What is it about American culture that turns people into impotent little serfs?

What is it about American culture that turns people into impotent little serfs?

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Brainwashed by right wing think tanks

>vassal state of ZOG talking about serfdom

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even though jobs suck they provide a comfy life that people enjoy more or less

>What is it about American culture that turns people into impotent little serfs?
>Kraut flag.
You shouldn't be the one to talk.

leave your little trust fund faggot bubble OP and you will learn that most people need to work or they have nothing

Brainwashed by Jews you mean. But i largely agree op. There is absolutely no honor in supporting this degenerate globohomo economy. Especially as a white man

American culture makes people imagine events in their head for fake internet points. So cringe

Americans have been enslaved by their government. It's hilarious when they larp about freedom.

>Robert Evans
Chapo, fuck off.

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A hundred years of neoliberal control of the media does that. The west is dominated by the cult of productivity and vanity, perpetuated by our corporate masters.

I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $1,000, Alex

>Americans have been enslaved by their government.
Oi mate, you got a loicense for that post?

The USSR was another stupid cultural dominated by productivity.

>.... and then everyone on the bus started to clap.

What a shitty fucking thread.

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"Right wing" think tanks don't exist. There are JEWISH think tanks that pretend to be conservative in order to control that movement in goyim countries.

The closest thing would be AmRen, and they're good. Otherwise, it's COMPLETELY KIKED.

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Your dad’s a cunt mate

>Brainwashed by right wing think tanks

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Jews have made them afraid of 'muh socialism' so they vote for big corporations to get tax cuts. It's the same reason so many of them believe in fairytales and mutilate their sons. They are sheep.

Why blackout Robert Evans' name?
OP is a tranny (1) poster.

Their fuckin bible and believing in all the nonsense retardation that comes with it.

>impotent little serfs
literally every white country fits the bill

you're parents don't want you to be poor for the rest of your life, we need an economy to do that.

>Just ignore all the kids being forced on the street and turning to prostitution or worse, need to save some boomers.

What you call little serfs I call parents willing to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of their children.

This shutdown will turn into a clusterfuck compared to which a mountain of dead boomers will pale.

Yes, no doubt about that. But there are options for society besides rampant worship of all things materialistic or communism.

>replying like this happened

We are going to die anyway why wait death sitting at your Home

>"look terrorism will not be a problem with mandatory machine guns, I assure you

>There will be many, many other problems. But not terrorism"
- Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) 2 hours ago
This guy has the worst gay takes.

human value is not measured by the quality of the human being, but by the amount of $ the managed to accumulate during their lifetime.

>rather she and my dad die than see the economy tank
There is a 0% that this isn't faggot communist conjecture and that she actually said that.

Sitting around watching free Pornhub premium and Netflix and playing Final Fantasy VII pozzed edition is a pathetically low quality of life.

I wasn't talking about you in this example user.

>Imagine thinking that a person needs to own stocks to realize that destroying the one thing that affords them a roof over their head, a warm bed to sleep in, and cheap and plentiful food...because 0.00567% of the population is sick...probably isn't the greatest of ideas.

This is shit is posted by faggots that have never really experienced a hard day in their lives..they have no idea the hardships that await them if the wheel is broken.

>this comeback
You need to go back to finish your 8th grade.

I read a report about how the police in Maryland believe there's 20,000 children being prostituted in Baltimore, a very large amount are white parents who are addicted to drugs letting negro/spic drug dealers have a go at their daughters in exchange for opioids. Tried telling the mutts on here that and they simply dismissed it and acted like it was acceptable for poor/working class whites to be treated like worse than filth baka. Muttoids seem to be happy to dismiss 90% of their own nation as lost territory and gloat about the inkling of freedom they retain in their miniscule "real america". Massive blackpill.
Seems the middle and upper class whites would rather "DEVEND" their race with slap fights with other rich kids rather than actually tackle the massive exploitation of whites by negro drug dealers going on.

and then everyone clapped

>"Worked with your father for many years at Radio Disney. Met you when you we’re working at Cracked. Sorry they’re clueless idiots. Seems to be going around."
wow, also an extremely nepotistic country too, lol
Aww, what a poor family.

>believing people care what spics think