I wish nazis would leave the website. It was so much better when people were just taking full advantage of the anonymous nature of the site to let their Id run wild rather than pretending to adhere to some artificial board culture nobody here even practices.
Nazis go home
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ok plebbit. now kindly fuck off and never come back.
Stormfags have always been gay buzzkills ruining everyone elses fun
this is our home
you can fuck off somewhere else, nigger
The redditor is the one trying to turn Yas Forums into some gay subreddit clique where everyone has to pretend they never have fun
This is not the home of any nazis. You can return to stormfront. This is the home of 4channels discussing politics through the conduit of anonymous messaging.
sieg heil i hate niggers and jews
All ideologies are gay and trap your mind.
Show me an ideologue of whatever stripe and I will show you a cock-sucking homosexual.
There's only one none-gay ideology: do whatever benefits your family or tribe the most, always.
I wish you would have an argument capable of convincing someone instead of just trying to strongarm your opinion through.
And stop calling everyone you don't like "nazi" please, it's having the exact opposite effect of what you want it to.
Well I hate people who go around spreading misery because they feel have some messiah complex where they think they're saving the world by doing boring conservative shit like going to church and having kids.
>And stop calling everyone you don't like "nazi" please, it's having the exact opposite effect of what you want it to.
Lol, only to nazis
And I with the United States was still at least 95% white, but we can't have everything now can we? Now fuck off.
Anyone that even says this term is a glownigger outsider. Stormfront is old hat, older than old hat. Throwing this term around in the year of our lord 2020 just reveals how out of date and out of touch the infiltrators are, they always work with extremely outdated material.
Fuck you snow faggot
>newfag LARPing as an oldfag
The US was never 95% white lol it always had a larger black minority than that. At least my desires are based in reality and probably are inevitable. Your movement will die and you'll all move onto the next thing when this stops making you feel sufficiently edgy
Ahh the classic pretend to be a oldest trick, kill your self tranny
I've been on Yas Forums since 05
T. Discord tranny pretending to be a oldfag and alps America was at one point 95 percent white yes. Also if our ideology is so irrelevant why are you here reeeing at us to fuck off, why not go to the million other sights were you can be a redditor
No really, if everyone you don't like is a "nazi", then the word loses all meaning. It's just like "racist", it may hold some power in certain circles, but it's lost about half the power it used to hold 5 years ago.
Here in Norway for instance, some fucking nigger attacks an old woman and someone stops them? They get called "racist" because they've been taught to say that, but it doesn't work as the magical spell it used to be anymore. Nobody fucking buys that anymore because they know better.
"Nazi" is exactly the same. You've thrown it out all willy nilly and nobody is fucking having any of it anymore. The real world is not like your little circle jerk.
Yes, but you also hate guns, so you anus is ruptured.
Quid quo pro.
Cringe nazi larpers have always been that cringy losers
wtf are you talking about you retarded and pathetic newfaggot? Only newfags that pretend to be oldfags think Yas Forums was ever good. I remember the sink and breadposting days and I can tell you that it wasn't that cool. Unless you think that delicious cake is cool. But its not. The only thing that could be remotely considered 'not bad' are all the memes we spawned but more importantly how we elevated them into a new artform for the Age of Internet. Humans have always had memes but we restructured them into our autistic and half-assed and fail yet usually rather humorous image. And Yas Forums can still meme, unlike most of the rest of Yas Forums. So it is you who needs to go home to plebbit or facebook or whatever namefag no-fun-allowed shithole you emerge from. And stop trying to make it sound like there was some golden age of Yas Forums before 'they' showed up because if there ever was a time such as that it was faggots like you that ruined it.
tittys time stamp or gtfo nigger
Whatever, newfag.
synagogue of satan cannibal nigger
Neo nazis have done more then Catalonian nationalists ever have
this, checked and heiled
Kill kikes, kill niggers amd kill mutts!
Guns are important, but the way the right wing uses them is just as an impotent statement in the form of consumerism. Every aspect of fascism is just capitalism enhanced.
That's good. My ancestors moved here from norway years ago and lived among the jews in nyc, with his son eventually learning Yiddish. This instilled in my relative a sense of open mindedness his father never had. I can see that in you right now.
What is the name of your rabbi (((OP)))?
Nazis? We're Nazbol now.
Fuck off newfag.
You subverisves are so dumb.
The top of the page has a picture of all the logical fallacies.
Why do you think that is?