Landlords ask tenant to pay with sex

Based. People who live from paycheck to paycheck are going to get some might beautiful circumsised Jewish benis
This is like the Great Depression all over. Get ready, the value of the thot is falling!

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My landlord is a decently hot mature woman, so I don't mind.

But ur an ugly neet incel

NEET, yes. Ugly, no.

no u

>Landlords ask tenant to pay with sex

I would be more than happy to pay rent with sex if it's heterosexual sex, and the woman is at least decent looking and not ancient.

>Have no money to pay rent
>Landlord gives you a very reasonable alternative
>Bitch about being offered free housing
What the hell is wrong with these people? Assuming the landlord doesn't have STDs or something this seems like a fantastic deal for them.

I'd suck my day Jewish landlord's cock everyday for free, and if he waived my rent? Even better! I'd be his secret boy lover that comes around to clean his office a few times a week ;-) I love superior Jewish cock, yes please wreck my little GOYIM boypussi daddy Abraham I'll be your little slave slut please give me your yummy shekels n cummy oh boy

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This is my fetish

In other news, whores try to skip out on rent by whoring themselves to landlord.

No money no problem

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Thousands died at D-Day for this

Your going to pay the toll with your boy hole.

They died for Israel

Just like in my Jewish pornos.

Frank, it's boy's soul not boy's hole.

fake and fucked up. not based.


Imagine waiving 1 month worth of rent for one time of having sex. This is some thirsty pathetic shit right there.

Why is this illegal again? Whoring?

Maybe rent would get jacked up but pretty ones arenallowed to go into arreara on rent on exchange for open access to their rears, then the land lord starts.demanding sex with others and his apartment complex becomes a brothel.

>landlord suggests this
>do it
>clearly rape/coercion
Now im the landlord, spread em.

We really picked the wrong side.

And then complain afterwards because they feel trashy.

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Good, fucking idiots.

It's the principle.

If sex is worth one month of rent, and one month of rent is approx 1,200$, the landowners are getting ripped off.

the landlord as a profession is made possible by the federal reserve system

Sounds like a pretty fair exchange. I'd fuck my 68 year old landlady if it meant saving $850 a month.

>all this "males" thinking they would be able to pay their rent with sex
its like you dont even know about sexual dynamics

What if your tenants are all fags?