/sg/ Syria General - New Thirty Year War Edition



>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Syria Mar 21
>Afghanistan Mar 21
>Iraq Mar 21
>Yemen Mar 21



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Fuck the memeflag spammer
Fuck the saudi brainlet
Fuck the finish avatarfag
Fuck Jannies

In other news

small isis raids, nothing happens

Tarhouna OPs has started
Watiyah still besieged

Desert battles

>/uk/ when
Never ever


Battles have switched to the north of Marib, which is unfortunately wide open desert, so not ideal Houthi terrain

The whole frontline between Maas Camp and Al Labinat Camp is a battlefield.

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>Yemeni Army & Houthi forces are launching a new operation to advance towards Ruwayk direction. Fierce clashes are currently taking place at Nudhud.
>Houthi forces are now entering into a flat desert area where they will be easily intercepted by Saudi airstrikes. Only way for them to advance is to rely on controlling mountainous areas that will protect them from getting bombarded.
>Why all the way towards Ruwayk? By controlling Ruwayk mountain and its base, Houthi forces can impose firepower to cut off Hadi/Islah supply route at Marib-Abr international line reinforcing from Saudi side, thus surrounding Marib City from all sides.
>Cutting off Marib-Abr line isn't enough to truly cripple Hadi/Islah defenses in Marib City. Houthi forces will also need to march towards southern Marib from Qaniyah side in order to impose a coup de grace to Hadi/Islah forces stationing in the provincial capital.

shit picture, but Labinat Camp is on the left, Ruwayk Mountain on the very right

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GNA forces, backed by turkish drones, have started an offensive towards Tarhouna.

Tarhouna is the main pro-Haftar town south of Tripoli and the command center from which the LNA is fighting the Battle of Tripoli

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Apparentlyfunds are running dry, and TFSA in Libya got their salaries cut by 50%, resulting in chimping.

Bashar living rent free in their heads kek

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The loss of Tarhouna, together with a potential fall of Watiyah Air Base, would almost certainly mean the end of the Battle of Tripoli


Tarhouna is fiercely anti-GNA (or rather against the Tripoli militias, which means the same)

It had been targeted already by a smaller offensive in January, which went nowhere.

The GNA would have to fight a house-by-house battle if it wants to take the town and the Tarhouna tribes would rather sacrifice their city rather than see it taken by Tripoli scum.

(a GNA Tarhouna offensive could still bypass the city and break though to Garyian, cutting off the LNA south of Tripoli.
But given the general competence of both sides, strategic foresight is not exactly their strenght)

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Lol this sums up FSA fighters well. They don't know what they fight for or who they fight for, and they never did. They are just mercenaries selling themselves to the highest bidder.

>#GNA Army spox: "Our forces are advancing towards Tarhouna city in different directions, we hope to present good news soon"

>#BREAKING #Turkey and #GNA forces advancing in #Tripoli city and around Tarhouna.

>New wave of airstrikes on #Tarhouna city, #Turkish armed drones very effective

Probably high time for either UAE or Russia to step in soon

Why the egyptians aren't bombing the fuck out of GNA is the real question.

Has there ever NOT been war in the middle east?

To be fair, that sums up both sides.

According to the LNA, they are just fighting Turks and syrian FSA and no Libyans anymore.
According to the GNA, they are just fighting Sudanese and syrian pro-Assad troops and russian mercenaries and no Libyans anymore.

To the LNA only turkish airpower prevents a full victory
To the GNA only emirati airpower prevents a full victory

Haftar is just a saudi,emirati, russian, french puppet and all Libyans hate him
Sarraj is just a turkish qatari MB puppet and all Libyans hate him

The truth is somewhere in the middle and for both sides outside military assistance, including foreign fighters, is by far the most decisive factor

(though regarding popular support, I personally think that the LNA/Haftar has more)

>According to the LNA, they are just fighting Turks and syrian FSA and no Libyans anymore.
Literally not true. Sure they are playing up the amount of FSA but still, they are very clear that they also fight other terrorist groups too.

This women is a gulenist.

In the few years before 2003

Egypt is not officially part of the civil war and does not openly support any side.
They are mostly concerned that Eastern Libya remains stable and without jihadis.

If the GNA would move into the east, then Egypt might become more active
But that is a big IF, even if theoretically winning around Tripoli they are probably too weak and maybe Turkey would even forbid it, exactly to prevent a larger egyptian involvement.

Actually the population of Egypt does support Muslim Brotherhood, but they cracked down on them real hard. Basically you have the "elite" of egypt, collaborating with zionist elite of israel

But the will of people will eventually overcome the elites once more

She doesn't seem like MB type

Egypt is officially on Haftar's side though

So I may be asking some dumb questions here, Are Al Qaeda and Houthis in Yemen "allied" or? Also, why is it that almost every video I see from Syria SAA getting owned? Are they really that bad or do the opposition just have more GoPros?

So Turkey gave up in Syria and is now starting a new adventure in Libya?

>Are they really that bad or do the opposition just have more GoPros?

The SAA has its problems, but professional militaries don't usually show ground combat footage.

>Are Al Qaeda and Houthis in Yemen "allied"

>do the opposition just have more GoPros?
Yes. And obviously pro-american (which adsume you were visiting) sites usually only post things that are made by the terrorists, not by the government.

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worked out well for Mussolini...

Whats up with her eyebrows, they look weird

Giving up isn't quite right. They are rather trying their luck in Libya while Syria is on hold. And to be fair, whatever happens in Libya, Assad is the one who gains from it. The longer Erdogan keeps being retarded in Libya the easier it will be to liberate Syria.

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Why is Turkey granted the freedom to carry out genoicides without having to pay for it. And why is Turkey granted the freedom to invade other countries. Why is no one doing anything against Turkey? It's like it's the most normal thing in the world when Turkey does it. I just don't get it man..

Because Turkey is in NATO and NATO can do no wrong. And muh (((realpolitiks))).

Gulenist =/= MB

They actually oppose each other, because america can't control the muslim brotherhood, but the gulenist they can

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They're bolder than others, which can sometimes pay off. Europe is a cuckshed when it comes to defending their interests (re: Libya and the Mediterranean).

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>Because Turkey is muslim and muslims can do no wrong.

Gulenists are literally a subset/offshoot of AKP.

Didn't you by the way call arabs subhumans just few days ago? Despite claiming to be a muslim? What was that all about? Your propeht was an arab, not a çomar like you.

You're talking bullshit, your personal feelings or narrative on a certain situation do not mean it is how things are

Bashar is a faggot, they want to form the good ol shia alliance with russia against america with the good ol sunni alliance

The world doesn't revolve around this black and white thinking anymore
Hafez aswell as Bashar are zionist collaborators

See how Hafez coup'd Salah Jadid who attempted to fight israel with Yassir Arafat, Yassir was pro-MB

Hafez wanted to coup Saddam Hussain and establish his own fake ba'ath ideology, Saddam Hussain was close to MB

Iran, in terms of muslim brotherhood, is ok but they start to appear as the enemy of the muslim political world, because they constantly collaborate with russia

As for syria? It's like a dead prey, the bigger ones feasting on it and trying to push the little ones back
Get this in your mind, syria is done for. The port belongs to Russia, the influence belongs to shia iran

The sunni dominated areas will want to keep turkey in. The shia dominated areas will notice how iran leeches off them, as they did in iraq and this will cause another uprising.

The people of iraq want saddam back

What? Where did i do that man? I'd never judge a person because of his race

I may have insulted rafidha people here and that one fat shia kalb who posts pics of his fat body taking a dump

But no sir, i'd never insult one for belonging to the arab race, i have friends from all around the world

But the british and french are another thing though

Gulenist attempted to establish a political party, in this case AKP, yes i'll give you that

This is why i opposed erdogan prior to the coup, the scheme was quite obvious and laughable. After the coup, the man came to his senses and knew what the fuck was going on around him

Now all is good, he attempted to bury the gulenist and is close with the muslim brotherhood

And whoever wants to add his 2 cents into this subject, no one can deny that the political way for the middle east and north africa, or rather for the muslim dominated countries, is the muslim brotherhood

Otherwise the middle east will never recover from war

>muh Salah Jadid, the slaughterer or Hama
There's no reasoning with retards like you. I'm not going to go over this again with you just because you are obsessively sucking every s*nni dick you can wrap your lips around. Dumb nigger.

And yes you did call arabs trash, the lebraqi even called you out on it
>inb4 "i-it wasn't m-me!!!!!!"

PS. MB has been collaborating with zionists since the 60s

>bomb you until your bones evaporate

what was that? I thought i heard a sunnishit sqealings???

>And whoever wants to add his 2 cents into this subject, no one can deny that the political way for the middle east and north africa, or rather for the muslim dominated countries, is the muslim brotherhood
Funny how most people who think like that are turkish memeflaggots in Germany...