In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?

In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?

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full of jews

I hear your women have huge titties. That's the only thing I care about.

New jews of the US. Look at how many of them work at OANN. More like One Polish News Network.

Honorary niggers and eternal enemies of Europeans. But the non-christian ones are cool

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Shit country full of retards i hate it

Subhuman toilet cleaners and chimps who larp as whites but are really albino niggers.

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Is there any proof that the man from the poster is actually polish and not soviet?

Good hard working people met a lot in the uk very family focused

One of the few white bastions of Europe, no jews, no niggers.

This triggers memeflags and mutts.

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Honestly, poles are white Europeans so they’re alright, but they definitely have that poor, eastern Europe trash vibe.

I went to Lublin in 2018. It was a very beautiful city. Lots of graffiti in the city and lots of brown homeless people. Also lots of degenerate ugly people walking around.
But the outskirts and further out is just a complete shithole.

Other than that I hold no hard feelings towards Poland, it is likely to be the first white ethnostate/redpilled country. I do wish the Poles that lived near me would fuck off back to Poland though.

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Aussie here living it up in Poland.

It's based as fuck and I'd move here permanently in a heartbeat. Feels good walking around without seeing non-white filth and I haven't had any negative interactions with actual Polish people either.

Poland really is at the epicentre of the whole 'preservation of white nations' dialogue currently going on from what I've seen online. Every cunt and his dog wants to learn Polish and move here.

I can't see how any white person that isn't self-loathing could talk shit about Poland. And opinions of non-whites can be disregarded automatically.

When the West is full to the brim with Mudslimes and Poos, you'll see Poland and its Slavic neighbours over there being beautiful unmolested countries of whiteness.

gibsmedats of europe

Sellouts if the price is right

Polish people are truly as stupid as their stereotype suggest. Really, slow, stupid people. Polish girls are easy tho.

The only whites worth saving

I view Poles in a mostly positive manner. You're a strong patriotic and nationalistic people and that I respect. I also adore the Polish-Hungarian relationship.
One of the things I like the most about you Poles is that at least normie Poles, like the normie Estonians, seems to like the Swedish folk but at the same time dislike the Swedish government and our current ideology.
Dumb people like Amerimutts doesn't seem to be able to think in that way.

Though, since I'm Swedish I do have an inherent dislike of all Slavs. Sorry about that. We Swedes view ourselves superior to Slavs, it's just the way it is.

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Tbh most of Poles are stupid. Just stupid, they dont understand ideologies or philosophies, they dont care about the nation, they just care only about themselves. While at the same time ideas such as self improvment seem compelty strange to them. They just care about money. With this kind of Poles making up most of our nation we need a strong authoritarian goverment in order to make this country work and educate the people. Also im talking about Poles in general, i would say that 10% of Poles are realy great, inteligent people superior to most of other nations, but most of us are sadly, as i said before, stupid and blind. And the main problem is that currently our goverment and "elite" is made up of worse Poles and foreigners

Sounds like any nation really.

I am Hungarian so I may be biased but I love them.
I meet Polacks here all the time and they are great fucking people. I realize our people have a similar temperament and so I get along with them well.

Stop making these threads you fag. You sound like such an attention whore. Are you a woman? No? Then stop.

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make me

>Me? Well Im part of the 10% of course, superior to most people in the entire world.

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So you are a woman? Tits or GTFO then. Stop looking for validation on a chinese basket weaving forum and stop basing your worth on your national origins. It's for your own good.

I held polish in great regard, I thought they were deeply Christian, patriotic and proud, everything we should be but we aren't.
But then Yas Forums happened.


Stop being such a Janusz. Seriously.

zamknij pysk

Pathetic beyond belief. I feel bad for you.

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jestes cwelem

Hey ausbro, how do you go with the language and everyone speaking polish?

Mods, fucking ban this spamming cunt already.

I don't know any Polish people, nor have I been to your country. If I had to use Yas Forums as a basis for judgement, some of you are alright, some of you are niggers, pretty much like everyone else here.

O kurwa the Karyna's have invaded Yas Forums

Newfag detected. Go to Yas Forums faggot.

Mate, it's a fucking hard language. But I'm learning it pretty well and the Poles take to that very positively. I started a year ago and I practice every day, but every so often I discover something new about the language that scares the fucking shit out of me. It's both really daunting and inviting.

Learning what the letters mean and training your tongue to move in that way is itself a nightmare. But learning the grammar - it's at least 5 times harder than English. I'd highly suggest checking out the 'Polski z Anią' series on YT to get an idea:

(start from lesson 1 of course).

Thankfully most people in the major cities speak a degree of English. But you absolutely need to learn survival phrases for when it comes to ordering food or buying a train ticket.