is there any hope left for the white race?
Is there any hope left for the white race?
No now fuck off
literally built for BMC
No because whites don’t even care about the white race. Just go live in your little life bubble and understand that things will get worse and prepare for that.
with the amount of fake blondes? no
god I would smear my cum all over her lips with my cock
Who the fuck cares? We're like 8% of the world or something (I could be way off)... Why does this matter to you? Just do you. You're gonna die one day.
Ironically this and when you guys die blacks and lazy spics die so that is good
Look, I've been a union contractor for over 20 years now and I have the experience to say just by looking at that picture without a doubt, in my expert professional opinion that, that woman was constructed in such a way that she conforms to the rigorous set of building codes and standards that make her not only legally but also judiciously built for BBC.
Yes, there is still time. Convert to judaism and we'll stop forcing diversity upon you.
>is there (stupid question)
>picture of some bitch
>1 post by this ID
Stop replying to these for the love of god.
Sorry I'm new and plastered. Whoops I did it again. Fuck.
>Convert to judaism and we'll stop forcing diversity upon you.
You promise?
Our word is our honor. Come home, Szabo.
Bro they like cut your wiener if you try to convert. It's pretty sick... Don't join the dark side.
synagogue of satan cannibal niggers
There is a reason they were hanging them even before Hitler gave them an excuse.
You don't like munch?
>ID: jEu
Go figure
thats a man
I have unrealistic hope that she will bounce on my dick.
Ah. So THAT is the plan. Thanks, moshe.
There's more whites on Earth now than has ever been in history and whites were always a global minority anyway, homeostasis is a thing.
Why didnt you say so earlier. If that's all it takes, I would've done so early on. You guys take Spaniards?
Slavs are the only ones still keeping the white race alive while you western cucks with your superioirty complex choke on black cock
Hands off my foreskin kike
For all of them no. We need to do what the ashkenazis did to the other jews in eastern europe to liberal whites. We need to manufacture false flags on liberal whites
Becoming a pacifist is destroying eveything great about being white. Its the combination of barbarity and intellect which no other race has that makes the term you invented to subvert us instead of using "gothic", germanic and celtic mean anything of value. Pacifism will make us devolve into asians.
So what the fuck is this! A grand gothic-vampiric conspiracy?
Ok brown
Judaism is islam now? Makes sense.
"Whites" make up 6% of the current world population.
It's literally over.
87 %
australians aren't white tho
>Muh pigskin
Just get over it.
>Muh shitskin
Enjoy your mud world.
Difference is we barely had foreigners in oir countries and racemixing was basically taboo.
Ok poopskin