>32,000 american deaths
32,000 american deaths
Less US taxpayers means less military equipment from the US for you. Im sure covid had delayed the transfer of a few dozen F35s to Greece as well.
,000 american deaths
Prove it.
>The worst part of modern US history is like a drop in the bucket of the centuries of rape of Greece by Muslims
But what kind of "Americans" were the dead?
this virus is so based
>destroy the world for 5000 deaths
>do nothing when 32k die
So - will they reach 100k or not?
And if they do - should politicians be held accountable? In China they sacked the city mayor of Wuhan and governor of Wuhan province for this monumental fuck up and replaced them. Anyone in America will be punished or removed from job?
>> 253986144
is there some racial virus, who only works for specific human races?
>Hubei province
Disprove it.
Normal flu season, and the data suggests it was literally mostly niggers just like it is every flu season.
>ever holding politicians accountable
Oh I am laughing.
>32,00 boomer pensions and nigger welfare we don't have to pay anymore
Is it so hard? You have prosecutor or something? Judges? Make a special commision that will investigate the handling of the situation. Maybe some politicians were paid by business to not close their state and there was corruption involved.
Historylet detected.
Greeks and Muslims actually got a long much better than Greeks did with Whites in the West and North.
Whites would raid and plunder Greek cities in the Mediterranean, and when they took over them they would just plunder everything and destroy it, where as Muslims would let them be and just rule over Greeks.
Whites were unironically the niggers of the world up until the 17th century with the age of enlightenment, before then, the Muslims were unironically the whites of the world.
32,000 fewer mutts
Well they can't, since the places where the virus hit hardest are Democrat strongholds, and that would mean admitting that their responses despite being draconian and economy-destroying didn't even work.
The irony is mind-shattering, since the first case in New York was confirmed to have come from a woman who was returning from Iran, and if these same shitlibs had just kept their stupid cunt mouths closed and let Trump shut the border, their people wouldn't be being stacked like cordwood right now.
Hahahah, nothingburger death numbers go upppp.
You evil racist how can you laugh at those poor din dos.
That graph is misleading because the death count lags. All the other years on that graph do exactly the same thing when looking at them as they happen.
don't worry democrats are on the case
>meanwhile american women fuck niggers willingly
>entire world panics and destroys countless jobs and its economy for a few thousand deaths that were going to happen anyways to flu-like diseases
34,000 by the end of the day
We sjould tell chyna we’re not paying the debts we owe. Also Canada and aussies should seize all land owned by Chinese nationals
has there ever been a good romanian post? fucking gypsies
way less than eu deaths lol
12 million deaths by May 17
>per week