Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - A Saturday in April Edition

>Election analysis 2014-2019

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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Ich hoffe ihr seid fleissig am preppen Freunde! (;

Iridescent pepe? How about iridescent lum

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Da bist ja endlich wieder. Dachte schon die Zahnpastafabrik hat dich verschlungen. Schwöbli grüßt!

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Sei gegrüsst Schwöbli Bruder! Es ist endlich Wochenende!!

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you polluters had your fun during the mandated holiday
but now its time to save the climate again alright

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What's an effective way to avoid GEZ? Does the "I can only pay cash" trick still work?

Do you have a Weapon?? Just point it at the gez fags and tell them to leave your property.

They don't show up in person anymore.

Even better! You have Nothing to fear then!

The prepp never ends

small business neighbor is in middle of messy divorce. got a visit from police today. 2nd time caught violating corona regulations by remaining open. persistent violators can get a fine can go up to 25k. hell hath no fury anons.

Checked. Sounds like the poor schmuck is getting violated by financial hardship regardless.

they will take a big straw and suck it out of your bank balance and if you are a wagecuck they even cooperate with your slavemaster

people still dont wake up
they tell you to close shop and if you dont because you need to earn money to live they will fine you and put you even into more troubles
so much for the
"for the peoples common good"
hypocrites and liars

Then go the mentally ill route.

Please god make sure that taids gets raped and killed by the rapefugee she meets today. These repeating numbers also confirm it.

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I am getting mixed signals here...

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>tips BBC
A fellow intellectual.

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fucking hate that refugee descendant

Let me help you with that
Check em

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Fuck your mother you god damn piece of dogshit!!! Leave her the fuck alone!!!

Am brappen bin ich doch immer:)

""" her"""

Be quiet sandnigger.

I wonder what this guy is doing today
dude your waifu is complete trash

>t. Albanian

he is a lefty

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She is a absolute goddess and i will always serve and obey my queen!!

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Pic related was also a lefty.

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Stay jelly.

different times completely different "left"
we two come to that topic every single time kek

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>pic related was also a lefty.

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Classical leftism is based

I am :)

>verhandeln mit Flüchtlingsanführern

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Read a book.

>These repeating numbers also confirm it.
>rolls 69

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so its confirmed

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>mfw loud and noisy T*rkroach neighbors

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Nice tray losers! Queen tay is unbesiegbar.

National socialism doesn't fit into left or right
it's third position

This is all I have to say to this.

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