Dropping Redpill on China

As a Vietnamese, the closest neighbour to China throughout the history, I feel the obligation to drop the redpill of China and their culture

China is all about Winning at all cost, by any means necessary, deceptions, lies, backstabbing and saving face.

That's it, that's all about China.

China is all about winning at all cost, by any means necessary, deceptions, lies, backstabbing and saving face.

Alongside with that, Communism and the Communist party has made them denounce ALL religions, effectively makes them atheists that has no value, no trust in goodness, nothing to keep their primal instincts and evil in check.

They're a perfect storm in the making, subhuman beings in all regards, malicious, evil, lying, deceptions, with no modicum of honor or compassion, and above all - the desire to win at all cost. They would see the world falls if it means they get what they want, and they want alot, they're so greedy they WANT IT ALL.

If China raises, the world falls.

You've been warned. Do not let this happen. Anti-China on all fields before it's too late.

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They sound awesome how do l join?

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>If China raises, the world falls.

extremely based, this is very much in my interest

Other nations have similar desires but are constrained by various forms of moral, political and religious convictions or restrictions. This has kept their power restrained and the pandora box sealed for the most part.

Viets are based fukn love these little people Pho gang for life

Don't trust china, china is asshole

Hold your eyes so they look slanty and say "Ching chong, ding dong!"

As an Australian that lives around these people, this is dead on for a large percentage of them, and I really wish Americans and Europeans were more aware of this.

If they win, there will be no regard for anyone else the way Christians do, to win is to have value to lose is to be nothing to them, and that is why if westerners want to be anything more than serfs to these people they must recognise them as a massive threat


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If only Woodrow had pushed for Vietnamese independence after WW1, Ho Chi would have never turned to communism

The Western are too soft and naive compared to China. They're oblivious of China's maliciousness.

At this rate, China will just keep lying and decepting the world until they become world super power, and lay waste and spread their sickness to the world as we know it.

Grim future ahead.


>They would see the world falls if it means they get what they want.

Yeah we kinda got that just by the events of this year.

Fuck you frog shill, I hope you get the piss beaten out of you.

Based vietbro.

We Vietnamese have always known.

Dealing with chinese people in Brazil makes me agree with you. I respect them for the hard work but the lack of empathy is disturbing, this trace is now an obvious threat to humanity.

Chinese are hardcore racists too, in times of a global pleague of muslims and dindus this can be based and self preservation. But how much is too much?

If china wanted that I shill for them they should have increased my salary.
America have better salary for professional troll.
You can tell them that if they pay more than america I am willing to switch side.

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I can't wait for HK, Tibet, Tainwan and Xinjiang to leave the CCP forever

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Drop a fist down your throat you misinforming imp kys

ok chang.

I also get free burger which is kinda nice.

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You're an English teaching faggot trying to divide the Asian race.

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Westerners being weak is what will define 21st century history. Weak on China, weak on Saudi Arabia, weak on Turkey, weak in Russia and we gave up Africa

>China is all about winning at all cost, by any means necessary, deceptions, lies, backstabbing and saving face.
This is the absolute truth. Growing up I've bretty much seen all the petty evil shit China has done, just to fuck with us. They flood our market with cheap faulty semis and buy out all of good Korean ones. They pay our mountain minorities for paperbarks and rhino horns and drove them to extinction. They disguised themselves in our colors and attacked their own ships to start shit in the nine-dash line. They kidnap family cats and dogs in the northern rural areas and release massive hordes of rats into the fields during harvest seasons. We Viets are like the quite kid in class just sitting there minding our own business and the chinks are the bully.
The world needs to know this. Keep preaching brother.

never forget the war of 1979. fuck the china drones and their dick sucking cucks. fuck them many times.

I want to come back in the past. I wish we could write again the 20 century. starting by ww1 which should never have hapened.

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China is winning.

The Jews are losing.

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1bump. Important thread.

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This post is good an should not be overlooked. Thank you for taking the time. Nowhere near enough people realize the doom that is China.

Lol all this little countries shitting on big strong china all day, pathetic.

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China has been slated for regime change. Hong kong will soon be a seperate country as well along with the republic of tibet. The uhgirs are also getting their own state. The ccp fucked up bad this time.

The only thing China's going to win is multiple nuclear winters if they don't fuck off and behave themselves.

It was a fait accompli man, we had Commie spies deep in the state department and close to POTUS himself. China was intentionally given away to Communists.

how about the mass kidnaping of young 12-13 year old girls, so their ugly chink sons can have a wife?

This right here. We'll put a stop to their dog torturing real quick.

I would not say naive but more a slave to their conscience and morals which is where we fall down to Jews and seemingly the Chinese

my nigga

the asians are already divided retard, go back to r/sino dumbass

This is a good post and needs to be acknowledged by more people here.

found the Chang.
Nuclear war is mutual destruction. We all lose if that has to come, that's why China keep pushing on all fields, knowing no one would nuke them, the Western are too soft, and the US wouldn't risk a face-to-face war between super powers.

At this rate China will win, unfortunately.


>Alongside with that, Communism and the Communist party has made them denounce ALL religions, effectively makes them atheists that has no value, no trust in goodness, nothing to keep their primal instincts and evil in check.

Pretty much why Democrats love China so much, since they're all atheists, satanists & fake Christians.

Bump simply for the number of Chinese shills in here spazzing out.

China intentionally created and unleashed the CCP Virus
>CCP Virus
CCP Virus
>CCP Virus

Chinese are Steroidal NPCs
>Steroidal NPCs
Steroidal NPCs
>Steroidal NPCs
Steroidal NPCs

Attached: china dissident taken.webm (856x478, 1.96M)

If you had first hand experience with Chinese you know this.

Be it in academia or video games I observed the same pattern. Cheating is okay for them.

That is what shocked me, even the qt Chinese girl in our work group had no problem plagiarizing their university research.
As in a literal crtl+c and crtl+v. When confronted she just acted like she didn't know she couldn't do it.

I grew tired of them.

>If non-whites raises, the world falls.
You people really don't get it do you

Much respect. Viet bro. Sorry bout the Arclight and Napalm. You guys are bad asses. During last Ebola outbreak. A Viet-American nurse volunteered to tend to one of the patients and got crucial data that helped end the outbreak. Classic Viet balls.

Hope we can move back into DaNang and bro-up against the Chi-Com menace. Viet people were right to break away from Chinese all those years ago.

this was taken during the confinement ?
Otherwhy do you have the video with song ?

So you think real people believe your spam bots?

You’re talking to yourself.

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