Liechtentsein is the greatest country on Earth and also the one that is closest to anarcho-capitalist principles...

Liechtentsein is the greatest country on Earth and also the one that is closest to anarcho-capitalist principles. Every village in Liechtenstein has the right to secession if they wish - unheard of in most countries - and the Monarch doesn't even collect money from taxes. The closely related Switzerland, where its cantons have high degrees of sovereignty, is also one of the greatest places on earth

Anarcho-capitalism is the solution to modern problems, the closer that a country gets to it the better it will be.

Attached: couples_coordinates_liechtenstein_vaduz-castle.jpg (712x475, 165.37K)

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Population >38 k people


>low population is bad
Ireland intellectual.

Yes, in an ancap world, countries would tend to be very small, a la places like Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra

What happened to the stolen crown of Liechtenstein and why was it so important?

Low population? Their is literally bigger villages than Liechtenstein.
>something works in my village and that means it will work everywhere else

and nation that has a truly free market is evil and degenerate.

Attached: inferior market.jpg (1234x391, 173.19K)

For all intents and purposes that place is essentially Swiss-controlled:
>uses Swiss currency
>uses Swiss education principles
>uses Swiss post
>uses Swiss transportation systems
>speak Swiss German
>"sovereignty" is defended by the Swiss army

we even invaded you like 3 times by mistake and all you did was offer us drinks. kek

Attached: 2f6304dc-f802-4e59-8f11-875e99485eed..jpg (1080x416, 122.34K)

it sounds like a lesbian jews name.

Not to mention all of Europe including these pissant countries rely on American military protection.

Luxembourg is better

>a country
No faggot, man made laws and countries are not anarchistic. Go live in the jungle with the rest of the niggers and fling spears at each other, that's anarchy.

They put their criminals in Swiss prisons, too (unless the sentence is only a few days or so)

People can still live peacefully and cooperate under anarchism, they are just not coerced to.

>invaded you like 3 times by mistake and all you did was offer us drinks. kek
thats pretty awesome desu
>wake up to milk the cows
>neighborbro's soldiers are there obviously lost
>'hey bro want a beer?'
>milk cows
>fugg busty braided blonde milkmaid wife
>life is good.mp3

They can't.

You are literally retarded. I see no money in your picture. Where are the stocks? How are you consume cuck going to eat? Looks nice, but you going to have to milk the cows and eat meat maybe once per month, not every day.

Nothing anarchistic about them, they are just tax havens under mommy queen.

from whom? We’re the bad guys pushing them to accept hoards of niggers, retard. Russia by contrast isn’t.

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Yeah, white people for about 9 months..

Anarchism doesn't exist, if everyone uses "private" enterprise to enforce their "NAP", than everyone is simply their own state. It's ontologically impossible to liberalize any further than a night watchman state. Literally all the "anarcho-capitalists" are confused in their abstractions, Robert Nozick, Hayek & Friedman are not.

Italy once stopped enforcing all their laws in Sicily, Sicily was annexed, for a single moment you might have had something one can call anarchism but the mafia's filled up the vaccuum.

Anarchism is when you chase lizards in Mad Max desert, so you can have dinner. Literally eat bugs.

There is a distinction between governments and states. Governments can exist in anarcho-capitalism, states cannot because states are a monopoly on the protection of property. I generally agree that an ideal society within an ancap world would resemble a night watchman state, but the issue is that night watchman state, as all states, will naturally favor themselves and get bigger over time. It's important that the right of secession is always guaranteed or else there is no protection from the state constantly growing itself.

Do you even know what a state and a government is? Its the same thing.

meme flag, guess the jews are coming for it next

Government doesn't implies central or politicians. Government implies governing, which means people who decide. Existence can't exist without government. Somebody always decides, you just chosen to look away or not care and you expect Lichtenstein welfare tax haven bucks to drop into your pocket. Somebody has to produce the food you eat, somebody has to test the food you eat, somebody has to invent procedures aka recipes for eating, that too is governing. I govern over my food when i follow instructions. Anarchist will throw rice into fire or if he learned basic governing then into water, but what then? You going to eat plain rice every day? You are too lazy, that's the problem.


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Liechtenstein should just be annexed. It can barely qualify as a country.

At the end of the day, Ancap is basically just the right to secession at all times. People can still cooperate and agree on defense if they think it will be better for them. The point is, if secession was allowed then we would see a world with far more successful, smaller and harmonious states and not all be forced to live in ever-expanding public governments that actively pile up debts and immigration