What you would you call a slave who has to pay for his own housing, food, taxes, and so on?

What you would you call a slave who has to pay for his own housing, food, taxes, and so on?

Also he's allowed to send a slave resume to a different member of the slaver union and switch up plantages at any given time, but if he ever stops paying taxes to the head slave master the slave goes to fucking prison.

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Slave is not the right word desu,as you can always leave and go out in nature,i do that about a month every year just to remind myself of just that.
But yes u understand your thinking

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That's why I'm asking for a better word. Like, slave with benefits?

Hostage to society?

That's good. I like it.

But i agee with you that the we are born in to a system that forces us to take part in a game that is played by others and the game is already going on when we start playing and depending on where and when we are born some get cheat codes and others got bugs in the system,so some of us needs to be fucking awesome at playing to win and others just win by default, but i can not see another way to do this?
Keeping government out of your lifes is a start but after that,i dont know fren

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A 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen or any other occupant of some irrelevant kike crown owned country i.e. the known world.

I'd like something like that but truth is same is with the movie most of us prolly have to die first.


Its called serfdom

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Are farm animals slaves?

The average modern human.

Leave the peperina alone

Do slaves get slaughtered, do you milk slaves?

They are aninals

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Slaves always had benefits.
The paying of rent and so on is actually pushing the labor of house management onto the slaves. Slave owners used to have a lot of work to make sure everyone was fed, clothed, and housed. Now, even that labor has been pushed to the slaves themselves, along with the emotional stress of managing a financial life that isn’t even worth anything.

I mean,you could milk your slaves a guess but.....

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Run away

Only the Khazar Milkers.

There's not place to run to though.

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All of human history has revolved around one form of slavery or another. Humans must control other humans because humans are actually the most valuable resource on this planet. The type of slavery of every age represents its context.
We can be jealous of serfs because they had so much free time for example. But they might be jealous of us because our children don’t die from simple diseases. We’re all slaves. Don’t let the modern forced lexicon fool you. You are born into a system. Get tedpilled.

I do from time to time, go out and live in the woods near a lake for about a month just to reset,only bring basic tools and my rishing gear and about 5kg rice and live on berrys fish mushrooms and build a camp for myself.
Fucking love it,always get a bit depressed the week after i get back.

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Aren't you allowed in Germany to start your own PLC/LLC etc?

I believe the term is wageslave, sir.

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If you choose to work you are bot a slave sir.
Start your own business if you feel bad working for someone else.

That's because your biological feedback mechanisms and the demands of the modern world are drifting apart. The world your body wants and the world technogical society keeps on producing are two different things. But that's not even enough for them, they want to change your biology itself. Like literally turn you into a cog in the machine that has no other desires but to serve the system.

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I hated my job so much I decided to rewrite the fabric of reality. Unfortunately my revision is still at the printer press.

I think you are but basically it boils down to you having to buy your freedom. They make you basically become another form of slave to escape slavery too, in a sense. Like figuratively when you're tired of being cannibalized the only way to get out is to become one of the cannibals.

Id love to live like it but i always lose about 4-6 kg and i am pretty fit so i would need to start farming also, and i also love my job so i dont mind i work as a carpenter and i absolutely love the work and the friends i work with

Serf. Indentured servant.

Get a new job desu or start your own.
Move is you have to,living a life that you hate is not really living fren,and in todays day and age moving is easy.
Hope shit turns out good for you

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Carpentry is honest work, nothing to be ashamed of.

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Thanks user I appreciate it. Have a comfy apu.

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