Would Russia side with NATO or China in case of a war breaking out?
Would Russia side with NATO or China in case of a war breaking out?
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They will side with the Good.
It will not be a war of axis and allies, but THE war of good and evil.
They'll side with the one where they can make most shekels.
Russia would stay out of it but they may snag Mongolia from a distracted China.
Most likely NATO.
I mean come on, they did side with Americans and British during WW2.
Don't forget China would probably invade Russia anyways to get some living space for their billion people.
Russia is the legal successor of the Golden Horde - it is equally hostile towards the West and China
Fair point, but USSR didn't side with western allies in WW2. First, Soviet Union had a deal with Nazis to split Eastern Europe and also invaded Poland in 1939 from east. The deal was betrayed by Nazis when they attacked USSR in 1941, so USSR just ended up fighting the same enemy as the western allies, and didn't really "side" with them.
They'll side with whoever their old satellite state Israel sides with.
first go neutral, maybe sell some shit to China, then side with NATO after they start winning
Based and profitpilled.
With japan for water supremacy
whichever side promises them the Ukraine and the Baltics back
so probably China
I imagine that after the war Poland will be where Germany used to be and Russia will start about five miles east of Cracow
>Can Russia and China ‘Synergize’ the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative?
>An Israeli Pivot to Eurasia?
>Israel’s Pivot to Eurasia
>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Iran oil sanctions and Russia's 'Nord Stream 2' pipeline into Germany]
>Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone
>Russia [and Israel] grows stronger in East Med while US looks for comfort
>Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country
>'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died
>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?
>What makes 5G so important for Trump and the US is that it is predicted to soon serve as the backbone for all critical infrastructure and is viewed by experts as having the potential to be as transformative for the world as the invention of electricity was in the 19th century
>Israeli-Chinese relations have also flourished in recent years and Beijing is today Israel’s biggest infrastructure partner, building roads, tunnels, ports, railroads and more in deals valued at tens of billions of shekels.
>We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well
WWIII will be between Germany & the US and Russia & China
you can screencap this
Lmao clearly Chinkland, Putin and Xi are not actually at each others throats like the West and POCCNR are. Chinks and Ivans want us dead
Russia should side with China to nuke the US and Europe out of existence
So everyone is competing for Israel's partnership basically
Fuck those jews
More like the Soviets and jewish oligarchs that founded Israel are either seeing the US falter and getting nostalgic, or completing the plan they started when they tricked everyone into thinking they didn't exist after the Wall came down.
Look into how Vladislav Surkov (allegedly) helps Putin avoid any real revolt, into Dugin's 'Foundations of Geopolitics', and remind yourself of Yuri Bezmenov - 'destabilization' doesn't just apply to using lefties.
>90% of the first Soviet government were Jewish
>Russia is home to arguably the *real* first jewish state, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
>USSR was the first to recognize Israel at the UN
>Socialist Zionists make up large majority of Israel's founders
>Including Mapam, 2nd most popular party for years, who openly praised Stalin and Mao
>And David Ben-Gurion himself who once famously said "I am a bolshevik"
>Large majority of Russian oligarchs are Jewish or Israeli dual citizens, and virtually all of them are *directly* tied to Chabad Lubavitch, who are the Trump family's (and his business partners, Felix Sater and Tevfik Arif's) religious organisation of choice
>Every single Israeli PM and most of the government are from Russian/ex-Soviet families
>To this day Russians make up the large majority of immigrants to Israel, and the waves were so extreme at one time that they caused a major housing crisis.
>Russia is openly lead (indefinitely) by an ex-KGB officer
Just to name a few of Russia's oligarchy. Also this is Felix Sater's father's boss
based retard
Nations vs Int.banks?
imagine being this brainwashed
that war was lost a long fucking time ago you dumb spic
Because NATO was created to confront Russia
Depends on the context and goal(s) of the war
>They will side with the Good.
I doubt that. Putin said he would reverse the collapse of the USSR if he could. He's literally a Jewish communist.
With chinks.
Russia is going to look out for Russia's best interest so they'll more than likely remain neutral
This, or take the opportunity to sit out a pointless, massively destructive modern war with the hope of being around as the adult in the room when the dust settles.
Russians love Chinks
>China tops list of Russia's most friendly countries: poll
Based strat.