Welcome to Chistralia

And our next Chinese State owned company.

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For fucks sake, this better not go ahead

>white people spread capitalism and hierarchy through possession as a tool of power and domination all over the world
>get outsmarted at it

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Let them buy then nationalize it and kick ever chink out.

So the best option is to convert to Natsocs and destroy all these nonwhite fucks? Glad you agree.

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> every race other than whites uses ethno-centric preference to get ahead
> whites get sick of being scammed by jews and chinks and niggers and start to do the same

Why doesnt the US just bail them out instead?

And the chinese people daunt me, and their pallid faces haunt me
As they shoulder one another in their rush and nervous haste,
With their eager eyes and greedy, and their stunted forms and weedy,
For the chinks have no time to grow, they have no time to waste.

>get outsmarted at it

Releasing a virus due to extreme incompetence is "outsmarted"

> shitty business wants money
> doesn’t get it because it’s a waste of taxes
> lolol china to the rescue
Nationalization, execution of losers in charge and subsequent liquidation of assets. Chinks get the bullet too.

I hear Scott Morrison is a really shiity pm from my australian friend. Apparently selling the country off to China.

Relax, China is unable to produce jet airplanes. The Comac C919 will never work, nor sell. Everything China has now is foreign, or Russian copies.
Only whites know how to make commercial aircraft.


China is planning to buy every single company going under. Not like they have any money to back it up but they can pretend thanks to state owned banks and dictated economic numbers.

China needs to be economically isolated and all their assets outside of China confiscated. Call it reparations for the disease they allowed to spread.

This. All foreign chink assets need to be confiscated and sold for reparations.

Australians all let us rejoice,
For we're oriental!
We've golden skin; our last names' chin,
Our homes are all rental!
Our landlords are Chinese by birth.
They're rich, and whites are rare!
Eat ev'ry dog, speak Tagalog,
Goodbye, Australia Fair!
They're skin was too pale for the sun.
Goodbye, Australia Fair!

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Well yeah, if something is no longer beneficial you should stop doing it.

And Brazilians, they are ranked 3rd in world for producing commercial aircraft.

Why not block a sale to China and also not bail them out?

If you do it on accedent, you win!


Actually it is
>No you can't do that it's racist
Whites are the ones seething because they are the ones losing with no mercy.

I agree, I admit we're losing right now.

But white countries are being pushed against the wall. People aren't going to commit suicide. There are nearly a billion white people. We might lose even half, but whites aren't extinct yet.

>speak Tagalog
So flips are the enemy now too?


Lol he doesn't have much to sell considering other governments sold most of it already

I'm just tired of all this, nothing is going to change in this country.

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we effectively gave 2 billion to GM to keep jobs here
mutts fucked off with our money anyway a few months back
bailing out and giving subsidies to foreign owned companies is peak cuck

Holy shit this is exactly what I was saying in Jan/Feb

>Chinks buy up some milk company, biscuit company, and several others
>It shuts shop a few months later because Australians boycott it

Expect Virgin to close down if they do buy it. The poor will just fly Tiger airways, and the wealthy will fly Qantas.

I have a feeling this will make people stop using the airline, it’s entire point of existence was that it was Australian owned and made.

I’m enjoying this new development, people around me are finally being racist out in the open. I like that people are being open to their hatred of all forms of yellow cunts. I like that people still remember to hate niggers, sandniggers and poos for starting gangs, being pedos and living off welfare.

Absolute best timeline in Aus, we just need to turn that hatred into ethnic genocide and we’ll be right.

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And our cucked leaders will let it happen

>Nooooooo you can't let Richard Brandson go bust
>You have to give him the public's money
>Otherwise CHINA!!!!!
Fuck off billionaire cunt.
No bail outs, only BUY OUTS.

I think whites are realizing that chinks all act together as a race and if whites don't do the same they're all fucked.

The coronavirus pandemic is the greatest argument for racism ever made.

If we'd all kept the chinks out in the first place it wouldn't have happened.

Then the chinks conspired to buy up every piece of PPE in the west and ship it back home to the motherland when they knew the pandemic was on its way. They were laughing about how fucked whites were in the stores as they were shipping it out.

And then the chinks are stripping stores bare of baby food and toilet paper like the locusts they are.

We've all been fucked hard by chinks and we need to learn fast to survive. Racism is good, racism helps us survive in a competition against other races, and they aren't going to lay down their arms.

Keep the CCP out

Not surprised. China's going to start buying up everything because everyone fucked themselves over a virus.

We need to cancel all of China's debt and seize all of their foreign assets NOW.

>it’s entire point of existence was that it was Australian owned and made
This. Imagine china buying qantas and changing it to Qi-gongtas

>They were laughing about how fucked whites were in the stores as they were shipping it out.

You're making shit up.

>chinese act together as a race

you realize chinese fuck eachother over on a daily basis right? toothless retard.

Go eat a bat, Chang

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Why can't Aussie government just tell the chinks to fuck off?

China has conquered the west with some really basic mental trickery

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>oi m8 ya got a blooday loicense ta go outsoide?
They deserve it.
Australia must become a hapa ethnostate by 2050, or it will not survive.

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