How long will it take until the Last mutt is Brown?

How long will it take until the Last mutt is Brown?

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The muttification process is happening very quickly

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"Biden says whites a minority in 2017, Census says 2044"

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Does it matter? Politicians haven't felt the need to pander to us since we were something like 75% of the population. We might as well be niggers already.

Whiter than you Muhamed

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How long will it take Germans to get armed American military forces out of their country? Almost 80 years they've been there....

armed us troops, you seem really focused on the armed part huh, merkel

why are mutts afraid of vermont

How long will it take for the last European to be brown? Globalism is a bitch isn't it.

If we're mutts to begin with then wouldn't we already be brown?

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Do white Americans just not notice this happening?

What do you think Trump is?

>Media/Democrats/Hollywood: Diversity is our strength!!! Open the borders!!!
>White American: Lots of anti-white propaganda
>Media/Democrats/Hollywood: OY VEY!!! RACIST NAZI BIGOT!!! *points to poem written by a Jew attached later to the base of the statue of liberty*

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>white Americans
I thought we didn't exist

don't act like the same thing isn't happening in Britain you faggot. and no, most people don't notice or care, because they are literal NPCs programmed to support and promote diversity

>BIG beautiful door in the wall
>As long as they come LEGALLY

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A mutt is by definition brown.

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I never said that

The same thing is happening everywhere, but america is progressing at a faster rate

That’s rhetoric for votes, his plan was to cut legal migration by 2/3’s it just couldn’t pass the legislature.

Literally never, whites dont racemix enough for that to happen, they will be a hated minority tho

Seems like trump is too little too late user

>it just couldn’t pass the legislature.
Yet tax cuts for corporations/billionaires and billions in US tax payer funded aid to Israel happens without question at breakneck speed

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Ok In the year 2040, the census projected that the US will have population of 373 million and a white non-Hispanic population of 193 million or 51.7% of the US population, Minorities will be 48.3% of the US population .

Are those 193 million whites going to vanish all of a sudden? For whites to become wiped out it would take, wars and disease and famine aside, at least 100 years. Plus, do you think the ethnic minorities are going to live in harmony? Latinos hate blacks! Asians probably hate them both!

It's the same as here in UK, Asians hate blacks, Muslims hate Hindus and Sihks, Kurds hate Turks, Africans hate Carribbeans...None of these people can get along!

So my guess is that the countries will split up and disintegrate and whites will have their own country again....just smaller.

Cause of rich donors, the Koch brothers are doing heavy pressure for open borders now.

Just look at Brazil to see what America and Europe will look like in 20 years.

>H-he can't get it done without congress
Meanwhile when Obama was President you boomers were screaming about how he was bypassing congress with executive orders to get shit done.

Has nothing to do with the literal goddamn hordes of kikes constantly calling for open borders and screaming diversity is our strength?

KYS and your family

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a surrogate for another man's kids

what an ugly world we are creating.. one nigger at a time.

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Soros is just as bad

Then I can give you several different answers to your question
>A meme one that will reassure you
Drumpf's going to deport all the brown people
>A meme blackpilled one
There is no hope, we'll be a minority by 2025
>An actual answer
The info graph is a meme that's exaggerating for the sake of shitposting the largest minority demographic barely makes up 12% of the population and that's back in 2017
Most minorities that come to the US come through either the southern border illegally, California or New York the latter two do so on business not for residence a majority of the time and those that do are negligible

The president doesn’t control immigration, anything he did through executive action would be overturned by the courts as Obama’s thing was about to be.

And? Deportation without a secured border is pointless.

>Trump can't secure the border because of congress and the executive orders will get turned down
>But that money for Israel has no problem getting there

And you are a goddamn nigger