Molested at 14, started smoking meth at 15, father was killed at 17 and I began shooting meth. Became homeless and now I’m 20 and I quit meth. the government doesn’t help me as much because I’m white. Why?
White privilege
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Cause even the government is smart enough to know you can't help someone once they're down that rabbit hole.
Just die bro, you're gonna anyways.
Essentially, Cultural Marxism.
Piece of shit
Because every knows white people can thrive in the worst scenarios. Black people have to be taken care of even in the best cases.
op is a fag saged
Not because you're white. You chose to do meth and it ruined your life.
i have a problem with my toilet guys water isnt filling up the toilet for some reason anyone got any tips?
Are you clean? I hope you can get help if you're not.
Hang in there, user.
I agree, black people will ask for handouts just because their ancestors were slaves, fucking pathetic
You should have known better.
you don't deserve help you little faggot. you shouldn't have been going around teasing pedos at 14. kys
If you really quit meth, you can make it. True, niggers get more benefits. But white men don't need that either. Get a job, any fucking job. Work out. GET A HOBBY that inspires you. You're 20. The world is still open for you.
Yeah I’m clean, thanks man.
This post, , specifically the line
>Just die bro, you're gonna anyways.
I'm fairly certain the kike-owned government wants us (white males) all to die so they can replace us with 60 iq taco niggers and allahu ackbars that they'll be able to effortlessly control and exploit as passive consoomer goyim cattle until the end of time.
who would molest an ugly fuck like you?
In the unlikely event this isn't a larp
Just wanna tell you congratulations and to hang in there. Also lose the piercings and the buzzcut. they look gay.
Your story. It's goes from bad to good. Quit meth. Excellent. Now try to land a job and you can have it all. Work the land or some other super simple but rewarding job.
Arent you sure it was the 5 years usage of meth
no, I genuinely needed money for rent
Good on ya for giving it up man, I've heard meth is a beast of a thing.
All the best on the road ahead brother
Im actually an English teacher in japan, trolled you all lol
Because it's official government policy to let illegal aliens claim your benefits. They probably have a spic claiming your benefits already.
pee in it and then mix in bleach. wait about 2 minutes than put your mouth flush with the seat and take one really deep breath.
But honestly get some lye.
Fuck you, you jap piece of shit.
Is this real?
Stay strong man try to fill your time with the most positive stuff you can and help people I quit meth years ago
Pull yourself together man.
It is for us to work for the state, and it is your duty in doing so.
If those before you had no care for the state, and their labours led them astray is is beholden apon you to learn from their examples.
if david lynch made porn
I know man :(
>the government doesn’t help me as much because I’m white.
I don't think that's your problem. Governments help white women constantly, they are easily the most privileged creatures in history.
whats your nuitrition like?
Because you have white privilege : you knew your father and could afford chemical pleasures. Ingrate.
Niggers can afford crack booze and weed so what’s your point
>the government doesn’t help me as much because I’m white. Why?
All the best to you user, hopefully your future is prosperous and filled with happiness.
Don’t listen to the cunts in this thread being demoralising, just assume their the kike/ niggers their response alludes they are.
You both deserve heinous horrific deaths, may you rott in hell pedo faggots.
Faggot ass English teacher
Because the government is a bunch of elite Jewish racists who hate Whites big and small
Because you're white you privileged fuck!
Not like a black guy that had to wait in a queue behind a white person once
That's real suffering
Nigga has tattoos and did drugs. Why the fuck should I care about this wigger who needs his hand held. I'm the same age as this retard and even I'm not stupid enough to fuck up my life like him.
>just die
He's way better off than with whatever you have, jewden.
Nice to see you after 6 years. Have you seen my new van?
Keker too soon user