i can't afford food anymore bros. it was nice knowing ya, guess I'll starve to death
I can't afford food anymore bros. it was nice knowing ya, guess I'll starve to death
didnt know there are computers in greece
why wouldn't there be
There aren't. Ops Turkish and brought his roachbook with him.
Do they not have food pantries or food banks over there?
Besides, you can survive like 2 weeks without food.
Try the migrant camp
debnts, mainly. you should have paid them
nope, the government shut those down.
there are no jobs and everyone is corrupt
Do you have a phat ass like most greeks?
im too white unfortunately to pass as a migrant
no we steal other people's money and then piss on their graves thats our whole thing
Go to other EU country and beg for gibs
Haven't you got olive trees in your garden?
>t. homosexual
Yet you have a phone or computer to post on
Just take some from the supermarket. Corporate policy is to not stop shoplifters
well, not paying debnts and pissing on graves doesnt seem to work... you broke ass mother fucker.
maybe if you paid your debnts, didnt piss on graves and didnt take it up the ass youd be able to feed yourself.
but that would be difficult.
Snake diet. Just buy some salt and your body and eat your fat while you save up
Youre welcome
How about fishing?
>live in an archipelago
>can't fish
If you trust in God, you don't have to worry about it.
He will carry you.
Go to supermarket eat the food in the shop.. steal as well.
If you were to go to prison they have to feed you there.
a greek with no money. what a suprise
we're still gonna piss on yo graves and steal your moneys cuz it's fun ololo
true. I'll do that. better in prison than out here
but youre starving and i will out live you. further, unironically, seeing as i am well fed, and as a result am able to produce not only faeces, but literal steaming stinking mountains of man poop, i will poop on your grave, the grave of your homosexual father, the grave of the non homosex uncle no one talks about, your homosex village, from the peleponese, to athens, from the depths of hades to the summit of olympus, and once i am done, once i have wrested the last crumb of non pajeet bottom pebbles from my worn out and ablated sphincter, i will cry in a voice so hoarse to be that of a raven, but full bodied like an after grog bog
then ill go the pub, because youll be dead
trap some pigeons
>i will out live you
yes congrats here is the trophy of out livelyhood. pat pat user
>i will shit on your grave
hahahaha implying there's ever gonna be a grave for me
all this piss and shit on your family's graves all these centuries got u talking nonsense fampai
Just wring out your pillow case, there'll be enough grease to sustain you for a month
says the literal fucking amerilard HAHAAHHAAHAH
Keep seething you half turk mutt
OK. Bye.
eat ass
There is food everywhere. Go to a chain supermarket in the evening, fill a bag and run. Do it today, it will get harder if you haven't eaten. Take a friend to do the same thing and split up. If you get arrested be honest, not many magistrates will convict theft for survival. Good luck.
>Keep seething you half turk mutt
yeah, i got food for about 3-4 days more. once it runs out im thinking just go to the store fill my bags and walk out normally. even if the store employees tell me off they have no right to even so much as touch me. if the police arrest me, they'll let me go, then I'll steal again again until i end up in prison. at least I'll have food there