How YOU can fight against China

Use your power of your BWC. This is Xi Jinping's daughter. She attends Harvard University. It should be every user's mission here to make her worship at the altar of the BWC. Extra points for creampies and ass to mouth

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I got a better idea.

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vely nice cankres

>This is Xi Jinping's daughter. She attends Harvard University.
why the fuck do we allow this?

Anons are not going to be able to tell her apart from the rest of the chinks

Leave the guys daughter out of it. If you don't like him, whatever but she hasn't done anything wrong. Kids aren't responsible for a parents actions. Sins of the father and all that. Harass some niggers or something productive.

Why would the jannies quickly delete thread like this while leaving obvious (((what's up white boi))) bait thread unscathed?

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Theres sure been a lot of hardcore anti chinese shilling going on the last few days (china arguably being the only political entity srong enough to resist COMPLETE jewish/American hegemony. These threads are trying to force a meme. Very suspicious desu

Inb4 chink

Her ankles are disgusting. And her feet are big like bigfoot.

Jannies delete this thread in 3 2 1
Cant have anything negative about the emperor of chaina

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Upper class Chinese are the most degenerate animals I've ever had the misfortune of laying eyes on

> inb4 chink

No, you're a fucking retarded leaf.

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Id fuck her all day, all night.

We need hentai of this slut being fucked by horses YESTERDAY DAMMIT. WHERES THE RULE34 LADS HURRY IT UP



Daily reminder a frogposter got trips whilst invoking kek in the shoahed thread yesterday. It is literally Kek's will that we turn Xi Mingze and Peng Liyuan into rule34 icon wh0res like 2B and princess peach

Based Xi Jinping family porn thread

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This. No doubt she is fucking white Bois. If I can't have her I will fuck every Asian girl til they never go without a white boi ever again.

Literally only a chink would be against this. Not even just a chink but a CCP 50 cent army Chink. You can't stop the fappening Chong. Kek has made his decree, before the end of 2020 millions will fap to Xi's wife and daughter being gangbanged by Caucasian Ogres

yeesh, why is she all swollen at 20ish


>china arguably being the only political entity srong enough to resist COMPLETE jewish
get a load of this goy

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Imagine her womb slurpin on a fat white penis

her legs

>use the power of muh dick
Real nigger logic there

This but unironically

This is a 4Channel and Yas Forums wide movement to make SHIT TONS of Rule34 porn of Xi Jinpings daughter getting railed. China unleashed a killer virus, ruined our society, put our loved ones at risk and tanked our economy. It's only natural that we desecrate the Chinese presidents whore wife and daughter. Chinkoids may be soulless unfeeling bugmen but if there's one thing that triggers them it's shame. What better way to fucking humiliate the chinks than to turn their ruling family into HENTAI ICONS?

Please spread this message EVERYWHERE YOU CAN. If we are to be in quarantine we shall spend it fapping to Winnie the Poos slutty daughter! HAIL VICTORY FUCK THE DAUGHTER OF XI

God damn these are some epic fucking cankles holy shit! Are we sure she doesn't have a condition?

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Shut the fuck up, gook.

I'm stuck on this planet with a bunch of fucking retards

In your head this movement. In reality most are thinking about other things yes

Literally who? Why is this gook being posted all over pol all of a sudden? Can I get a quick rundown.

Xi Jinping's daughter is irrelevant to whatever beef you have with China.
It's exactly like calling Baron Trump an autistic dweeb because you don't like his father.

this is a 10 in ching chong land

Do you think Xi inspects her hymen when she goes back to China after studying abroad?

Absolutely seething! Probably a chink in Brussels on a golden visa KEK. XI mingse will be wrestled and mating pressed by big white penis and millions of men around the planet will see it. Kek has spoken

kys meme flag

Fuck you, chankoro scum deserve everything bad that happens to them.
I hope this commie bitch gets raped and disemboweled, just for the crime of being a worthless fucking communist chankoro.

thats the funniest shit i heard all day. I would love to see that just for the laughs. God i hate chinas commiefag goverment

Impregnation is the goal. Extra points if she carries teh babby to term and raises it as her number one son.

I heard his milf wife Peng Liyuan likes to fuck farm animals... heavens knows what the daughter is up to

You know why.

holy shit. Im right next to her and had no idea. thanks for the info user. very interesting .

Black guy here. Godspeed white dudes. Winnie the pooh must pay, my girlfriends dad nearly died from covid and it pissed me off

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your point?

Based hiroshimoot and the tyranny jannies can't stop us

anyone have any insight on how many active bodyuards she would have at once?

the low-iq are happy to go along with it
this is why we always lose

at the end of the day, we know who is really responsible

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in minecraft of course?

t. Koreaboo chink