Alright I've been resisting the Bill Gates conspiracy theories until I saw this shit...

Alright I've been resisting the Bill Gates conspiracy theories until I saw this shit. Microsoft has patented a body chip crypto currency device and the patent number is W02020060606.

World Order 2020 666.

I now believe every conspiracy theory and need to take my meds.

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Other urls found in this thread:!topic/alt.discordia/CytwWQicJ9k

Link to the patent:

And this

Through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates purchased 5.3 million Crown Castle shares. It’s the foundation’s second-largest tech holding next to Microsoft. At the time, those shares were valued at about $593.7 million.

Crown Castle is a real estate investment trust (REIT) that owns, operates, and leases out more than 40,000 cell towers, 65,000 small cell nodes (essential for 5G), and 75,000 route miles of fiber—in every major U.S. market.

Conspiracy theorists said 20+ years ago that this would happen and Bill Gates would be behind it... I can't believe it's really happening.


Let’s travel back to 1993

These days most people have heard of Microsoft Corporation, and its founder Bill Gates. The majority of computers in use today use Microsoft system software, and those that do not often run applications from Microsoft. However, few people know the true story behind the rise of Microsoft and even fewer suspect the terrible cosmic secrets that are concealed beneath the facade of a successful software company.

In the Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 Programmer's Reference there is a very curious term. On page 78, the second paragraph starts with the sentence, "In the aggregation model, this internal communication is achieved through coordination with a special instance of IUnknown interface known as the controlling unknown of the aggregate." The term "controlling unknown" is a very interesting choice of words. It is not the most intuitively obvious term for what it is describing (a base class used for implementing an object-oriented data exchange/embedding system).

A term strikingly similar to "controlling unknown" was the term "unknown superiors", used by many occult secret societies. These included the Strict Observance Masonic lodge, whose members were sometimes referred to as "illuminati", and which had some connection with Adam Weishaupt's order. "Unknown superiors" is a term that refers to non-corporeal or superhuman agencies in command of secret societies or mystery cults. Such an agency is frequently known as the "inner head" of an order of organisation, as opposed to the outer head, who is human.!topic/alt.discordia/CytwWQicJ9k

Buckle up boi.

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Yeah the devil Bill spending all his billions to save people from diseases.

Of course, if I was planning a terrible conspiracy I would expose all my evil plans on a publicly available website for everyone to see. Just so that if someone also plans to take over the world I can sue him because I had the idea first.

It's true. All of it.

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his daddy hanging out with the Astors and other powerful families gives enough reason to worry. I bet he didn't invent a single thing on his own and he's just the public face

Well.... I'm fucked speechless. In the documents the last pdf you can see dates going back to 2018 they were pushing for the patent. I mean... If this is a LARP its the god of parks to file a patent in a corporations name and then provide that many fucked documents... What the actual fuck man

Start by installing some FREEDOM on your computers and migrate away from winblows

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Yeah to hell with that faggit

I think the WO is a coincidence.
The 060606 is not.

Yeah well communications will be big in the future so its actually a good investment. U stupid?

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Wait until you connect all the dots. Just don't fall for the fake Jew dots.

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everything you fear is true

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horey shit it’s real

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Have you met my friend yet?

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they literally made a movie about him being evil and no one listened

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One big family

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a reptillian just flew over my house in a black helicopter trying to chip me for Bill Gates

Oh no who is that

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I am sure its nothing. Just a coincidence

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I don’t have a specific conspiracy that I’ve latched into, but these I’m a billionaire but I’m an everyday guy like you” types fucking sicken me. You are an evil fuck.

Eh looks like an activity band that you can gain points/cryptos by being active. I didnt see it mentioned that it would be an implant?

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We're all fucked. It's ogre

the 2020 666 part gets me too and microsoft just did that vid with the spirit cooking chick about VR to distract from Tom Hanks’s CGI/greenscreen appearance

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anyone recognize any of these names:

FU, Derrick; US
JOHNSON, Joseph Edwin, JR.; US
MINHAS, Sandip S.; US
CHEN, Wei-Chen Nicholas; US
HINOJOSA, Brianna L.; US
HOLMES, Danielle J.; US
SWAIN, Cassandra T.; US
WONG, Thomas S.; US
CHOI, Daniel; US
HWANG, William C.; US
WIGHT, Stephen A.; US
TRAN, Kimberly; US
PEREZ, Edgar; US

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nothing is a coincidence with elite fuckery

you'll love this one
Cast you eyes away brothers, this one is ebil.

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What a complete faggot. pic related

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take meds.

Gates is crypto-jewish


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fuck Bill Gates and fuck China
unless China was fucked by Bill Gates in which case sort of based but still Bill Gates must pay

nvm misunderstood you wtf to that vid

oopsie, he let the cat out of the bag and wants us to be connected to the AI.

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This is just too much, the fucking audacity. Send Seal Team Six to this motherfucker's bunker mansion and just fucking kill him.

>secret Microsoft conspiracy you learned from a press release


The ancient mages must rise up to cast out the serpent.

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