White Sperm donors in high demand


White sperm demand in brazil:



And in China:



"On the global market, Denmark has a well-developed system of human sperm export. This success mainly comes from the reputation of Danish sperm donors for being of high quality, furthermore, Nordic sperm donors tend to be tall and highly educated"

White race = saved

Let's pack it up boys

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Sorry I can’t help I already gave it all up in your moms mouth

Stay away from my balls forest niggers

This is one of the many reasons you don't have to worry about any of the jewish racemixing propaganda. The world is hard at work bleaching itself without us even having to lift a finger.

More like whit race is muttified.
White sperm should be for whites only.

......jesus christ......the-........they're bleaching themselves.

white men don't donate sperm. we actually take concern with where our seed goes.

It's still race mixing, though.
And the trends can be artificially created with propaganda just like it happens in any other market by now.

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South American abuelas still rejoice if their nephews are whiter than them.
"melhorando la raza" is still a thing.

But it's wrong. They're still severing their ancestral blood inheritance (reinforced epigenetic traits) just because they believe in the myth that white=richer

white cum for white pussies only!

Immoral and unethical. White sperm are for white women.

I'll take my DNA to the grave rather than hand it to some narc single mother in crippled nations

nigger you can't /thread yourself

well i just did

White women having pure white babies is the top priority, but as long as that's happening uplifting the other races with superior white genes is better for whites in the long run then letting a bunch of monkeys with just enough brains to fire ak47s run amok and threaten our civilization as a whole.

>making your enemy stronger and more superior is good for you in the long run

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I thought everybody loved niggers???

>giving your sperm to fat white whores
reminder to breed an azn qt3.14 and promote the hapa master race, aka meds.

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The duality of woman.

Fuck niggers.

White females should be for white sperm only but it should be shared with others freely..

Didn't the Aztecs believe the conquistadors to be Gods when first contact occurred? Maybe I read the texts wrong but it seems that much of South America had white Gods or myths involving pale men before any contact occurred. It seems attraction to whiteness, whether its in silk or in skin is natural to humanity, with exception of African and Pan African people's.

How do I start to donate?

t. 6'4, white, blonde, 130+ iq, soon a master's in engineering, handsome face and dick dimensions are 7 inch length and 5.5 inch girth

Saved by mongrelization?
I'd rather take my cummies to the grave, thanks though.

Alright, crackers, you hand over the sperm RIGHT NOW.
OR ELSE......


Less niggers in the world is making them stronger? I'm all for the rope, but that's not politically viable world-wide. No better way to conquer the the other races than to subvert their very genes.

even niggers hate niggers

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Mods, will I get banned for posting in this thread too? I've been banned every single fucking day now, could you please hang youselves soon?

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It's no surprise, every other race but whites can't keep their inferiority complex under control.

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I’d rather take it to my grave unused than taint it and upgrade these faggots.

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less niggers and more half-niggers that hate themselves and want everybody to be race-mixed like them and now have a more advanced intelligence than regular niggers and can scheme more efficiently is better for the white race?
at least full nogs know their place

They're asking for white semen, not asian.

Sperm kind of looks like a virus

then you better send them your mom, they can double the population of china with a spoonful of what’s in her vag

If you donated sperm would you give up on all your ambition

The "your mom" shit died out in 2007-08.

fucking rekd

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A few generations of bleaching and the law of natural selection will kick in and make every nonwhite race go extinct. It's already happening. Isn't it better to accelerate the evolution of mankind?

I’m bringing it back like your mom with an STD

>being tall is good
The Jews must be so pissed at themselves for propagating this one in particular, seriously back fired. Kek.

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