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what are you laughing at retard?
What did they think was going to happen?
wheres the video you nigger
80 iq what do you expect
stop laughin kiddo
Freedom of association. Unless they’re niggers, fags, or kikes.
Is it going to be on their record?
OP, lurk more before you make a half-formed thread.
Expelled? Schools are not even open you dumb fucks.
You white kids are going to have to SIT AT HOME and think about what you did!!!!!
They are just going to sue the school and make a mint. The school is pretty dumb, they should just had suspended them get them black ballad from college. Overall these whites will win in the long run.
They can’t graduate now, which I don’t even know how that is possible if they have good grades, don’t know about their situation though
lawyer up
Jobless. Expelled from school. On the same level as the niggers on Twitter celebrating this.
Also, pic related was retweeted by the kike (Camden Dorsett) that doxxed them in the first place.
Also, fuck you jannies and your retarded bans.
>racist video
gimme the sauce
>no source
deserved for trumptard
Why should they be allowed to punish you for things that you did outside of school?
shoot up the school
Smell that?
Smells like a first amendment lawsuit.
Smells like.... *sssnnnnniiiffff*
imagine being so triggered that despite someone being qualified and having probably good grades you want them to be punished because you got mad, fucking clown world.
Never use your real name or face on social media. Formless and faceless.
this, in this era of PC,trigger culture, SJW,feministards and so on, its the only way to protect yourself.
This is bitch that doxxed them.
Same bitch hereI could at least respect someone that rejects racism against all groups but not this kind of pilpul, zero respect for.
>reeeee say no to racism
>okay to be mean to white people
Hilarious how the same "people" celebrating them getting expelled are the same ones saying how fragile whites are. Twitter truly is cancer
What is funny is that whites care about blacks then blacks. It’s like whites have this pet mentality with blacks
They will lose. SCOTUS ruled that high schoolers don't have full 1st amendment rights long ago.
Yeah, but you still have a 60% chance of suicide because you hate your penis and want to cut it off.
I use my real name, but nobody knows certain accounts are mine. For example, my profile never uses my current location, my employers, or even has any family added. If an employer tried looking me up, they'd have to sift through a fuck ton of profiles, and never figure out which person is me. Shit, I'm even wearing a gas mask in my picture.
How can you be expelled for something you do on your own time in your own home? Aren't schools legally obligated to provide education through high school?
Would be a shame if some folks emailed this to the Carrolton High School staff with pic related. Nah... I shouldn't post it... whoops
>Camden Dorsett
They may have gotten expelled but this kike wont get away scot free imo.
Obvious shit memeflag but a thread thats not actually sage worthy, also we need to start beating the fuck out of old people and everybody with grey hair, or at least do our best to fuck them over in every way possible. What a fucking horrible clown world they left us. It isnt even the jews at this point who normalized all this shit. Everything just sucks ass.
absolute retards that cant hide their power level. glad we got them out of the way early.
KEK BASED, always love seeing a hypocritical sjw get the finger
In 1965 the out-of-wedlock birth rate was 25% among Blacks. In 1991, 68% of Black children were born outside of marriage. In 2011, 72% of Black babies were born to unmarried mothers. In 2015, 77% of Black babies were born to unmarried mothers.
That's what all of this is about, you've never known your father and need someone to be mad at. Sad life.
Post school dumb nigger lets fuck this bitch over
He's right. Stalin's redeeming quality was that he purged a handful of kikes and Trump sucks them off.
I'm a teacher and, although you may not realise it, what you just said is retarded.
Schools don't expel students who literally physically assault others.
This school district just fucked itself for a virtue signal.
Will not stand up in court.
Maybe while in the classroom.
But that does not apply to what they do outside the school.
u r stupid
Fuck you nigger theyre 18, barely even adults. Fuck you for creating such a shit world.
what record
They have full 1st amendment rights when they're at their house.
>>I'm a teacher
Calling someone else retarded...
You do know what they say about those who teach, right?
Not really, everything is just shit though.
Am i not allowed to disagree with both sides?
yes you are allowed to