They're buttblasted that is speaks out against overpopulation. He says nothing wrong in this video. Anyone who supports overpopulation is a cancer.
People are absolutely SEETHING at Bill Gates in these comments
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. edgefag
Why do we need to support a population expanding beyond a size that can be supported by natural resources?
>White man is obliged to help niggers spawn more niggers to be helped.
>overpopulation is cancer
Only brown overpopulation is cancer. Kill yourself retard.
Maybe it could be for the best. It's just a hard place to decide if man can play God and win.
So why isn’t doing his bit by topping himself?
Any overpopulation is cancer you sub-85 IQ faggot.
>Any overpopulation is cancer you sub-85 IQ faggot.
Overpopulation of whites is impossible, we are productive
>Anyone who supports overpopulation is a cancer.
Thats right, you should do something about it and jump off the nearest bridge into traffic.
I don't know why people give a shit about over population, It's a problem that fixes itself, same with anti vax retards.
>They're buttblasted that is speaks
Did you know that your "boy" Billy is a transgendered woman?
So I'm a Jew shilling against overpopulation? They're the ones bringing that overpopulation into Europe and the US you fucking retard.
depopulation makes sense but I have my doubts about putting a satanic pedophile as the world leader to go thru with it.
Let's start by removing China from the map.
Then we move to India.
>I support the births of too many people able to be supported naturally
>They're the ones bringing that overpopulation into Europe
They're also genociding white people just like you intend to, fuck you.
How about Israel, Moshe?
>i bitch about over population while existing
Many African countries, too.
Sure, but they are only few million people
depopulate yourself you sub-80 IQ lard.
I don't get how speaking against overpopulation is in any way Jewish, especially since the overpopulated countries are non-White.
>supporting a guy who wants to chip you and hires a satanist to do a commercial for his next big thing
>Any person alive has no right to speak against overpopulation.
Your logic fails hard.
>I support overpopulation. I'm fine with it.
>We should be finding more ways to subvert natural selection.
Right now the problem isn't over population but the type of populations.
Give them their own country, and recall all jews. Just don't allow them to leave.
The problem is that overpopulation is caused by the black, the brown and the yellows. Pure whites will be extinct in 50 years.
Can't we just burn any DuPONTS, Astors, Bundys, Collins, Freemans, Disneys, Kennedys, Li, Onassis, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Russels, Van Duyns, Merovingians, Reynolds, McDonalds, Krupps, their friends and anyone related to them? AMEN!
Overpopulation of ANY population is bad.
Yeah like low IQ rednecks spawning more tards is beneficial lmao
> Talking about stopping population growth in the third world.
Sounds pretty based to me.
Give me a QRD on these names, I only know a couple. I tend to stay out of schizo threads so I don't know much.