Dear NatSocs

I need the that Hitler webm 'when white people revolt' or something like that. it's an intense motage of natsoc shit. You know what I mean.

Also general natsoc media thread

Fucking HH

Attached: hitler.jpg (800x556, 68.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

don't have it but this is close

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You know what I'm talking about yeah?

Bless you brother. We need to make hitler vids great again


Let's face it
How many of us still are built to achieve this kind of destruction ? I am no kike, just a demoralized natsoc

Just look at corona-chan, it's already ramping up again. Another common trait of european revolution is that it's different every time.

And before you say that Corona-chan is hittin western nations harder than eastern, don't forget that a big part of this is also to wash and clean the home state.

Just google Alerta Judiada


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You're a gay cunt if you think you can roll over a die. Have read a book by J.M.? It's never over while we are still alive

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the fight never ends brother

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>just a demoralized natsoc
you literally cannot be demoralized and be a natsoc. struggle gives us a hard-on. that's why we picked the side most alone against the fucked up world. be happy in your own life and do everything you can. if we lose in the end then we did so doing all we could and made our ancestors proud.

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>"Whait peoples superorir"
>haha your car is burning, armchair-nazi
>leave the premises
Single frame meme would capture this well enough


Yeah I'd really like that vid. It's got Hitler and intense music. Post it and says shit like "white people revenge"
I finished this documentary the other day. Reminded me of old youtube natsoc inspiration.

That's not it. I need the DODODODOD music and sieg heils

It's a music video you must have seen it. Like Nazi parades with HUGE music

You guys are fucking pathetic.
Anyone who bases the worth of others on their skin colour are fucking retarded.
What are your achievements?
What have you done as an individual?

Most likely fuck all, the biggest nationalists, are losers, people who take pride in other people's accomplishments because they share the same skin colour eye etc but have done fuck all in their life.
Deep down you know you are all worthless scum.

All the proof you need is the ethnic mortality rate in corona-chan.

When the left begins to call a virus "racist" for killing more blacks than whites, that's when you know they're hiding some embarrassing stats.

Also note, the "official" stats label non-hispanic whites at 51% mortality distribution, which is just weird and does not correlate with the statements made by nurses/doctors:

When the government is officially screaming "calm down lads, its an even distribution", but everyone in the field are screaming "holy shit! it's only killing black people!".
That's when you just know...

>t. paki invader

You are lactose intolerant and have small penis


Do it faggot you wont

I have no idea which video you're talking about. They are all scattered on Bitchute. If you find the right channels I guarantee all the old stuff you're looking for is there.

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>skin color
Eugenics has nothing to do with skin color, retard.

I'll rape you british pig skin, feel my arab cock in your ass

I got you bro.

Point me in the right direction, at least.

See this is the problem with this mindset it's followed by thick cunts
Anyone who disagrees must be the 'enemy'
I'm a white John Stuart mill believing Englishman who believes in liberty and decency. Not thuggery

pretty sure that's a bot

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I am demoralized because I cannot see any way of national-socialism being applied in France.

Lurk more, you've been brainwashed like we all have been

I was 100% sure I was going to get rickrolled. Damn.

Every white country is over run with subhumans like you, leeching off white accomplishments

So you believe politicians have the right to do decide who lives and who dies ?

Transistor wont ever lead a revolt.

>noooo you cant burn my car down

epic strawman, retard. Try again and I just might give you another (You).


It's fucking hard music nazi shit

The music sounds like JEWJEWJEWJEW while they are marching. You must know the video

>Because they refused to pledge allegiance to the Nazi party or serve in the military, Jehovah's Witnesses were sent to concentration camps, where
>they were identified by purple triangles and given the option of israel jidf flat earth antarctica proof
where is your purple triangle transistor

>nooo you need to argue with me
>noooo why are you violently opposing my ideas for a military doctrine

>the biggest nationalists are losers
Cool it with the antisemitism please

Think you've been brainwashed mate.
This site is a cancer been lurking here for years and it's getting worse
Hating people because of their appearance is not rooted in reality. It doesn't match up with life experience.

Or this:

Holy shit, us anglos, we have some psychic connection, how did you even know what I was talking about..


Fucking white man we got this. This gives me absolute faith. Fuckin Anglos just love killin.

"The Lion"?

Attached: Germany_Must_Perish!_cover.jpg (254x384, 46.96K)

Should be in there somewhere.

Thats the longer version, fuck yeah.

Literally worse than tumblrino that doesnt talk about anything but mental issues

The point is we are a different subspecies. Theres a reason why mullatos have poor health

Then you don't understand what Germany was like before Hitler. NatSoc starts with you. Are you in shape? Build a family. At the very least you will die happy and have a legacy to continue the fight.
This is a classic channel, but mostly an audiobook archive. I really dunno where else to point you to. I guess Greatest story never told will have some good shit

This is good too

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Mein fucking Neger, have one for yourself:

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when white people revolt you have incompetent leadership, retarded engineers, manpower shortages and 80 years later 13 year old virgins worshipping their dogshit vehicles and ideology

>Then you don't understand what Germany was like before Hitler. NatSoc starts with you. Are you in shape? Build a family. At the very least you will die happy and have a legacy to continue the fight.

I once was happy as a natsoc. The fact that nothing ever happens bored me out of a life of ideals and utopia, I think. Maybe I'm growing too old for this. If only things changed.

>but you have to start the change to see the change

Yes, but what is the point if nothing and no one follows ?

It's not a webm but I have this

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>13 year old virgins
im confused do you expect 13 y/o s to have sex?
>incompetent leadership, retarded engineers
oh youre a troll


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No were not, different ethnicities yes, but same species. In biology two organisms that can mate and reproduce fertile offspring are of the same species.
If a horse mates with a donkey it creates a mule but mules are always infertile cause the parents are different species.
That never happens with humans, an aboriginal could have sex with an Eskimo and still have fertile children because they are both homosapiens.

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Race is so much more than skin colour.
Instead of asking what individuals have achieved, which in some cases may be a lot and little in others, simply ask what have other races acheived?
And what has been taken away from us.