>was starting to get my dream body
>lifting for almost a year
>finally start taking my life seriously
>fucking virus ruins everything
If anyone in China is reading this: fuck you
You ruined my gains.
When war is waged against you fuckers I am coming for you.
Was starting to get my dream body
Other urls found in this thread:
I miss Rich
>I lost all my gains in a few weeks of isolation
Are you a balloon? Please tell me.
How did the virus ruin your gains? You can't work out at home?
yeah im sure u made lots of gains in 1 year. face it lifting is a meme. its all about face and frame. just look at manlet destiny. working all his life so women would notice him and he still is a joke while a 6"2 chad gets 1000000000 times more attention and positive affirmation than twinkdestiny ever has and ever will
Me too bro, me too.
My gym has been closed for probably a month and a half. Hard to tell, all the days melt together at this point.
I still have muscle but I am losing tone rapidly because I have no place to pump iron. Bodyweight excersizes only go so far.
>lifting for women
Are you a faggot?
I lift for myself.
sure you do
>trying to look better to engage in heterosexual activities
>are you a homosexual?
>virus somehow ruins your gains
Never gonna make it
>lifting for women
>when they don't get laid
lift rocks faggot
if it's too light get bigger rock
>not being home gym master race
Sorry, bro.
Free weighs/kettle bells if u can get them, Run, push-ups, pull ups if you have the right door frame, get some resistance bands, squats, lunges, calf raises, burpees. Got to work out like you’re in jail for the time being in order to possibly maintain it sucks.
Not wirking out at home.
I went boxing 4 days a week from Jan-Aug 2019, real fucking gains, real speed, real reflexes while cycling 90km a week back and forth between the gym. Life was great. Then I got a injury, couldn't join boxing until late January, 3 weeks in gym closes. Been sitting on my bed here ever since. Got some kettlebells in my room but that's about it. Bike's broken, barely cycle 30km a week back and forth between work now, its all a fucking joke.
Most gains not gone though, still eating clean.
Fuck user
post your losses
your frikandel gains dwindle after 2 weeks not training
Rip king
Dude, do bodyweight exercises, or fil some bags with a fuckton of water bottles, grabs some bricks, logs of wood,anything! do pull ups on the doorframe. I haven't lost anything because im improvising and using natural techniques if the ancient greeks could get and stay ripped without modern equipment, so can you
Stop making excuses brah, you’re not trying hard enough.
nice non existent pecs even under 20% bodyfat roflmaoooo
>he doesn't have at least some dumbbells at home
Better than crying that you can't go to a gym for two months.
ur telling me bro,luckily i started cutting just before this happened so not the end of the world for me, been supplimenting with tons of pushups/pull ups/squats
>imagine thinking this body is bad
yeah cringe
>20% body fat
That’s 10-12% fatass
so? muscle memory is real, U will probably gain back strength and size easily in a month. Nigger its a long life and 1 year is new
nobody cares, incel.
Do some bas rutten workouts. They're pretty good.