Is this China’s century?
Is this China’s century?
It's her century
>be chinese
>die in horrible inferno
it was until shanghai shivered
Chinks btfo, checkem
checked and based
What did he mean by this?
Checkd chinese get wreckd
now behold the great chinese IQ in action
Based leaf
This one doesn't get the rake, this leaf is ok
The future is female user.
If they drop the CCP and have a free press then yes they will easily compete with whites. If not then no.
Checked and WITNESSED.
>Is this another glownigger proxy faggot thread flooding the catalog with 5 second post China threads
>Aah no!
>T-the last one, the last one escaped...
The Jew fears China.
They can't all be that lucky
YES, free genetically modified dickgirls for everyone
From economical point of view, yes. One could argue that at the moment China is seeking to replace America as the world power in terms of political economy and all. At the moment all USA get is a big guns and their political influence is subsiding gradually, while China is on ten rise. That being said, still a lot of the world prefer USA to remain the world power, but Americans has become liability in their pursue of political ambitions that it’s really hard to trust.
One more thing, Trump being the president did really showcased how America is politically weak and not what it used to be. It’s like America has done all their geopolitical goals and just gave up. Trump complaining and pointing fingers at everyone and everything when he’s supposed to be stoic about this hard times and lead the nation through this crisis and not bitching and moaning showed how fucking weak American politics is. As soon as America get rid of fucking Trump, America would be again on the rise and their Western Europe allies would start to trust them again. No one wants to deal an old politically illiterate senile man.
>Chinks are dying
china's century of humiliation 2: Corona Boogaloo confirmed
Cant wait
yes of course
MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION. thanks for fucking the world doctors and scientists. we should execute you fucks publicly
Checked, nothing can save china from Allah wrath