it because the crayon-munching media keeps telling you that everyone is two weeks away from dying of the flu. InB4 non-peer reviewed obscure surveys that someone googled.

>muh deaths
>implying rna tests actually accurately identify SARS-CoV-2
>implying anyone who tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 actually died from it
>implying that even if they died from it they wouldn't have died sometime this year or next anyway due to their other illnesses
>implying we won't see a dropoff in natural deaths in the coming months due to corona and corona panic
Go fuck yourself fear monger.

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Certainly “not natural” in any case.

>have sex
Bend over.

Turn the “glow” setting down to “Chernobyl”.

Yeah my cousin who works with thr gov told me it's a secret op so bill gates can use his chip vaccines so he can control us and we soon we will have to pay for spending time outside, like 5$ a minute, shit crazy

Might be because of incoming comet ATLAS on April 29.

Yeah you stupid retard, they are holocausting all the boomers so they wont pay them retirment money, my brother who is a shaman told me it's the bill gates curse

Coronavirus is a real, actual virus. And it was bad this year. But not as bad as recent flu seasons. Every couple of years the media hyped up a disease and no one gives a shit. This time the news stories spread via social media and it spiraled into a mass hysteria. The people in charge are just as susceptible to propaganda as anyone else. We all live in the same society.

80k people died from the flu in a 19 week period during the flue season of 2017-2018. Hospitals were over run. They set up tents in the parking lots because they were running out of beds. There was a nationwide shortage of respirators. Making it worse was the shortage of IV bags due to a hurricane. It was the worst pandemic in four decades, the Hong Kong Flu seeing even more dead. There was no hysteria over either of those. In fact this is probably the first time you’ve even heard of them. Why weren’t you panicking in 2018? Why weren’t you stocking up on ammo and toilet paper? Why weren’t you telling everyone in Reddit to #flattenthecurve?

It’s not that you didn’t know. Had someone told you, you would have said “oh wow, that’s interesting.” Everyone would have. I mean, it was in the news. No one cared because no one was told to care. No one panicked because no one was told to panic.

This entire thing is just self-actuating propaganda. It’s produced by an autonomous system; it feeds whatever might be consumed, then increases its output when something catches on.

Too long didn’t read.

Yes. Our influence is massively overestimated. Similar to covid-19, (a relatively new virus) we have only been keeping track of these things for a short time. To make predictions of grandeur with such little data is laughable.
Northern Africa switches between a wet grassland and a dry desert every 20k years. Why? Because people drive cars?
It turns out that the position of the Earth in the solar system along with the axis tilt of the planet, has tremendous effects on the climate.
Humans, even many billions of them, don't even come close to having an impact on our weather.
If you want to talk about human issues like mismanagement of fresh water supplies, or pollution in the oceans, I'm all ears. Let's not pretend that we're bigger and more important than the impossibly large size and speed of our solar system.

This board really is filled with schizophrenics, yikes

As an aside, anyone who news articles supporting the media narrative (think about that) should be reminded that they’re not immune to propaganda. And modern news is propaganda for the sake of propaganda; there is no goal here other than to sell advertisements.

Summary: you’re not immune to propaganda, and that’s what the entire coronavirus hysteria is.

Fuck off fear mongerer

>japan telling me to have sex
im raughinfg

Falling for propaganda again, Charlie Hebdo

What Islam needs in order to win is for stalker societies to gain brain surveillance technology. Once sociopaths can enforce neural compliance on others, it won't be possible for people to maintain the opacity that preserves some liberty under Islam.

even worse an american pig

>Kill yourself to appease big line

Even if true which not, America > France lol