Jews control mainstream media and feed the masses a steady diet of degenerate culture, by means such as Hollywood and Music. They intentionally supress anything actually good, because the only things that were good were made by Whites. (((They))) do not want people loving anything created by Whites, because then that would motivate them to preserve true Western Culture, untouched by the greasy hands of the Jew. I offer you an opportunity to learn about the greatest musicians the western world has to offer, because that is my specialty.
Love of our own culture must fuel our resistance, not soley the hatred of our enemy. Thus, I will post musical examples of the finest craftsmanship, and I hope you will take this opportunity to educate yourself more about the Titans that the Jew want to keep you from learning more about.
There is a hunger you seek to fill, one of cultural enlightenment. You can feel it in your gut, that there is something disgusting and terribly wrong about the modern day cultural fare that the people are fed, of (((Rap, video games, the pornographic, and the pedophilic))).
Just as Whites have done incomparibly the most to elevate the scientific understanding of mankind, they too offer you the opportunity to ascend in the artistic realm as well. There is more to life than just the apparent decline and degeneracy we are inundated with on a daily basis. I promise you this, and I hope you will believe me.
I know you yearn for something to love, something that can't be taken away, that will be with you until the end, faithful and resiliant, forever raging against the dark curtain that Jews want to cast in the eyes of the good White people. I offer you in this thread exactly that. I beg that you please accept my offering.
Whites are the master race of intelligence and pattern recognition. Such is the essence of the highest creation of man - Order and Understanding. Scientia - The untangling of the mysteries and possiblities contained in our Universe.
We can understand sin to be exactly the thing Jews profit off of the most, at the expense of the mental and physical health of Whites. You don’t need to believe in a God to appreciate these lyrics.
Just resist sin, lest its poison seize you. Don't let Satan blind you; for those who defile God's honor will incur a curse that is deadly.
The appearance of vile sin is indeed outwardly very beautiful; however one must afterwards with trouble and frustration experience much hardship. On the outside it is gold; yet, going further in, it shows itself as only an empty shadow and a whitewashed grave. It is like the apples of Sodom, and those who engage themselves with it will not achieve God's Kingdom. It is like a sharp sword, that pierces through body and soul.
Whoever sins is of the devil, since he has brought it forth. Yet if one is able, with virtuous devotion, to withstand its contemptible bonds, it is already done away with.