Rofl did she actually take on the anime persona?

rofl did she actually take on the anime persona?

Attached: Capture.jpg (634x788, 84.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I love mommy


Of course. Her daughter is a weeb.

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Why does this skank write in english???

Legitimately one of the best women on the planet.

It's google translate'd. But don't call her a skank.


Attached: nuuhkii kynää.jpg (740x679, 133.24K)

Firts this average slav prostitute and now khazar milkers kike demon. Stay classy Yas Forums.

Attached: 1557311254271.jpg (893x1080, 149.3K)

wtf so perfect

Russian women and culture is the reason that I will move to Russia soon (I'm Slavic with russkie mom) or Belarus. I can't stand the local culture anymore. Ever since becoming redpilled I just feel so little in common with the average person. Like, I wish everyone the best, but they clearly live in a fantasy world.

how did google translate get so good? there's literally nothing wrong with the translation and even the commas are in the right spots

i love her

you're just salty that albanian women are fucking disgusting goblin creaturas that not even Yas Forums incels would lust over

Shut your mouth, hot crossed bun, or I'll violate your neutrality.

That message made you roll on the floor? That's odd.

What did Serbia mean by this?

How old?

not the words but the pic she added at the end of it

Serbia? What are you smoking you upside down cunt?

Attached: rossiya.jpg (900x1350, 727.11K)

She doesn't fuck dogs, Mr. Trudeu. Put your 3" back in your dacks.

she's getting old so she prefers posting anime pics of herself rather tahn actual photos

All the best girls have anime versions

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What did you mean by this?

You are just made that you are a Catholic serb without culture or even your own LANGUAGE. KEK

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Fuck your mother aussie. Not everyone is in to ugly slav prostitutes. Live with it.

Nataliadaughter was born in 2005. This is her in 2016.

Attached: natalia ja nataliatytär3.jpg (1920x1080, 1.69M)

I see, you're into the male variety. It's okay to crave the BBC (Big Belarusian Cock) in your soft Swiss boipucci.

What did you mean by this?


WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING DUDE? stop fucking asking me what I mean. what I mean? What I mean? What I mean? I'm not serbia, how about you hover your kike mouse over my fucking flag? See that? That is the Netherlands. Not serbia. What did I mean with moving to Russia? That I will move to Russia. How is that difficult? Do you have a mental disability?

Even though they are white, Russian women are the worst. They are expensive ghetto women. If you want to have a live in whore they are ok. Just don't run out of cash for the spoiled princess. Kurwa blyat faggots.

WHOA!!! A gay australian!!! THATS A NEW ONE!!!

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What are you trying to say?

She's likely known for a long time already

I don't understand

She is not for cooming.

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How can one girl contain so much qt?

She a qt!

Mummy is not for lewd!

Natalya is godtier, she isn't a Turkic """""Russian"""""" mutt

I think he is trying to say timmy fell down the well. Either that or sergei got the dildo stuck in his butt again.

She has always known :3

Attached: natalia learns.jpg (467x1024, 131.64K)

I have waited too long for a mummy thread!

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If you're not Serbia, why would you steal Serbia's flag?

I'm still puzzled at what you mean by this.

Not for lewd with other men, however only I should be allowed to shoot ropes inside and all over her COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

Your mommy is a slav prostitute.


Attached: photo_2019-12-13_18-54-30.jpg (1024x768, 85.65K)

???? please someone respond am I have a brain bleed or something? i did have a headache like an hour ago but idk what is going on anymore.

1. I live outside of Russia. Not in Serbia.
2. I like women in Russia. I like the culture.
3. I want to move there. Probably will.

Got it now you fucking braindead morons?

getting closer to the wall lol

You meen! You meen!

Attached: crycry.png (860x814, 311.68K)

From a technical standpoint it’s mostly machine learning. Russian being a language that is closely related to most european languages also helps (same sentence structure, punctuation is similar, etc.).

Usually google translate works very well with english, but translations to other languages are lacking in accuracy.

I really don't see the appeal of this woman.

That red dot just means she's recording

Show us your sweet swarthy Swiss boipucci.

She may be kawaii, but do not cross her.
She is a force to be reckoned with!

Attached: fierce mummy.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

What about marion marechal, she's the best of best girls

>being this new

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Oh shit! Mummy is redpilled about the Chinks. Nukes in 30 minutes.

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D oyu see what it says there you braindead giraffe fucker? or whatever the fuck you assholes have over there


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Do you think she posts here :3

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Cut it out buddy had you out bantered

So Sergei put the dildo in timmy's butt? Why?

god I want her to fuck me so hard.

shut up closet serbian

All hail mum!

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I want her to trample all over my body with her feet

Weebs are fucking cringe.

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>I like the culture.
commies starving in huge blocks of flats? ok...

I want to rape her or for her to """""""rape"""""""" me

>t. seething roastie
show pen in brapper or gtfo

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cute! CUTE!!!

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As opposed to chavs being obese in flats.

I really don't think the average Briton lives much better than a Ruski.

from a technical standpoint I believe it is two neural networks, one which translates the first language into an abstract intermediary and then another which translates that output into the target language

Based Indonesia bringing the bants.

you respond to the wrong guy

you're literally a serbian, your flag doesn't even look like mine, I'm not a closet anything, if anything you're a closet russian
starving? I don't know any of my russkie family that are starving, they're all doing just fine with food. in fact we have our own dacha where we grow a lot of food. potatoes and apples and berries and loads of other veggies, it's really amazing.

people are helpful and in terms of gender shit they're all like the west was 40-50 years ago.

and they have huge emphasis on culture, books, history and more.

Far too hairy and pimpled son.

The memes are converging...

idk lol

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nice larp. your flag is serbian. why are you doing this

Keep sending those sexy polish prostitutes over here. (:

Italian part of Switzerland I see.

based retard

i like mommy better with long hair or in a pony tail, but i would still tell her she looked good cus i care about mommys feewings >_