>be chr*stian
>hate jews
>meanwhile worship jew on stick.
Why christcucks are so retarded?
Be chr*stian
Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. Jewish Christians and Christian Jews agree that God would choose a Jewess to breed with and that this would be his first choice. Christians believe that in order to bred a magical Messiah, the mother has to be Jewish.
nice try jidf
>let's just use 2012 fedora lingo like retard and not call out logical fallacies, that totally won't result in Yas Forums getting subverted by kikes like op at all
Another butthurt satanist that is angry that God forbids sodomy
>Be phoenician
>Steal identity of jews
Yeeeehaaaa =D
Simon Of Trent
Hello my fellow subversive "jew"
See you in the next thread
>Why christcucks are so retarded?
rhetorical question
see you christcuck
The jews hated him, murdered him and deny his existence...
>hE's A jEw tHo
BASED! Pray to [desert manua]!
he is though. and jews are proud of the fact that you worship a jewish rabbi
Fuck off vpn jew.
Seem more like the age-old tale of Jews destroying truth-speakers by using westerners (this case, the romans) to do their dirty work.
imagine being considered so retarded that opposing factions will not want you on their side because it would put supporters off.
kind of like the spastic kid on the bus no one wants to sit near.
>be p*gan
>hate whites
>meanwhile worship tranny Gods and like to suck muslim dicks
Why pagancucks are so retarded?
>can't say the name of God
>fears God's wrath
Whatever you say jewish gypsy.
cope harder gypsy
Based pagan sodomite
>projecting this much
lmao gypsy on damage control kek
this is like those "california dharma" people misunderstanding eastern religions like buddhism which is really a warrior religion
This. Kike on a stick is jewspeak because if they say God's name (Jesus) they have might pontaneously combust. And if they are lucky enough not to go up in flames they still can't call him God.
White european christian faithfuls are just people hopped up un sunk-cost fallacy
europeans did not need yahweh to instruct them to tie up fags and suffocate them face first in a bog
And this is why your country is poverty, gods light does not shine on godless gypsy filth.
>he knows absolutely nothing about the Knights Templars
>proceed to larp inna woods in camo claiming he is a Templar
>"the balkan route is le closed!"
>proceeds to disrespect his own prophets teachings that says that there is no jew or greek and that we must help foreigners
Imagine being such a pathetic cuck that you can only "try" to attack the messenger instead of the message. Oh I feel soo bad some filthy sodomites don't want me on their side because of optics. Whatever shlomo. As long as I'm considered good enough by your whore mother to fuck her, I'll be all right. I won't feel lonely because it is your mother's acidic vagina that is keeping me company.
KEK, yes my brother in faith, my country is poor not because of geo-political circumstances and the globalist machinations of the eternal kike and the eternal anglo.
My country is poor because ME don't accept le (((jewish desert manual))).
do you always think about gay sex so much?
>Why christcucks are so retarded?
Its one-third the innately human fear of death, one-third the tendency toward xenophilia and anti-tribalism of europeans and our predilection for idealizing the other, the novel, and the technological, and one-third the historically nomadic mercantile nature of semites.
Our interactions began as instances of simple bartering, and i believe, evolved and developed in size and scope over thousands of years into us eventually symbolically "buying" one of their race's immortality projects, at the cost of our own.
Nice cherry picked verses gypsy nigger.
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan
LOOOL, you are the synagogue of Satan you moron. you are the ones claiming that white people are the real jews. you are the ones larping as jews you fucking moron KEK
Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Matthew 23:34
“Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
Matthew 23:35
“That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
Pagan LARPers seething at the mere mention of their God and Saviour Jesus Christ