5G Arson

This shit is fucking hilarious!
I'm so happy.
Corona Chan is a blessing..
>Everybody lives the neet life
>Everybody has anxiety
>People going crazy
>People crying about it
The Age of the Normie is over, the Time of the Neet has come!

Attached: orc.jpg (900x542, 176.45K)

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These are becoming more and more common yet in our age of surveillance there are no videos or photos of the vandals nor are there any arrests while there are plenty of videos of the towers themselves going up in glorious electrical fire.

Here's one my mate sent me last week

btw i dont know about iceland but the netherlands isnt a Londonstan

Nice. I was beginning to think those towers were self igniting because I couldn't find any videos. I think the search engines are suppressing them thinking they are conspiracy theories kek.

the witness
>I was standing right over there
>I saw somebody with a jerrycan
>He was doing something
>All of a sudden the whole thing went up in flames
>Flames of like 10 to 15 feet

Bald guy w/ glasses
>This system is vital for emergency services

>mfw the crazies are making crime and terrorism easier.

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Yeah they are definitely being suppressed
When I type
>brand 5g = fire 5g
i get videos by the government talking about how people are conspiracy nuts

btw it's not at all a conpiracy
>Mona Keijzer geeft aan 5G ook te willen gaan inzetten voor Crowd Control
>Mona Keijzer indicates that she wishes to implement 5G as crowd control method
lol this shit is more real than I thought

Yeah but I was starting to believe the whole vandalism thing was to cover up self ignition of the towers because I couldn't find anything. Their suppression is fueling conspiracy theories now kek.

Yeah the government is retarded.
I'm glad it's happening though cause every time the news is on I'm just dying laughing.


>Age of Autism

This thread is glowing

>Shill for months for people to go out and attack the infrastructure
>people actually start burning 5g towers

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some retards here set fire to a wi-fi tower thinking it was 5g
this is gold

If it isnt a retarded incel who did it, then it might also be a false flag to make people more sympathetic to 5G.
Either its not something you morons should condone. You are playing into their hands.

Glowing with happiness you amerinigger :D

I'm loving this so much!

Who gives a fuck about what we play into, fuck this stupid world I want chaos :D

>I haven't taken a lesson in mobile technology but let me tell you how radio waves work

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We have our own prophet these days.
This man is saving us from the 5G cancer!


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This world is already stupid and chaotic, user. Why add fuel to the fire? Thats kind of what the powers that be want. They want you to do stupid shit like this so that you look stupid, retarded and evil while they get all the sympathy and support from the masses. Dont play into it.

lol you have no idea what you are talking about cuck.
the chaos is beautiful and when they do increase their power over us that will be their downfall.

Many folks including me are pissed of from this fucking hoax.
There is a saying : "sow the wind and you will reap the storm"

>spouts pompous attitude without any substance to a claim

>needs expensive infrastructure every 200 ft (less efficient, more intrusive tech)
>microwaves have been used to manipulate plasma membranes for decades in biochem labs
>well known to be damaging to retinal and skin cells
>phones are $1000
>same frequency range as thermal weapons
>will interfere globally with weather radar's ability to track and predict storm intensities and their paths
>4G is already fast enough for streaming, etc.
>builds a surveillance grid to track everyone in real time
Yet, somehow, 5G is still being implemented.

Attached: 4G and 5G same spectrum band.png (1516x730, 221.7K)

Nice gay barber car. Is it yours?

Why are they using fire to get rid of them instead of i dunno explosives or cutting the towers?
Couldn't they shut down the power to these towers or a whole area around the tower and then take out the tower?

Also: You may have noticed that Bill Gates of Hell wants to chip everyone under the pretext of vaccinations against the hoax virus. If u wanted to gather realtime information about humans u would need a new infrastructure like 5G right ?

No, I don't cute vroom vroom like that

It's too bad people are resorting to vandalism. Their local governments must really be ignoring their questions and concerns.
Where I live in the US, they are also just plowing ahead while everyone is basically screaming online they don't want or need it.

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