There are unironic monarchists on this website.
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There's a lot of fucking retards here, dude. What can you say. I mostly just come here because it's one of the only websites where large amounts of political censorship isn't rampant, and free speech _ MOSTLY _ reigns supreme
A Benevolent Monarch will empower and unite a country in ways no other political systems can as it bypasses all the checks and balances most systems get bogged down in. The only reason it isn't a reigning ideology and has been all but eliminated is the 'Benevolent' parts eventually gets phased out and the country implodes.
As your King-in-exile I command you to go a-viking upon the land of Sweden, cleanse it of muslims and their ilk, and stop complaining about monarchy, it makes you sound lame.
>mfw there are feds monitoring this thread
Imagine not being a monarchist
I believe in perpetual change but recognise that there is no eternal progress. Politically we need to wrap back round and go through it all again fairly soon.
If a state must exist, then monarchy is better than democracy. Privately owned government tends to have lower time preference, lower taxation and more productivity than publicly owned democratic government.
Let me explain something to you about how human society actually works.
1) There is always an aristocracy.
Even in supposedly "democratic" countries there is a small group of elite interests who are imposing their will upon the population through media and money power. All societies have a ruling class. The issue with a "democracy" is that this ruling class is often constituted by foreign or money interests, who have no loyalty to the host population. You are being ruled by people who don't care about you, or even who hate you.
2) There is always a trial-by-fire for who gets into the aristocracy
In the old days, if you performed heroic deeds for the kingdom, you could be granted a title of nobility. Slowly through political maneuvering and tests of loyalty, you could improve your family name until you became a high noble. This was the trial-by-fire that people went through to reach these positions of status. These days, the trial-by-fire is whoever can make the most money in the economy. So you often have complete psychopaths, foreigners, or just greedy assholes achieving nobility and dominating the society. If you want to know who rules you, check the Forbes 400 list.
3) The monarch is not an absolute dictator
The monarch represents a moral guide for the nation, but also is the decider-of-last-resort on political matters. If the Senate is about to pass something immensely stupid, or a lord goes out of control, the monarch is there to set things right. The monarch's fate is intricately tied to the fate of his nation, he has bloodlines that go back a thousand years. He has a direct interest in his nation's success.
4) A monarchy can make harsh decisions that a democracy cannot
People are easily swayed by emotional reasoning. An aristocracy not so much.
this board is a clusterfuck thats the beauty of it
>Imma let you finish inna minute
>but all monarchs are one person of all time
Let me explain how your post is nonsense.
A monarch won't stab their own country in the back.
Since a monarch is in power for life, they will be better able to pursue long-term goals and they will be dissuaded from sacrificing the future for the present since they will be held accountable in the future.
In america, our presidents can only really pursue things that will be accomplished in 8 years or less.
There is also a problem of sacrificing long-term prosperity for short-term gains.
It would be political suicide to spend effort/money now on a long term goal only to have something good happen when the other party is in power and have the credit go to them.
A monarchy is in some ways an antidote to subversion and shortsightedness.
i'm a satanist ancap unironically
How can you not miss a monarch who could wage war to the perfidious english oversea while dismantling the habsbourg empire?
Yes, I'm one of them filthy subversive "jew"
the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us.
On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications
for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force
Oh, look, another user who thinks the pictures in their heads are real and universally true.
Also monarchs in generaly had wayyyy less power than most people assume. In theory they own the entire territory but in practice power was heavily divied up. Most people didnt care about anything aside from the leader of their local town or city
Because democracy always degenerates into ochlocracy (in case if there are no property or educational qualification standards for the suffrage)
6. The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one
and only defense and foster-mother for the sake of their own advantage which is
inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction
of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grinding
scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers.
And furthermore, private property tends to be more emphasized under monarchies. In democracies more and more property gets taken by the government in the name of the "public good"
I'm not saying there are no downsides or risks.
Just look at some of the big companies that get run into the ground once the founder dies and the business gets taken over by their kids or a revolving door of CEOs.
The kids taking over is akin to monarchy and the revolving door is akin to our democracy.
At least with a monarchy, when the 1 out of 100 good leader gets in power then their impact is maximized.
I'm an unironic Nazbol. Redpilled on JQ, demographics and socialist economics.
This. Monarchy, at its best, outperforms all other governing systems
Nothing is guaranteed, not your 1 percent of some nigger's fambly, not any impact, no doors or even kids.
Why are you retarded? You have to be over 18 to post here.
It's apart of our culture and history. It's just more based fascism
with a monarch you can just revolt and blame them solely for everything, send em to the guillotine and when they're gone everyone is happy for a bit. It's impossible to route out corruption in a democracy, theres too many people involved and you can't nail them all.
and at least when a monarchy fails it tends to affect mostly the monarch and their family
democracy doesn't really "fail", they just pass the debts onto the next generation to deal with and just creating more and more problems down the line. monarchies may more obviously fail but the long term impacts are less severe.
meanwhile look at democracies in the west, the more they go on, debt and forced integration just goes higher and higher and higher.
>A Benevolent Monarch
Too bad the ones we're stuck with are globohomos who attend bilderberger meetings and flaunt Agenda 2030 pins while doing public shit during the Kung Flu crisis.
thats because they are monarchs in symbol only and dont have any actual power
if they actually did have responsibility for their countries they would not be doing this
Pic related is monarchypill