Is Covid-19 like HIV?

Please tell me Covid-19 isn't an airborne version of HIV/AIDS.

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COVID-19 is like the normal flu. Because it is.

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How do you know? Are you sure?

YES. It attacks the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, digestive system and the virus never actually leaves the body. People don't die of Chinese Origin Virus ID 2019, they die of other diseases that take advantage of Chink WuFlu opening the door of resistance.
Many people have been exposed to Dengue, MAC or Tuberculosis but they never get sick until they get Chink Flu, then those opportunistic infections ravage the body and they die. HIV has been with us 40 years and isn't going away, neither will this one.
The world is ending, slowly.

It shares some proteins so there is a possibly of lasting effects. If that is the csse, the Pharma industry will be all over the few million new long term possed people. Expensive meds for 20-40 years

It isn't, it's a respiratory disease that has an incubation period of a few days up to 2 weeks.
Either you survive it or you die, after that you're healed.
HIV/AIDS has an incubation period of months, years or sometimes decades and kills 100% when not medicated, you can't fight it off once you're infected.

Very sad.

Do you think this is a natural virus? or a man-made one?

When asked that question, Fauci said the virus is consistent with the evolution of a coronavirus that jumps from animal to human. Some news outlets interpreted that as saying the possibility that this is man-made is ruled out. I disagree with those author's assessment. I take it as evidence suggesting the virus evolved naturally, but if it was strong evidence one way or the other Fauci would have directly answered "yes" or "no." It's still an open question as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not sure.
IMHO there are 3 possibilities:
>chinese wet markets are a breeding ground for all kinds of diseases and it came from there
>chinese safety measures are of low quality as usual and they had an accident
>someone deployed the virus for some reason we don't know yet
Can't say wich one is correct as neither is unlilely.
But for now that doesn't realy change much for my country, our main target is lower infections and treating the infected in either of the 3 scenarions.

So, COVID-19 is the disease caused by the virus named SARS-CoV 2.

SARS is the abbreviation for severe acute respiratory syndrome, and CoV is the abbreviation for corona virus. CoV 2 differentiates this new version from the SARS CoV organism which appeared in 2003.

The HIV organism of the 1980s was/is a "lysogenous" organism. This means it is able to embed itself into cell genes, and sit around for years, emerging opportunistically, like an ISIS sleeper cell. HIV has a tendency to infect cells important in the immune response. HIV must be transmitted by contact through body fluids.

SARS CoV 2 tends to attacks cells of the respiratory system. It is transmitted by contact and also by fluid droplets small enough to go airborne. It does not specifically attack immune response cells. It does not hide in cell genes, and is more similar to organisms that cause colds and flu.

HIV can kill anyone. SARS CoV 2 tends to kill boomers and fatties.

Do you personally like your odds of survival if you contracted COVID-19?

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SARS-CoV-2 is not like HIV. It’s like SARS. If you want to learn how the virus works, read about the first SARS pandemic.

No it doesn’t.

what if its true and they crisper spliced both into a new thing aids covid. this shit could have been here for 12 years.


yea a SARS that attacks T cells and host sleepers.

No, because the hi virus has never been isolated just like the covid.

I run 2 miles a day so I think I can survive it.

I mean, anything is possible, but the virus was evaluated by two or three virology labs, including two outside of Communist China, and its nearly identical to a corona virus that's found in pangolins.

did people died of hiv before the 80z?

something meant to be a A B deadly formula but A was more deadly then they realized alone. A respiratory clogging B chemical immune system inhibitor

Unlikely, but chicken pox virus which causes chicken pox and later on shingles has a similar "life" cycle.

think about think i am not eating any high processed food with what ever stuff they put in there they way its killing fat people that eat that stuff.

20% of Europeans are immune to HIV.

christ, stop spreading disinfo for fuck sake youre scaring the schizos.
I had the virus a month ago, made plenty of posts but was ''nice try rabbi''d to page 8. Its bad but its not that fucking bad, my immune system has absorbed the dna and created a stronger version to fight off infection. The IQ of this board is palpable.

Most people live through it. It kills one of five grandparents, which is a pretty high rate.

(Citation needed)

I must regrettably inform you, that the Yas Forums intelligence division has already published our initial findings and research papers on this in early January, which conclusively confirm that COVID-19 is in fact Airborne Aids.

That immunity comes from their ancestors surviving the black plague and getting a genetic mutation. Thays why straight white men don't get HIV.

No. Thats like saying a dog is a human because it is.

>or a man-made one?
This virus has also been confirmed as artificial conclusively in January by Yas Forums intelligence division.

God, I hope you're right

No after that you are not healed. You probably end up with fibrosis, a permanent condition.

It's only a matter of time before you croak from the bat aids.

It is. This is why some people experience it like a normal flu if not less than that and those with weak immune systems end up in ICU's.

Chines origin virus id 2019 lmao retard

Hi, everybody!

COVID-19 is airborne, easily transmitted and has elements of AIDS built-in. COVID-19 also has a dormancy payload so can re-infect to high amount of viral load to hide from vaccine's and cures.

Head for the hills and avoid infection in the first place if you are looking for any advice. Return when it's all over. Take a nice tent and long term supplies and relax.

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People with weak immune systems end up in ICUs for a fucking cold

Is Covid(((-)))19 actually Jesus(((-)))Christ?

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It attacks T-cells but unlike HIV it can not replicate in them. So it’s not quite as bad as HIV. Unfortunately this is the explanation for the fact observed months ago that those who recatch the disease do worse, not bettet, and means there will be no herd immunity. You don’t get resistance with COVID-19, you get a weakened immune system.

Coronavirus is a type IV virus with only a single strand of RNA

HIV is a type VI virus with a double helix DNA strand.

They couldn't be more different

Sars-Cov 2 has a mechanism which can be described as 'AIDS-like'. Not HIV-like, AIDS-like. The virus has a spike protein which attaches to the CD147 receptor (Google the studies, they're out there). This receptor is on T cells and red blood cells. However, it doesn't seem to be a viable reproductive entrance. The virus infects the T cell but doesn't replicate. Also, the HIV virus has an RNA-to-DNA enzyme which allows it to basically fuck your shit up forever. Sars-Cov 2 doesn't have this. So your immune system gets AIDS-like symptoms for a while, but they seem to be most likely temporary.

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yeah and people with AIDS usually die without drugs that help the immune system.

It is actually.