The lack of rain is the worst for me. The last years were horribly hot and dry. I don't know how much I can endure, the anxiety is killing me
How do you cope with the climate change?
Italy had a lack of rain?
Already debunked.
>How do you cope with the climate change?
I dont since its a jewish lie, the climate has always been changing.
I don’t. I’m not some fucking zoomer.
Yes. We don't have proper rain since early march and that was for a couple of days tops. Before that we didn't get a drop or a snowflake in 3 months. The previous 4-5 years were like that. We are in serious drought and all the sheeple can think of now is the flu. Our climate is particularly delicate because we are in near proximity to Africa, so every time we have to deal with the hot currents from the Sahara desert. It is a living nightmare, you can't go out in summer anymore because you feel you're boiling alive
You mean how to cope with weather fluctuations? Nature is chaotic. Things don't run like clockwork. Which is irritating if you are a natural sciences scientist, because the data is so fucking chaotic.
I enjoy the hot weather over my country. Fuck winter, I hope we become a nice tropical climate.
The women just look too good to be covered up most of the year. Its a sin. I also enjoy walking the street with my flip flops shorts and a "potnik", uh, wive beater?
It's been snowing here since 3am, supposed to rain all day.
>I prefer to believe the asinine statements of random people on an anime forum and deluding myself that everything is normal rather than go out and see for myself how in shambles are we
Australia is the hottest place on Earth. Even the nigger migrants get burnt down here.
How do you know you don't have proper rain? Is your total yearly rainfall any different or falling at different times than usual?
Cope? I for one welcome warmer weather in general. I am a bit worried about the grand solar minimum though. The coming decades might be cooler than before and that sucks.
>you can't go out in summer anymore because you feel you're boiling alive
Yeah, ever since drumpf was elected it hasn't rained anywhere. Maybe a few days in Vancouver but that's it. No snow either, anywhere. And it was so hot yesterday that my car literally burst into flames. I'm sitting in the fridge typing this right now, can't even bare to be outside the fridge at night these days. Fuckin drumpf's fault clearly.
Wrong. There's a proven trend. Years are hotter and drier, meteorogical events are more violent and frequent due to residual energy in the athmosphere. Some speculated italy's gonna turn like Pakistan within a century or less
Go cope somewhere else Giuseppe.
Trends are based on fluctuating chaotic data. personal anecdotal data from a limited set of years do not necessarily match up with long term trends.
Is way, way lower than the average pluviometric regime. We experienced more droughts in the last 5 years than in the 50 before. And yeah big fucking deal, Australia has an inland desert. Despite what stereoypes might tell you we're not an arid land. But it's gonna be soon if something doesn't change
Humans can't change it. Mother Nature is a massive chaotic beast. Like many animals before who dealt with changes in the climate, adapt or die.
Australia is barren and arid to all shit and I live in one of the greenest parts.
Do Italians use water tanks for private water supplies?
People have been saying the same things you have and yet our water tanks are receiving more rain per year than ever, and any odd low year still isn't enough to make us run out of water.
Kek who cares about trump. You wimpy migatards, always ready to cry out persecution for your faggy cheeto. The problem is not trump, at least he's not the only one. The problem is that the weather is fucked and the climate is changing for the worst.
Dumb hoax for a world central authority to try to hoard all the resources and completely surveil and control everything you do. Or something. Idfk...
>gets more thunderstorms than any other european country
>even get thunderstorms during winter
Come over here and you will see what dry really means.
You have corona snd are delusional luigi
I'd be more concerned about the Gulf Stream stopping, because if it does then southern Europe might freeze over and the only remotely livable spots will be Greece, Sicily and Andalusia.
We didn't have snow here this year. It was the opposite of comfy.
ha ha ha ... I waked up and checked out with reality .
Research show that climate change every time one travel south - north direction.
If you sit in one place it is whether change not climate.
Climate change is Gov. hoax, same as Corona virus, or balls in imaginary space, or suggested to imagine reason for war...
It is all lie and you are a Jew shill
Why cant italy be like israel and use desalination plants. They turned a desert into a garden. Dont tell me we cant beat them.
I tend to believe everything my Greta doll tells me
Thunderstorms? Never seen one since the last summer, and they do not do any good. The rain is so sudden and violent and the soil so arid that the water doesn't get absorbed and instead creates mud rivers. Violent rainstorms just destroy everything, don't refill the reservoirs, and raise the humidity, so when the sun shines again it's so hot is almost unbereable without AC
I drink. I try and tell anyone who will listen but the thought that the natural beauty of the earth will disapear because some rich fucks got greedy doesnt do the body well.
As a Terrone-American, pastanon posts have made me despise my heritage and realize what a fucking nigger I actually am.
Zdzisław Beksiński imitators always look so terrible
How old are you compadre?
That could be a possibility given the fact that the ozone hole in the south pole is closing, and this fucking up all the currents in the lower emisphere
We haven't had a decent winter in like 20 years, when I was small we had 50cm snow at times, now it's barely a few centimeters. When you walk through the forests you can see the smaller vegetation change, in some places it's starting to look like in the balkans.
Greta is a meatshield. I don't need an autistic sperg LARPing as a saviour to tell me how the world is fucked
You stupid idiot - that is not normal
You never get punch in the face for lie? that is not normal .
You aloud to suggest to imagine for masses of people (lie) with out being hanged in a public place, just because you are kike that is not normal. Jews are not healthy bamboozled to believe that it is OK to lie and cheat .
No one ask you Provide evidence - that is not normal .
To hate Jews for lie and usury, that is totally normal no surprise.
Long term trend is that global temperatures have been heating up at an accelerating rate since the industrial revolution at about the same rate greenhouse gases have grown. Doesnt take a genius
Why do you assume humans cant change it? You know the theory of conservation of matter right?
There's a reason why everyone despises your mongrelised people, Calogero. Stay there, we don't need more half niggers
Is that more likely or that fossil fuel executives raking in billions a year pay people to spread misinformation?
Italian mafia lie to the people and swindle corona for tax money hardest in all countries .
Best way I cope is FUCK JANNIES
Tell me if Im wrong how did we then get Idk how many Ice ages?
And it the time of Dinosaurs most of the world was tropically hot.
this Climate change is a bogey-man. And its stupid since its Jewishp weapon to make people you rather then keep Nigger off your country you rather care abour MUH CLImatE
We also had the wettest Jan and Feb on record.
Stop being a faggot.
KEK you off
Its gonna be a lot harder to keep niggs out of your country if they cant farm their land because its too hot and dry anymore. If you really cared about the white race youd at least try to understand where theyre coming from. Dinosaurs survived because the ecosystem and fish at the time were evolved to be used to those temperatures.
>Long term trend is that global temperatures have been heating up at an accelerating rate since the industrial revolution at about the same rate greenhouse gases have grown. Doesnt take a genius
that is correct, but those long term trends cannot be discerned through five years of anecdotal data.
Humans cannot change it. Even if all humans died now, the climate will continue on its current trajectory for hundreds of years, and only our lifetimes and children's lifetimes are of any real relevance.
I just gave up.
Anyone with iq > 90 knows these projections on climate change aren't just a hoax. Our impact on this planet since the industrial revolution is very real. I blame overpopulation, the fact that this planet isn't built for more than 2 billion people. Sadly, there's nothing we can do about it (nothing ethical)
When it's cold I put more clothes on, and when it's warm I take clothes off.
Ice ages are climate shifting at a natural rate (not counting the one that happened after people died after the black plague or whatever)
>Dinosaurs survived because the ecosystem and fish at the time were evolved to be used to those temperatures.
Thats not the point.>Its gonna be a lot harder to keep niggs out of your country if they cant farm their land because its too hot and dry anymore.
what? If its so horribe then they wont be coming here in the 1st place.
I miss the snow so fucking bad ,i cant remember when was the last cold winter. and i cant stand the long summer droughts that keep happening recently
basically we could stop digging coal and polluting right now and it would already be too late. We just cannot sustain today's population in the long term.
No you cant discern that from 5 years of anecdotal data I was more talking about all the other data out there. If all youre concerned about is our and our children's lifetime you should definitely be concerned about climate change, australia could be even more of a barren wasteland than it already is
What is your point then?
Its gonna be less horrible than staying in africa where next to nothing will grow. Just so you know russia is projected to become a lot more fertile if the earth heats up so you would be #1 target for migrants. Lot of goat grazing land
Same, I used to hate winter as a kid but now I miss it. Last few Christmas we had 10-15°C here, one time it was close to 20°, I could walk aroudn in a fucking Tshirt outside
Every year Australia burns. Its not my problem that its dry and that most of the trees planted there by the goverment spit out stuff that can burn like napalm.
Honestly? Yes... My scenario seems more likely to me. I've had a revelation recently though. I now think that there could very well be a climate crisis... as WELL as people taking advantage of it. Who knows.
And you still havent answered my questions on why you think 7 billion humans shitting and driving cars would have no effect on the air. Have you ever heard of the theory of conservation of matter?
I cope with climate change by dressing warm on cold days, wearing rubber boots when it rains, and wearing shorts when it's warm.
Unlike Nigger, we can change adapt and also,
only 28% of African is actually desert.
For my lifetime and my children's lifetime, I am more concerned about current political issues. Climate change mostly only concerns me because I have an emotional attachment to wild animals and ecosystems that will be changing into something unrecognisable, but that doesn't really matter. Ultimately nothing really matters.
Ive come to just about the same conclusions but Im glad that you were able to change your opinion. Keep an open mind
yes and by sucking dog dicks
Tfw it rained only 4 times this winter and ZERO snow.
It's been baking since early mid March here. Europe is fucked and it's only going to get drier. I don't believe it's man-made though. The calculations of CO2 released into the atmosphere by human activity have always been ridiculously bad.
t. PhD in Statistical Mathematics and amateur astronomer and climate analyst
North Brabant Netherlands.
What has happened cannot be changed, unless you have hidden secret blueprints for a contraption that can reverse everything that has happened.
It literally rained a week ago, sage.
That's not global warming.
That's a side effect of the weather manipulation we use over here.
Filling water reservoirs and keeping crops healthy.
I think we humans underestimate how much we depend on these ecosystems that "don't matter"
We had more rain in my area already this year than in the last 100 years. Want some, giovanni?
Sure, that's why it was raining almost non stop in january-february.
Just hope the summer doesn't become any warmer than 25c.
No it's better to have my dog suck my cock when it's cold out.
>How do you cope with the climate change?
Easy, I just go to and dress accordingly.
i do not go to plebbit like you and thus i do not have problems with imaginary climate change problems.
>What has happened cannot be changed, unless you have hidden secret blueprints for a contraption that can reverse everything that has happened.
It's not about reversing it, it's about trying not to make it even worse though.